Come and see this перевод на испанский
641 параллельный перевод
There's over 2,000 people out front that've paid a lot of money to come and see this show, and they're entitled to everything we can give'em, don't you understand?
Hay más de 2.000 personas que pagaron mucho dinero para ver este show y se merecen que les demos lo mejor. ¿ No entienden?
People from Lisbon could come and see this.
Esto hasta podía ser visto por la gente de Lisboa.
Achille, you must come and see this charming crew.
¿ La señora se interesa por la aviación? Oh, no, el vuelo corriente me aburre.
- Come and see this.
- Ven a ver esto.
Come and see. Come and see this smoke.
¡ Ven a ver las señales!
Augusto, come and see this mess!
¡ Augusto, ven a ver este desastre!
Come and see this.
Vengan a ver.
All these girls have come here to see this face and this body.
Todos vinieron aquí a ver mi cara y mi cuerpo.
It was ever so kind of you, milady, to come all this way to see us and to give Fanny that lovely doll and everything.
Qué amable por su parte, señora, venir hasta aquí a vernos... y regalarle a Fanny esa muñeca tan linda.
Nice of you to come and see me like this.
Gracias por venir a verme en un momento como este.
Then we see this bird sneak in, and we decide to come up.
Cuando vimos que entraba este pájaro, decidimos subir.
I'll come to the house this evening, and you'll see
Volveré esta noche. Ya veremos.
- I don't want her to see this! I want her to come and kiss her father!
¡ Quiero que baje a darle un beso a su padre!
Hey, Mr. Essex, come over on this side... and maybe you can see your wife from here.
Oiga, Sr. Essex, siéntese de este lado. Quizá vea a su esposa desde aquí.
And again, I might say "don't move" because this is a moment so full of understanding that I can't bear to see it come to an end.
Y le digo "no se mueva" porque es un momento tan lleno de comprensión que no podría soportar ver cómo se acaba.
What's this you say? You've let him come here to see you with the children twice and you've never even told him about the letter from the duchess?
¿ Has dejado que viniera a verte con los niños dos veces y no le has hablado de la carta de la duquesa?
This letter asks him to come and see you because Robert was going to be away.
La carta le pide que vaya a verte porque Robert no iba a estar.
I was going to tell you something come Dunichka, let's sit down here for a while and then I'll tell you something you see, actually your mother ought to tell you this but how could she as she's no longer alive
¡ Ven Dunichka, vamos a sentarnos aquí! Dunichka, que voy a decirte una cosa... En realidad... tendría que decírtelo tu madre...
Come and see how pretty this is!
¡ Mira que bonito es este!
If I wait till this interview comes out, Mr. Wallace will come to see me, and so will all the other producers.
¿ No lo ves? Cuando salga la entrevista, el Sr. Wallace vendrá a verme, y también los otros productores.
I think the Sergeant here better come back to Cardiff with us and see if he can positively identify this man.
Que el sargento nos acompane a Cardiff... y vea si puede identificar al hombre.
All people will learn this and come to see that wars do not have to be.
Todos acabarán sabiendo que las guerras no deben existir.
Then could I come back here and see all this?
¿ Luego puedo volver y recorrer esto?
So you see we have gone through quite something to get this far, Captain, and nobody is going to make us turn back now, if only for the little old man who didn't get to come with us.
Como ve, pasamos por muchas cosas para llegar tan lejos, Capitán... y nadie nos hará regresar... aunque fuera por el anciano que no pudo venir con nosotros.
This is where Charlotte and I used to come when we were children. To see who could pick the most blackberries for Tabby's pies.
Aquí veníamos Charlotte y yo de niñas... para ver quien era capaz de coger más moras para Tabby.
Come in a prison like this and you will see how you will feel!
¡ Venga para una cárcel como ésta y verá cómo se siente!
Mr Christopher, suppose Sergeant Garrett could see his way, just this once.. To let you come and talk things over with me.
