Beautiful people перевод на испанский
991 параллельный перевод
Beautiful people have beautiful names!
La gente guapa tiene nombres guapos, ¿ no?
Beautiful songs, beautiful people.
Canciones hermosas, gente hermosa.
A beautiful house beautiful people in the eye of the beholder.
Una casa hermosa con gente hermosa según quién sea el observador.
We had a perfect little troupe of young and beautiful people around us always whenever we traveled.
Teníamos un pequeño grupo de bellos jóvenes alrededor de nosotros, siempre que viajábamos.
Among all these beautiful people there's a certain number who should be killed off.
Entre toda esta gente distinguida, hay algunos a los que habría que eliminar.
Oh, my dear, beautiful people.
Mis amados y encantadores amigos.
So it's full of beautiful possibilities, it's all this kind of bull fighting stuff that people do.
Y esto está lleno de hermosas posibilidades, toda esa especie de toreo que la gente hace.
today I don't know where my head is wherever I go, wherever I stand, people are laughing today all fairy tales come true today I understand everything that only happens once, that won't ever be repeated, that's too beautiful to be true
Ni adónde voy, ni dónde estoy. Las gentes me sonríen. Hoy todos los cuentos se hacen realidad, hoy tengo una cosa clara.
You see, François, marriage is a beautiful mistake... which two people make together.
Ves, François, el matrimonio es un hermoso error... que dos personas cometen juntas.
Some people like beautiful paintings.
A algunas personas les gustan las pinturas hermosas.
Some people love beautiful flowers.
A algunas les gustan las flores bellas.
( Compared to your wickedness, poor people's misdemeanors are even beautiful!
( ¡ Comparado con tu maldad, los delitos de los miserables son hermosos!
It tells such a sad, beautiful story about two people who meet and fall in love for one exquisite moment.
¿ Cuando me enseñará el código, Harry?
¿ No se da cuenta de que la gente prefiere tener el retrato de una bella mujer en su sala de estar antes que algo llamado Amanecer en el Barranco de la Nariz de Rata?
The most beautiful way in the world if two people love each other.
Si dos personas se aman, es la manera más bella del mundo.
Well... with him playing and her dancing... and me up to my neck in whiskey anyhow... well, I put my arms around that beautiful girl... and was just about to dance with her... when, of all people, you cut in.
Bueno... con él tocando y ella bailando... y yo hasta el cuello de whisky... Puse mis brazos alrededor de la preciosa chica... y estaba a punto de bailar con ella... cuando, de entre todo el mundo, usted lo interrumpió.
Many people thought her beautiful.
Muchos la consideraron hermosa.
All people are more beautiful when they're happy...!
¡ Todas las personas son más hermosas cuando son felices!
an enchanting evening, baroness other people's birthdays are always so beautiful but best of all, there's a münchhausen once again in bodenwerder
- Una fiesta encantadora, baronesa. - Gracias. Los cumpleaños ajenos siempre son magníficos.
That beautiful sirloin steak is enough for at least four people.
Ese hermoso filete alcanzaría para al menos cuatro personas.
To be... to be glad you're alive... to be grateful because people are kind to you... to be able to see some of nature's great wonders... the budding of the flowers in spring... the changing of leaves in the autumn... to be able to appreciate beautiful music... to be conscious of the beauty of tasting and feeling... and hearing only the things that are good for you.
Agradecer el bien que nos hacen los demás. Poder contemplar las maravillas de la naturaleza. Los árboles en flor en primavera.
Why wouldn't i? You wouldn't like people to say, "what has happened to the handsome texan that went everywhere with that beautiful creature?"
No querrás que la gente se pregunte qué pasó con el apuesto texano que salía con aquella hermosa joven.
But it's such a beautiful night. Married people miss a lot, Lucy.
Las parejas casadas se habitúan el uno al otro.
Guys, let's remember this to make us better people, and help us to love even more our beautiful Italy.
Muchachos, hagamos que el recuerdo nos haga mejores, y nos ayude a amar aun más nuestra bella Italia.
Yes, I suppose some people would call her beautiful.
- Sí, supongo que algunos la llamarían guapa.
