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Bring him up перевод на испанский

878 параллельный перевод
- Bring him up promptly, Skipper?
- ¿ Lo subo sin demora, Jefe?
Bring him up.
I bring him up here.
Le traigo aquí.
Bring him up here.
Tráiganlo inmediatamente.
You go down and bring him up.
Súbelo tú.
Oh, fie. You're not a silly schoolgirl, I'll bring him up myself.
No eres una niña, yo misma lo traeré.
Why bring him up again?
¿ Por qué hablar con él?
- Don't bother to bring him up here.
- No se moleste en traerlo aquí.
Come on, get Sullivan, bring him up here. Bring him up here!
- Tráeme a SuIIivan aquí.
I want and bring him up wholeheartedly
Quiero criarle con todo mi amor.
I've tried to bring him up decent.
Traté de criarlo decentemente.
Remind me tonight to bring him up some cheese, will you?
Recuérdame de traerle un poco de queso esta noche, ¿ quieres?
- Well, go bring him up here.
- Bueno, pues tráelo aquí.
- Why did you bring him up here?
- ¿ Por qué lo subiste?
- If that's his ghost, don't bring him up.
Bueno, si es su fantasma no lo traigas aquí.
I'll wait there you bring him up.
- Bien. Esperaré a que lo traigas.
Bring him up to my room.
Llévalo a mi habitación.
I don't know why you had to bring him up at all.
No sé por qué has hablado de él.
Bring him up.
All right, bring him up.
Muy bien, súbelo.
Bring him up to date, Chris.
Ponlo al día, Chris.
But I'll bring him up properly.
Lo educaré como Dios manda.
Bring him up here.
This'll help me bring him up.
Me ayudará a criarlo.
You knew we were having problems for months... you still made me bring him just to show up Ronny.
Usted sabía que íbamos a tener problemas durante meses... todavía me hiciste traer él sólo para aparecer Ronny.
Pick him up on Sunday at 1 : 00 and bring him back by 6 : 00. Look at these photos, it's a small part of what you missed and will never get back. Don't lose them, they're precious.
Ven a por él en un domingo y para volver a los seis ver estas fotos una pequeña fracción de los perdidos nunca se puede compensar y esperamos no perder, porque quiero
You take that kid over and pack up his clothes... and then... bring him over to the hotel to his mother.
Llévate al niño y empaca su ropa... y luego... llévalo al hotel con su madre.
Bring him up.
¡ Llévalo arriba!
- It must have got him. Go down and bring him up.
Ve y tráelo.
Tie up my love's tongue, bring him silently.
Atadle la lengua. Llevadle callado.
Once more, bring him on deck, or I'Il have you seized up and flogged.
Una vez más, tráigalo, o haré que lo arresten y azoten a usted.
Then tell him to send a couple of harness bulls up here to bring you down because you're hot.
Dile que te mande a un par de gorilas para protegerte.
I'll bring him right up.
Le traeré aquí.
Bring him right up here!
- ¿ Para qué?
Place him under arrest and bring him here. - What's up?
Relévale, arréstale y tráelo aquí.
I want to bring up him to go back Hello Put the child here
Ohumi, está muy enfermo.
Do I come to bring up him better?
¿ Vivir contigo o conmigo?
Hey... you gonna bring fish up see you, you going down to see him?
Oye ¿ lo vas a subir o vas a bajar a verlo?
I told him of a little trouble that I was in.. He said, "bring her here at 11 : 00, And I'll fix it up for you."
Le conté mi pequeño problema. Y dijo : "Tráela aquí a las 11 : 00, y yo lo solucionaré todo."
Couldn't we bring him in, and then lock him up safe?
¿ No podríamos encerrarlo a salvo?
Supposin they catch him. They'll bring him back, strap him down, then lock him up in a cage... That's ain't no good, George.
Imagínate que lo atrapo, me lo llevo, lo ato y lo meto en una jaula...
Pat, pick him up and bring him here.
Pat, vaya por él y tráigalo.
- And bring me up here. - I did not ask him to bring you up here.
No le pedí que la trajera.
Hurry up or we miss the train. - I forgot Romualdo. Why did you want to bring him?
Yo soy Agostino Miciacio, padre legítimo y putativo de mi hija Serafina.
It's a cinch. We just go and dig up Julio and bring him here. That's all.
Tenemos que ir a buscar a Julio y traerlo aquí para que lo vea.
I showed him how to bring it up inside just like he did tonight.
Le enseñé a darlo como lo dio esta noche.
Bring him along and pick up that chute.
Traedlo y recoged el paracaídas.
Bring him out and hang him up to dry.
Soltadle y secadle.
Bring him up.
Tráelo aquí.
Get a hold of Tip Brice, Ricardo Torreon, and Cleve Andrews too, if you can find him. - Bring them up to the hotel.
Busca a Tip Brice, Ricardo Torreon y Cleve Andrews, si lo encuentras y tráelos al hotel.
I'll bring him up, and I'll do for him.
Lo educaré.

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