And there you were перевод на испанский
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She called me to help her, and there you were in the rain holding hands with my fiancée.
Ella me llamó para que la ayudara. Y allí estabas. Bajo la lluvia.
You said you were gonna there for him, and you're gonna be there for him.
Dijiste que estarías ahí para él, y vas a estar ahí para él.
That car we found was left across from the container yards, and some of those containers were green, and I'll bet you it would be pretty damn dark in there if you got shut in one.
El coche que encontramos fue abandonado al lado de los contenedores del muelle, y algunos de esos contenedores eran verdes, y apuesto a que debería estar jodidamente oscuro ahí si te quedas encerrado en uno.
She opened the door in the alley and let me and my buddy into the show, and it dawned on me she probably thought we were there to see her, but we were there for you.
Abrió la puerta en el callejón y yo y mi amigo deje en el espectáculo, y me di cuenta de ella probablemente pensó estábamos allí para verla, pero estábamos allí para usted.
So great to see you, and you were awesome out there.
Así que bueno verte, y usted era impresionante por ahí.
You know, when Daniel suggested that you join us for this interview, I asked him if there were wedding bells in the offing, and he said I should ask you directly.
Cuando Daniel nos sugirió que participaras de la entrevista, le pregunté si había campanas de boda en el horizonte, y me dijo que te lo preguntara a ti directamente.
"Then you were there, with your love and your death." Pause.
"Entonces estabas allí, con tu amor y tu muerte." Pausa ".
It was clear there were no systems, not even really mathematical constructs, where you could capture the information, make sense of it and then turn around and create actions across hundreds of millions of people simultaneously.
Estaba claro que no había sistemas, ni siquiera realmente construcciones matemáticas, donde se puede capturar la información, darle sentido y luego dar la vuelta y crear acciones a través de cientos de millones de personas simultáneamente.
And I've been here longer than any of you, and in all those years, there's been maybe 20 apprentices die, and only two of them were accidents.
Y yo he estado aquí más tiempo que cualquiera de vosotras, y es todos esos años, ha habido quizá veinte aprendices muertos, y solo dos fueron accidentes.
It's bigger than your mother's womb and you were in there till you were 15.
Es más grande que el vientre de tu madre y estuviste allí hasta los 15 años.
JANET : Now, during the election, uh, - ( CLEARS THROAT ) - there were reports of screaming matches with you and your ex-husband Andrew and suggestions that the smiles and shows of affection were all faked for the camera.
Bien, durante las elecciones, hubo noticias de discusiones a gritos entre usted y su ex-marido Andrew e insinuaciones de que las sonrisas y las muestras de afecto eran fingidas para las cámaras.
I almost felt like you guys were having a tournament up there, going back and forth. Man, you all going to freak?
Casi me sentí como que ustedes estaban teniendo un torneo ahí arriba, yendo y viniendo. ¿ Viejo nos quieren asustar a todos?
You were gonna wait and tell her after we had already been living there for six months?
¿ Ibas a esperar para decírselo después de que lleváramos seis meses viviendo allí?
You weren't there, and you keep acting like you were, but you weren't, and it wasn't your experience!
No estabas allí, y sigues actuando como si hubieras estado pero no estabas, y no fue tu experiencia!
Because we also accessed her email account, and there were a couple of exchanges where you seemed upset, asking where she was going, who she was with.
Porque también accedimos a su cuenta de correo electrónico, y había un par de respuestas donde usted parecía disgustado, preguntando adónde iba, con quién estaba.
That was a lot longer than I expected, and, you know, there were some big bumps in that meal.
Eso fue mucho más tiempo de lo que esperaba, y, ya sabes, había algunos grandes golpes en esa comida.
Newton realised there were certain problems, mostly motion and falling objects, that you just couldn't solve with the classical mathematics.
Newton se dio cuenta hubo ciertos problemas, sobre todo el movimiento y la caída de objetos, que usted no puede resolver con las matemáticas clásicas.
