Beautiful wife перевод на испанский
1,148 параллельный перевод
How tragic. Dying and leaving behind such a beautiful Wife.
¡ Qué triste es morirse y dejar así a una mujer tan bella!
Beautiful wife and sister!
¡ Hermosa y hermana!
You're healthy. You have a beautiful wife. Your work is going well.
Estás sano, tienes una bella esposa, te va bien en el trabajo.
Once for not showing up, and once for having such a beautiful wife.
Una por no presentarse y la otra por tener una mujer tan hermosa.
They say the Instanbuler has sent his beautiful wife to the manager.
Dicen que el Instanbuler ha enviado a su preciosa mujer a hablar con el gerente.
You've got beautiful wife.
Tienes una bella mujer.
You have a beautiful wife, you know.
Tienes un mujer guapa.
I got a wonderful, beautiful wife.
Una maravillosa esposa.
You have a beautiful wife.
- ¿ Ya basta, no? - ¿ De qué?
And I would especially like to thank the beautiful wife of your owner, Mrs. Eleanor Greeley,
Y las gracias en especial a la esposa del dueño, la Sra. Eleanor Greeley...
Mr. Horn, may I have this dance with your beautiful wife?
Sr. Horn, ¿ me permite bailar esta pieza con su hermosa esposa?
Such horrible news he could not survive, for his beautiful wife had been buried alive.
Con tales noticias horribles él no podría sobrevivir, Por que su hermosa esposa había estado enterrada viva.
Where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life, alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife.
Donde lo condenaron a pasar el resto de su vida, Solo con un retrato de su hermosa esposa.
Of course you are anxious to be reunited with your beautiful wife.
Por supuesto que están ansiosos de estar reunidos con su bella esposa.
Not everybody deserves such a beautiful wife, but he does, Rhoda.
No todo el mundo merece una mujer tan hermosa, pero él lo merece, Rhoda.
Well, if he thinks that entitles him to bed privileges with my beautiful wife, he's got a surprise in store for him.
Si cree que le concede privilegios de cama con mi bella esposa le espera una sorpresa.
You'll have a beautiful wife, great kids, lovely home, and i'll be your bachelor friend who you feel you have to invite to your dinner party.
Tendrás una preciosa mujer, hijos fantásticos... una casa encantadora... y yo seré tu amigo soltero al que tienes que invitar... porque no me has visto en años.
... pesetas in your pocket... ... and a beautiful wife.
En teniendo "pa" comer pesetas en el bolsillo y bonita la mujer.
Dear Nino, I've heard so much about you, about the artist Sandro Barateli and his beautiful wife.
Estimada Ninó, he oído hablar tanto de usted, del pintor Sandró Barateli y de su hermosa esposa.
Uh, my regards to your beautiful wife.
- Sí... Mis saludos a su encantadora esposa...
11 billions and they cut his little finger mailed to his beautiful wife.
Entre la cuarta y la quinta entrega... le fue amputado el dedo meñique y enviado por correo a su esposa.
You have a beautiful wife and a wonderful child...
Tienes una mujer muy hermosa y un hijo encantador...
Besides, a beautiful wife could mean trouble.
Además, una esposa bella puede traer problemas.
You're rich and famous and successful and you have a beautiful wife.
Eres rico y famoso, tienes éxito... y una mujer encantadora.
You see I got a wife and I got three beautiful children.
Verás estoy casado y tengo tres hermosos hijos.
- She's his wife? - His niece. Beautiful.
- ¿ Ella es su mujer?
Who has beautiful wives can kiss my wife because it'll be easy to get even.
Quien tiene hermosa esposa puede besar a la mía porque será fácil estar en paz.
I let the men with beautiful wives kiss my wife so I kiss their wives. Is it alright?
Dejo a los hombres con hermosas esposas besar a la mía, para así yo besar a las suyas.
