And there he is перевод на испанский
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And there he is!
¡ Y ahí está!
And there he is.
Y ahí está.
It's as if a cloud moves away and there he is.
Es como si se apartara una nube y apareciera él.
He had a pretty good life up there, that is, until you went and fouled babe's grave site.
Tenía una buena vida allí, Eso hasta que ustedes perturbaron la tumba de bebé.
There he is, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Drag Racing himself, Don "The Snake" Prudhomme.
Allí está, señoras y señores, el Sr. Arrancones, Don "La Serpiente" Prudhomme.
And as I turned, I said, "There he is right there."
Y al volverme, le dije : "Allí está".
And Maureen goes, she said, "There he is."
Y Maureen dijo : "Allí está".
As usual, Michael is so focused and determined, he ignores the initial signs of there being a problem, because he's so focused on completing BUD / S and getting through that it gets worse until eventually he can't walk and they have to cut him out of his boots and his clothing.
Como siempre, Michael está tan concentrado y determinado que ignora las primeras señales de un problema, porque está tan concentrado en completar BUD / S que todo empeora hasta que eventualmente no puede caminar y tienen que cortarle la ropa y las botas.
They close down the Belt Parkway and there is a New York City police officer who salutes Michael as he goes by.
Cerraron la Belt Parkway y hay un oficial de policía de Nueva York que saluda a Michael al pasar.
And on the other side, there are no means know who he is.
Y del otro lado, no hay ninguna manera de saber quién es ahora.
He traveled to a conference in Oslo and then made these allegations that two State Department officials had been on the airplane to follow him, but there is no proof.
Viajo a una conferencia en Oslo y luego hizo estas acusaciones de que dos funcionarios del Departamento de Estado habia estado en el avion que lo siguiera, pero no hay ninguna prueba.
then one day he is unchained and he realizes there were bodies casting the shadows and voices making the echoes
Entonces algún día libre y tomó nota de que hay cuerpos, arrojando la sombra, y las voces que hacen que los ecos.
And, yeah, he will drive you all mad, but in terms of raw talent and right stuff, there is no better driver in the world.
Y, sí, él lo lleve todos locos, pero en términos de prima talento y material adecuado, no hay mejor piloto del mundo.
And, um, I had a friend who went with his Geiger counter, and these hippies were there soaking in the baths and he got out his Geiger counter and said, "You know, this is radioactive."
Un amigo mío fue allí con un contador Geiger. Había allí unos hippies bañándose. Sacó el contador Geiger y dijo :
He was infected. And if there is a cure for it there, we'll get him back.
- Cuando salga la cura, vamos a recuperarlo.
And there is something up with him because he is scary now.
Y algo le pasa, porque ahora está asustado.
What I've done is start to travel around a bit here and there and, umm, stop in on a few old girlfriends...
Lo que he hecho es y, umm, hacer una parada con algunas antiguas novias...
And, presumably, if it were to be revealed in open court that Emir informed on his father and worse, that he's now in a position to provide the Security Services with invaluable information, there is a strong probability that his life would be in danger?
Seguramente, si se diera a conocer en un tribunal abierto que Emir informó sobre su padre y, peor aún, que está en condiciones de brindar más información a los Servicios Secretos con información invaluable, hay una gran probabilidad de que su vida corra peligro.
and I've waited for that day but I wake up with this anger and the pain won't let me be and the smile I share is only there for show if I hang on to this heartache then my soul will not be free
* Bueno, he hecho caso * * y he esperado ese día * * Pero me despierto con esta ira * * y el dolor no me deja en paz * * Y la sonrisa que comparto * * solo es parte del espectáculo *
- There's just something magical about that particular strip where it really is just looking at the world afresh and I imagine that's what Bill Watterson must have felt like when he finished that last strip ;
Hay algo mà ¡ gico sobre esa tira cà ³ mica en particular donde realmente sà ³ lo mira el mundo nuevamente. Imaginaba lo que Bill Watterson debià ³ haber sentido cuando terminà ³ esta última.
- Right now, at the house, there is an acquaintance of Elise's and mine, and he's talking to Josh.
- Ahora, en la casa esta un conocido de Elise y mio hablando con Josh.
Something I've always kinda wondered is, is it the same guy I'm talking to every week or there's a few of you and you switch off, or... how does that all work?
Siempre me he preguntado si cada semana hablo con el mismo sujeto o si son unos cuantos y se turnan, o... ¿ Cómo funciona?
If his mobility is as limited as it seems, and, you know, with those attacks, then there's no way he could have done it, you know?
Si su movilidad es tan limitada como parece, y con esos ataques, es imposible que lo haya hecho.
And I think he is going to stay there for along, long time.
Y creo que se quedará bastante tiempo.
Should he be found guilty, he will be led through the public squares to the Palace of Justice and there be burned so that he dies..... and his body is separated from his soul.
De ser encontrado culpable, será conducido a través de las plazas públicas al Palacio de Justicia y allí será quemado hasta morir... y su cuerpo se separe de su alma...
But there is someone here named Highway Harry, and he is dead.
Pero hay alguien aquí llamado Harry Highway, y está muerto.
But, of course, there is a security he sees, hears and speaks.
Pero, claro, hay un cuerpo de seguridad que ve, que oye y que habla.