Thrill millions of people with my beautiful voice!
Entusiasmaré a millones con mi voz.
Some people think the Rhine is the most beautiful river in the world.
Hay quien dice que el Rhin es el río más bonito del mundo.
Are all the people as beautiful as you are?
¿ Son todos tan guapos como vos?
I wanted very much to go to England... because I thought how wonderful it must be in a country... where all the people were like him - gentle and very tall and beautiful.
Siempre he querido ir a Inglaterra. Creo que ha de ser un lugar maravilloso. Un país en el que toda la gente es como él.
A beautiful, sleepwalking people.
Un hermoso y sonámbulo pueblo...
When you really look at them, the most surprising people are beautiful.
Si la miras realmente, la gente más inesperada es hermosa.
A beautiful funeral, a nice corpse of 63 years. 63! People crying, mourning, misfortune..
Un hermoso funeral, un buen muerto de 63 años, la gente que llora, el luto, la desgracia...
I'm happy to see so many people here and I'm glad I visited this beautiful place with all these useful and pleasant things inside.
Estoy de verdad muy contento de verlos tan numerosos. Y quiero decirles que estoy muy feliz de haber visitado esta casa por cuanto de útil y gracioso contiene.
My brother said only people from beautiful places would have such beautiful eyes
Mi hermano dice que la gente con lindos ojos viene de lugares hermosos.
It was beautiful, a full moon shining on the ice, people skating, bonfires.
Nos dirigimos a la Laguna de Miller. Era una luna llena hermosa que brillaba en el hielo, personas patinando, hogueras.
The Bersagliera... you know well, has the misfortune of being the most beautiful and poorest people,
La Bersagliera... a quien conoce bien, tiene la desgracia de ser la más guapa y la más pobre del pueblo,
We travelled from Galilee, persuading people to give up their lives for a beautiful dream.
Vinimos desde Galilea, convenciendo a la gente de que lo dejara todo por un sueño.
It's beautiful and blue, and the people around it are brown and kind and they did know how to laugh and sing.
Es precioso, azul, y la gente que lo rodea es morena y amable, y sabe reír y cantar.
Our life... the life of so many people I know, has nothing beautiful in it.
Nuestra vida... la vida de tanta gente que conozco, no tiene nada de bonita.
They are beautiful, the women of your people?
Son bonitas, las mujeres de tu gente?
Oh, Mark. We both know that even the fat, ugly people of this world believe that being in love makes them beautiful and justifies everything.
Ambos sabemos que hasta la gente menos agraciada de este mundo cree que enamorarse los embellece y lo justifica todo.
You know, there's nothing more beautiful than a gift between people.
¿ Sabe? No hay nada más hermoso que un regalo.
I am praying for the return of a peaceful springtime when the beautiful plum trees will once again blossom and people can celebrate the Festival of Lanterns
Sólo deseo que llegue una primavera maravillosa. Que florezcan las flores... de los ciruelos y que la gente disfrute de la fiesta del equinoccio de Yogen.
Definitely people who are afraid are not very beautiful to see, look at this.
La gente miedosa es un espectáculo de lo más penoso.
Beautiful cities filled with many people like you and me.
Hermosas ciudades llenas de gente como tú o como yo.
Most people think they're beautiful dresses on beautiful women.
A la mayoría de la gente le parecen hermosas.
They say it'll be the most beautiful marriage of the last ten years, there will be important people from the region, maybe even Maria Pia di Savoia.
Dicen que será la mejor boda de los últimos 10 años, estarán las personas más importantes de la región, quizás hasta María Pía de Saboya.
You know, up until now, I've always felt the only thing I had to be was beautiful... pretty, that people would accept me for no other reason.
Hasta ahora, siempre he pensado que sólo tenía que ser hermosa... guapa, que la gente me aceptaría por esa razón.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, Sheil-o.
Los jóvenes bellos son accidentes de la naturaleza.
Beautiful old people create themselves.
Los ancianos bellos se crean a sí mismos.
Wake up in your beautiful world with your good people and with your experiences.
Despierta en tu mundo maravilloso, con tu buena gente, y con tus experiencias.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54