What does it mean that men with beautiful wives can kiss my wife and men with beautiful sisters-in-law can kiss my sister-in-law?
¿ Qué significa que los hombres con hermosas esposas pueden besar a la mía y hombres con hermosas cuñadas pueden besar a la mía?
My wife hides such beautiful friends from me.
Mi esposa me oculta sus amigas mas hermosas.
And his wife, beautiful Clytemnestra, sadly departed ten years now, also suffered - but her soul lives on among us every day!
Ella que nos dejó hace diez años, pero cuya alma aún permanece entre nosotros.
When my wife was young she was beautiful.
Cuando mi mujer era joven era una gran mujer. de óptima familia.
It seems that in 1714, when King Philip's first wife had just died he developed a royal lust for the beautiful Duchess of Parma.
Parece ser que en 1714, al morir la primera mujer del Rey Felipe... éste se encaprichó de la hermosa duquesa de Parma.
A nice-looking wife, two beautiful kids.
Una bella esposa, dos hermosos hijos, ¿ y no te importa?
My wife is beautiful, isn ´ t she? Let me ask you a question :
Es hermosa mi mujer, ¿ verdad?
Isn't his wife beautiful?
Pero a su mujer ¿ No la encuentras guapa?
And my wife has given me a cute and beautiful baby.
Y mi esposa ha dado un lindo y hermoso bebé.
"Because I was so depressed at the way he kept humping beautiful women... " Out of grief for his wife. "
Me deprimía ver como se tiraba a una mujer tras otra impulsado por el dolor de la muerte de su esposa. "
There was a barber and his wife and she was beautiful... a foolish barber and his wife.
Érase una vez un barbero y su mujer Y ella era hermosa Un iluso barbero y su mujer
Now you're a beautiful Navy wife.
Ahora eres una bella mujer de la Marina.
I thought that neither marry, but has got a pretty wife, a nice house, a beautiful son...
Yo pensaba que ni se casaría, pero ha conseguido una bonita esposa, una bonita casa, un bonito hijo...
- My wife's beautiful.
- Mi mujer es guapa, ¿ eh?
I tell ya... my wife would give her eyeteeth for that. It's beautiful.
Mi esposa daría cualquier cosa por eso.
Look, I knew you'd get miffed about it... because of my wife and everything... but Tina's... she's beautiful.
Sabía que no te agradaría por lo de mi esposa y todo eso pero, Danny, Tina es lindísima.
I start to rage over your beautiful and charming wife that has just visited you.
La emprendo con tu guapa y encantadora esposa a la que acabas de ver.
You got a great wife, beautiful kids, you got a good job.
Tienes una buena esposa, hijos guapos y un buen trabajo.
Dear Grammar, beautiful grammar, delightful grammar, daughter, wife, mother, lover and livelihood of professors!
¡ Querida gramática, bella gramática, deliciosa gramática, hija, esposa, madre, amante y medio de sustento de los profesores!
You and your wife, beautiful beach, golf, you name it.
Tú y tu mujer. Una playa preciosa, campo de golf... Lo que quieras.
So I wanna give you one last chance, Harry to save your wife and beautiful son.
Así que quiero darte una última oportunidad, Harry de salvar a tu esposa y a tu hermoso hijo.
Your wife is very beautiful, Signor Kracklite... especially when she is pregnant.
Tu esposa es muy hermosa, Signor Kracklite... en especial cuando está embarazada.
I mean, he always dreamed of being a business tycoon, having a beautiful, blond wife.
Siempre soñó con ser un hombre de negocios... con una esposa hermosa y rubia.
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
beautiful 3039
beauty 248
beautiful boy 45
beautiful day 103
beautiful morning 18
beautiful eyes 27
beautiful mind 19
beautiful baby 17
wife and kids 16
beautiful 3039
beauty 248
beautiful boy 45
beautiful day 103
beautiful morning 18
beautiful eyes 27
beautiful mind 19
beautiful baby 17