How do you think those guys were feeling that day when... I mean, they've been, they've been searching for a little while and to finally, to finally come across what was, you know, there by the riverbed...?
¿ Cómo crees que se sentían esos tipos ahí fuera cuando, o sea, habían buscado por un tiempo y finalmente encontrarse, lo que estaba justo en el río?
Well, you know, I'll tell you, they were bored, not bored, but they had, they had no success up to that point and, boom, they come around that log jam and there's this big hair-covered creature standing there, Yeah.
Si, bueno.
Now, as you can see, there were only two carts on the 14th hole... you and Judge Dinsdale in cart number 43 and Mr. Infeld and Mr. Hughes in cart number 26.
Pero, como puedes ver, solo había dos cochecitos en el hoyo 14... tú y el Juez Dinsdale en el coche número 43 y el Sr. Infeld y el Sr. Hughes en el coche número 26.
But remember that whole thing that we talked about where I wasn't accusing you of being there, and if you were there you shouldn't be?
Pero ¿ te acuerdas de esa cosa de la que hablamos donde no te estaba acusando de estar allí, y de que si estabas allí no deberías?
I believe you and I were meant to walk out of there together.
Creo que estábamos destinados a salir de allí juntos.
Their board of directors does not give a damn about Edgehill Records, and until they name a new president, there's nobody there for me or you to yell at. ( Doorbell rings ) I mean, if it were up to me,
Mira, que esto quede entre nosotros, solo hasta que hable con las niñas, ¿ vale? Te amo.
There's no openings, Mike, and even if there were, I got a hundred guys standing in line that are just like you, Only they won't bitch when their back hurts.
No sale nada nuevo, Mike, y aunque así fuera, tengo a un centenar de típos por delante que están como tú, solo que ellos no se quejarán de que les duele la espalda.
I was expecting to come in to me. I know that there were failures in recent times, errors and omissions, which is unusual for you.
Esperaba que vinieras a verme, sé que últimamente has incurrido en negligencias, en confusiones impropias de ti.
I mean, thank God you were there, obviously, but I am so embarrassed and...
Quiero decir, gracias a Dios que estabas ahí pero estoy tan avergonzado...
You can see there are grooves on the teeth and the ridges. So what were they eating with these teeth?
Justo aquí detrás mío hay un colmillo de mastodonte que están excavando.
It wasn't just Adeline and Emmeline, there were three of you.
No era sólo Adeline y Emmeline, hubo tres de ustedes.
And at night, when I was alone... and scared... you were always there.
Y por la noche, cuando estaba sola... y asustada... tú siempre estabas ahí.
[Amy] I mean, I feel like we've gotten past so many big hurdles, you know, it's like we had all the shots and then, you know, it was, were we going to get any, Were there going to be any fetuses out of it, and then was it going to implant properly and... whatever...
Siento que dejamos atrás tantos obstáculos, ya saben, dejamos atrás las inyecciones y luego, ya saben, nos iban a dar... lo que sea.
World went to hell while you were gone. I've got sniper slugs in my living room, and the Duck man found a rat in his lab, and, uh, there's a terrorist named Parsa who...
Tengo balas de francotirador en mi sala de estar y Duck encontró a un traidor en su laboratorio y... hay un terrorista llamado Parsa que...
About me and Austin... there is something more, you were right.
Sobre mi y Austin. Hay algo más, tenías razón.
Because I think you were out, you know, talking to people, which isn't a problem, there's nothing wrong with that, but... but then you can't expect to just come in at the last minute and still get a spot.
Porque creo que estabas afuera, sabes, hablando con la gente, lo que no es ningún problema, no hay nada malo en ello, pero... después no puedes esperar entrar en el último minuto y todavía tener un sitio.
So your son's a Marine like you were and he's taken and we know there's a plan.
Así que tu hijo es un marine como tú lo eras y es capturado y sabemos que hay un plan.
