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Did he just say перевод на испанский

585 параллельный перевод
Adriana, what did he just say?
¡ Adriana! ¿ Qué quiere decir?
- What did he just say? - Exorbitant.
- Exorbitante.
- What did he just say?
- ¿ Qué acaba de decir?
If the present scale is maintained : Am I mistaken, Doctor, or did he just say : : : That we have less than eight hours to live?
¿ Me equivoco, doctor... o lo que dijo es que nos quedan menos de ocho horas de vida?
- What did he just say?
- ¿ Qué ha dicho?
What did he just say?
¿ Qué ha dicho?
What did he just say?
¿ Qué ha querido decir?
What, did he just say what I think he said?
¿ Qué, acaba él de decir lo que pienso que dijo?
I can't believe - Did he just say that?
¿ Oí bien Io que dijo?
What did he just say?
¿ Qué acaba de decir?
- What did he just say?
¿ Qué dijo?
Hunter, what did he just say?
Hunter, ¿ qué fue lo que dijo?
Did he just say, "l love you" to the dog?
- ¿ Le dijo "te quiero" al perro?
Did he just say bye?
¿ Acaba de decir adiós?
Did he just say, "Monica bang"?
¿ Dijo : "Mónica golpe"?
What did he just say?
¿ Qué fue lo que dijo?
Did he just say he loves Fonzie?
¿ Dijo que amaba a Fonzie?
Say, am I stewed, or did a grapefruit just fly past?
¿ Estoy borracho o he visto un pomelo volando?
Say, did I just propose to you or something?
Oye, ¿ te he pedido que te cases conmigo o algo así?
Ben stayed in the garden all that night.. he can't say why, he just did
Ben se quedó toda la noche en el jardín. No sabe por qué, sólo lo hizo.
Now, now, just a moment. I did not say that I was not in favor of them.
Yo no he dicho que estuviera en contra.
Did I say that? Just think it through first.
Yo no he dicho eso, sino que deberías pensártelo.
Just say you want to be punished for what he did.
... en resumen, Danny es una niña enferma.
Let's just say that I did come and let it go at that.
Digamos que he venido y con eso basta.
Did I say something wrong, or do you just despise the things I stand for?
¿ Es algo de lo que he dicho o desprecias aquello que represento?
What did you say? Brother! He's just drunk.
Este es nuestro territorio.
And just what did I say?
¿ Y qué le he dicho?
I didn't say you did. I just said you worked for some strange folks.
No he dicho que lo supieras, sino que trabajas para gente muy extraña.
- No, just say did he climb or did he not?
- No, sólo di si trepó o no trepó.
He looked so damned guilty, he might even say he did it just...
Se siente tan culpable que sería capaz de decirles que lo ha hecho él.
Otherwise he may say : "Why did they write that?". If there's no coarseness... he'll think we wanted to be coarse and we didn't succeed. That's true. "Forgive the coarseness, just in case.".
Si podemos no sonar vulgares..... o pensará que queremos ser vulgares y que no lo conseguimos.
Let's just say, for argument's sake, that you did think he did it.
Digamos que usted pensara que lo hizo.
No, but let ´ s just say that he did.
No, pero digamos que sí.
Play told me to make sure nobody went upstairs...'cause his parents just got new carpet. And he don't want nobody with shit on their shoes- - - Did I say "shit"?
Play me dijo que me asegurase de que nadie subiese arriba porque sus padres han puesto una alfombra nueva y no quiere que nadie con mierda en sus zapatos- oh ¿ he dicho "mierda"?
What did he say? "I'm just a patsy!" Believe it.
Dijo, "Soy el chivo expiatorio". Debes creerle.
He said that he was gonna divorce his wife but waited for the right time, you know..... years later, he was still waiting so I just left, I didn't even say goodbye, leave a note or anything Did you ever lived with anybody?
Él dijo que iba a divorciare de su esposa pero iba a esperar el momento adecuado dos años despues, él seguia esperando asi que simplemente me fui, ni siquiera me despedí, ni le dejé una nota o algo ¿ alguna vez viviste con alguien?
What else did he say? - Just your age.
Solo tu edad.
What the hell did he just say?
¿ Qué demonios acaba de decir?
Let's just say I wanna do to him exactly what he did to me.
Sólo quiero hacerle exactamente lo mismo que él me hizo.
- He did just say it.
- Él dijo.
Did I just say that?
¿ He dicho eso?
Uh-oh. Did I say that or just think it?
No sé si esto lo he dicho en voz alta.
Did not he just say I'm his brother?
No ¿ Acaba de decir que soy su hermano?
Just what did he say? He was inclined not to want to cooperate.
- Intentamos convencerlo pero no quizo colaborar.
Just tell me something... what things did he say to you? You continue joking around, don't you?
Sigue bromeando, ¿ no?
- What did I just say?
- ¿ Qué te he dicho?
What did Mr. Martin say, Father? He said he couldn't be sure but he thought that he had just strangled his girlfriend.
Yo era vice presidente en funciones de inversiones y en tiempos de ese asunto, ¿ el Sr. Ralston era...?
- What he did just say?
¿ Qué dijo?
Did I just say that?
¿ Yo he dicho eso?
Did I really just say that?
¿ Yo he dicho eso?
Music is high, and spirits are soaring as these... Did I just say "soaring"?
La música es alta y los animos se elevan... ¿ He dicho "se elevan"?

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