Dad, you have to talk to Jack Shepard. There's a problem. He broke his arm and Megan is insisting that she rides in the race.
Papá, tienes que hablar con Jack Shepard, hay un problema, se rompió el brazo y Megan insiste en que quiere participar en la carrera.
The sky is unusually blue and clear today and there is a Strange feeling of calm in every room he entered.
El cielo es inusualmente azul y despejado hoy y hay un extraño sentimiento de calma en cada habitación a la que entro.
That is Jeff, and of course as he was mentioning there are many factors here that need to be taken into consideration...
Es Jeff, Y, por supuesto, así que decidio mencionar que hay muchos factores aquí. Que deben ser tomados en consideración.
There was a presentation today and he revealed that the name of the car is Howard, and I had a big problem with that. Yeah.
Bill is out there and he could be coming for us.
Bill está ahí afuera y puede venir por nosotros.
And there is a law, natural and indisputable which says that a body thrown vacuum is drawn down, He began to fall, 8th floor, 7th floor...
Y como hay una ley, natural e indiscutible que dice que un cuerpo lanzado al vacío es atraído hacia abajo, comenzó a caer,
When you feel that kind of thing... he puts on the head... and there is no desire for anything more.
Cuando se siente ese tipo de cosas... se le mete en la cabeza... y no se tiene más ganas de nada.
I mean, Rizzo's accountant is out there for the taking. And Stumpy is tied up in Chicago and doesn't look like he'll be able to make the wedding, let alone a bachelor party, so...
Vamos, el contable de Rizzo está ahí fuera esperando. Y Stumpy está liado en Chicago y parece que no va a poder venir a la boda, por no hablar de una despedida de soltero, así que...
I'm going to have to walk in there, look those people in the eye, and admit that the person I've been chasing the past year is my own brother-in-law?
Voy a tener que caminar por allí. Mirar a esas personas a los ojos, y admitir que la persona a la que he estado persiguiendo el último año ¿ es mi propio cuñado?
I was living in Laurel Canyon, and I went to the country store, which is exactly the same now. And someone I vaguely knew was there. He said, "Well, what are you up to?"
Vivía en Laurel Canyon y fui a la tienda de la zona, que ahora está exactamente igual y alguien que apenas conocía me dijo : "¿ En qué andas?"
There's a woman he grew up with and married saying her son is his.
La mujer con la que creció y se casó dice que él es su hijo.
Well, my month here is almost over, and, well, I wanted to tell all of you that I've come to know Tickle Head as, well, tiny, lacking gourmet restaurants, no offense, Joe, but there's something very special here, very rare.
Bueno, mi mes aquí casi finaliza, y, bueno, quería decirles a todos que he venido conociendo a Tickle Head como, bueno, mínimo, sin buenos restaurantes, no trato de ofender, Joe, pero hay algo muy especial aquí, algo muy particular.
Yes, and there he stood. Ready for great deeds. To show the world what is a true hero.
Y él se puso en pie, preparado para grandes gastas, y para demostrar al mundo lo que de verdad es un héroe.
He cannot have been dead longer than ten hours and yet there is mortis.
No puede llevar muerto más de diez horas y aun así hay rigor mortis.
I say just be there for him and he'll tell you when the time is right.
Solo acompáñalo y él te lo dirá Cuando el momento sea el correcto.
And he is still standing there.
Y aún está parado ahí.
there is little that is just, and the only things I've seen that are lasting are conflict, blackmail, and killing. "
Muy pocas cosas son justas, y las únicas cosas que he comprobado que son duraderas son el conflicto, el chantaje y el asesinato.
My plot is I got a monster out there and he has to be destroyed!
¡ Mi argumento es que tengo un monstruo por ahí y tiene que ser destruido!
Martin Scorsese is out there, you know, proclaiming the love of film and all this, but in actual fact, everybody knows that in Scorsese's back closet he's got a lot of videos that are just a hot mess.
Martin Scorsese está ahí fuera, ya sabes, proclamando el amor por el cine y todo esto, pero en realidad, todo el mundo sabe que en el armario de Scorsese hay una gran cantidad de videos que son simplemente incontables.
Jason is still out there... and maybe... just maybe... he's closer than you think.
Jason está suelto... Y quizás esté más cerca de lo que piensa.
Look, I've heard pretty much everything there is to hear... and, uh, I've got to say... you're taking it, you're tearing it apart in your hands, man.
Mira, yo he escuchado casi todo lo que hay que oír... y, uh, tengo que decir... usted está tomando, estás destrozarlo en sus manos, el hombre.
- I couldn't say... Henrik is... He came by my workplace and he's like, "Hey there, you big pussy!"
- No sabría decirte Henrik es Henrik fue a mi trabajo y me dijo algo así como, "¡ qué onda, gran marica!"
And there is no doubt that he was clear and direct with me.
Y no hay duda de que fue claro y directo conmigo.
Because I've seen every runaway bride movie that there is, and I know that when the bride runs away, it's never because of a random kiss, all right?
Porque he visto todas las películas de novias a la fuga que existen, y sé que cuando una novia se fuga, nunca es un un beso al azar, ¿ de acuerdo?
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
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and there it was 64
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and there you have it 52
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