Sr. Christopher, supongamos que el Sargento Garrett está de acuerdo en dejarle venir a verme para que hablemos las cosas.
Letting him come to this awful rooming house and see me looking like a savage.
Dejar que venga a esta horrible habitación y que me vea con aspecto de salvaje.
Judy, come and see if you can knock some sense into this damned thing.
Judy, haz entrar en razón a este maldito aparato.
You see, it won't come out this way because of the barb, and it won't come out this way because of the eye for the fishing line, you know?
¿ Ve? En este sentido no sale por la punta, ni sale en el otro sentido, por el ojal. Donde se mete el sedal, ya sabe.
Then come back and we'll see what we can salvage out of this mess.
Luego regresen y veremos qué se puede rescatar de este lío.
This is it. Come and see the thrill of the century... pictures that move!
Pasen a ver la atracción del siglo :
What is all this? No, come and see!
¿ Qué ocurre?
You don't come to this church very often, marshal, and today you didn't see fit to be married here.
No viene a esta iglesia muy a menudo, alguacil. Cuando se casó hoy no quiso casarse aquí.
Father, come and see if I know this one, will you?
Papá, ven a ver si sé este, ¿ sí?
Look, you come across, okay? You see this great piece of girl,.. and you must throw yourself headfirst.
Tú llegas por allí, ves a este gran pedazo de mujer, y tienes que lanzarte sobre ella, de cabeza.
See this town doesn't understand you pokin'around out here in the desert, squinting'up at the stars, and now you come up with this story.
Esta ciudad no te entiende, investigas en el desierto... ves las estrellas, y ahora cuentas esta historia.
I remember when Mr. Bullard used to come down here, see stuff not half as bad as this, and just pick it up and smash it against the wall.
Recuerdo cuando el sr. Bullard solía bajar aquí, y veía otro material ni la mitad de malo que este... lo cogía y lo estrellaba contra la pared.
Why didn't you come in and see me before you left this morning?
¿ Por qué no viniste a verme antes de irte esta mañana?
My son Thomas come to see you this afternoon, and he say to you he's gonna throw his mother from this house?
Mi hijo Thomas te fue a ver esta tarde y te dijo que quiere echar a la madre de su casa.
I told you I didn't want to come and see people talk about business. Giovanna, why are you being like this?
Te he dicho que no tengo ganas de ir a ver a gente que habla de negocios.
We've been driving cattle, and when you come to a place like this and you see a nice girl like you....
Estamos conduciendo ganado y al llegar a un sitio como este y ver a una chica como usted...
Every time you see this well run dry, come over here and prime her again.
Cada vez que veas seco este pozo, ven y llénalo.
Lock come in here and see this mess, he'd tear our heads off.
Si viene Lock y ve este desastre, nos corta la cabeza.
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
Well, I wondered if I could come and see you this afternoon?
Bueno, me preguntó ¿ si podía venir a verme esta tarde?
Do you want him to come down here, and see all this?
¿ Quieres que baje y vea todo esto?
Go and see this boy try to come on to him.
Ve y mira a ese chico intenta acercarte a él
Now, now, come along and meet the ladies, and you'll see how ridiculous this whole thing is.
Ven conmigo a conocer a las chicas. Verás lo ridículo que resulta esto.
And that's why I was elected to come out and talk to you people, friendly-like, as people should talk to one another, and see, you know, if we could work this thing out.
Y es por eso que fue elegido para venir y hablar con ustedes, amablemente, tal cómo la gente debería hablarse, y ver, saben, si podemos resolver esto.
Well, I was outside in office, see, and I heard this row, so I come down the steps...
Bueno, estaba fuera de mi oficina, verá, y escuché esa pelea,... así que bajé las escaleras...
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and see me 45
come and play 16
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and see me 45
come and play 16
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and eat 47
come and have a look at this 21
come and help 21
come and dance 23
come and have a look 57
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and eat 47
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come and dance 23
come and look at this 28
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come and 20
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come and 20
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come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424
come again 567
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
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come inside 424
come again 567