Is for the fire alarm to go off and then the sprinklers turn on and everybody's rushing in, and they're like, "what were you guys doing in there?"
Es por la alarma de fuego que se apago y los aspersores se enciendan y todo el mundo esté corriendo, y estén como, "chicos, ¿ qué estábais haciendo allí?"
I'm sure there were even some people in the building who stood up for Captain Hill, people who had the simple strength of character to turn to the fraction of a human in the seat next to them and say, " How many different kinds of disgusting do you have to be
Estoy seguro de que incluso había algunas personas en ese edificio que apoyaban al Capitán Hill, personas que tenían la simple fuerza de personalidad para volverse hacia la fracción de humanos sentados a su lado y decir, " ¿ Cuántas maneras distintas de desagradable tienes que ser
They give you better traction to zip around the room. And then there were some parts that were squeaking, so I got some WD-40 and here I am.
Te dan mejor tracción para moverte en la oficina y luego había algunas partes que estaban rechinando, así que conseguí WD-40 y aquí estoy.
They were there'cause they spotted us filming the engineers and I pulled him out from under the bed forcibly and his spine ended up stopping a bullet that was plainly gonna hit me, so it's obviously something I'm gonna remember, but... You know...
Estaban allí porque nos vieron filmando a los ingenieros y yo lo saqué de debajo de la cama a la fuerza y su médula acabó parando una bala que claramente iba a alcanzarme, así que es algo que, obviamente, voy a recordar, pero... sabes...
There's very few things I fear besides my father and my dentist, but you just felt like you were being watched.
Hay pocas cosas que me dan miedo, además de mi padre y de mi dentista pero sentía que me estaban observado.
- If you walked in one day and you went to your kids'school and there were 500 kids listening to your kid you'd think you had-
"Ohhh, mierda". - Gracias. - Mira eso.
Were you eating pizza and drinking beer up there?
¿ Has estado comiendo pizza y bebiendo cerveza ahí arriba?
I mean, I don't know if you were paying attention, but I was down there with a bunch of guns in my face, and Cabral was very clear,.
Es decir, no sé si estabas prestando atención, pero estaba allí con un puñado de armas en la cara, y Cabral fue muy claro.
There's always, like, maybe they were born bad, and then you had horrible incidents occur that sort of kept them down that path.
Tal vez hayan nacido siendo malos y luego les han pasado cosas horribles que les hicieron seguir ese camino.
You may have noticed there were a lot of blowouts, OK, and I must say, I feel rather sorry for Pirelli.
Usted puede haber notado que había una gran cantidad de explosiones, OK, y tengo que decir, Me siento un poco mal por Pirelli.
And you'll be laughed out of there the same way you were laughed out of here.
Y te echarán de allí como te echaron de aquí.
That's really lovely, and I'm sure, if there were more time, you might become someone that I could be in love with.
Eso es muy dulce, y estoy segura, de que si hubiera más tiempo, te convertirías en alguien de quien me pueda enamorar.
And I'm asking you, other than the cooked tape, Mrs. Lincoln, were there any holes in the story?
Y te pregunto, además de la cinta cocinada, Don ¿ había otros problemas en la historia?
And you were there for...
Y estabais allí por...
Wait. You were there and you didn't wake me up?
Espera. ¿ Estabas allí y no me despertaste?
Because while Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer.
Porque mientras Scott y Stiles estaban ahí fuera tratando de evitar que la gente fuera asesinada, tú estabas aquí, revolcándote en las sábanas con la verdadera asesina.
There's no cell reception out here, and remember, I made it safe for you here, but I wouldn't go outside if I were you.
No hay cobertura aquí, y recuerda, hice esto seguro para ti, pero no saldría fuera si fuera tú.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
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and there i was 26
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and there you have it 52
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and there it is 180
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and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there you were 26
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there you were 26
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you weren't wrong 17
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were gone 87
you were incredible 39
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you weren't wrong 17