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Figure it out перевод на испанский

11,498 параллельный перевод
Act like the goddamn heavyweight you are and figure it out.
Actúa como el puto peso pesado que eres y soluciónalo.
I said that I don't want to be in this anymore, and then you would just hold me and tell me that we would figure it out.
Te decía que no quería ser parte de esto, y tú me abrazabas y decías que lo resolveríamos.
We figure it out!
¡ Ya lo resolveremos!
You figure it out.
Te diste cuenta.
People figure it out, Pop.
La gente se las arregla.
They always figure it out.
Siempre lo hace.
I mean, Mom and Dad always let you just figure it out on your own.
Mamá y papá siempre te dejaron decidir sola.
Zhao was on the mission and they figure it out.
Zhao estaba en una misión y llego tarde para la cena.
Don't say anything to Ramona until I figure it out.
No le digan nada a Ramona. Debo descrifrarlo antes.
" Mmm, trying to figure it out. I don't know yet.
" Todavía no lo sé.
I'm trying to figure it out, okay?
Estoy tratando de averiguarlo, ¿ de acuerdo?
- I mean, you'll figure it out, right? - Yeah.
- Lo solucionaremos, ¿ vale?
We are trying to figure it out.
Intentaremos solucionarlo.
I'm gonna get a job, figure it out.
Buscar empleo. Resolverlo.
We'll figure it out in the morning.
Ya lo veremos en la mañana.
No, less than 12 hours. They'd figure it out, they'd find you, and... and they'd rescue them.
En menos de 12 lo sabrán, te encontrarán
Mm, we can figure it out out here.
Tendremos que averiguarlo.
So it'll be... We'll figure it out.
Lo resolveremos.
Figure it out yourself.
Descúbrelo tú mismo.
We'll figure it out.
Lo resolveremos.
I think I can figure it out.
Creo que puedo averiguarlo.
I'll figure it out, Martha, I'll figure it out.
Ya lo averiguaré, Martha, ya lo averiguaré.
If you figure it out, I'll bail.
Si te diste cuenta, voy a fianza
The liquor will figure it out. The liquor's going to figure out how to get us back into the park and then we can play with our little friends.
El licor resolverá ¡ cà ³ mo regresaremos a este parque para jugar con nuestros amiguitos.
You figure it out.
We can't... We've got to figure it out somehow.
Debemos resolverlo de alguna forma.
No, you guys got to figure it out,'cause I don't give a fuck.
No, resuà © lvanlo ustedes, porque me importa un carajo.
All right, you guys figure it out.
Bien, decidan ustedes.
I think I can figure it out myself.
Puedo imaginarlo yo mismo.
- Well, let's figure it out.
- Bueno, vamos a averiguarlo.
I don't want it all worn out like an old washing machine belt or hanging like wet straps in a car wash or flapping around like an inflatable figure outside of a mattress store.
No la quiero toda gastada como una vieja correa de lavarropas o colgando como las tiras mojadas en un lavadero de auto o aleteando como un muñeco inflable afuera de una tienda de colchones.
I figure it gets you out the county, but keeps you close.
Salís del condado, pero os quedáis cerca.
It means we're just trying to figure things out.
Significa que tendremos que ver cómo lo hacemos.
Melea, whatever it is, we'll figure something out.
Melea, pensaremos en algo.
Basically, it's like, if people don't know you're connected... then they can't figure out the crimes you do for each other.
Si la gente no sabe que dos personas están relacionadas... no pueden imaginar que cometen delitos uno por el otro.
I just had to figure out how to do it under his nose.
Sólo debía descifrar cómo hacerlo delante de sus narices.
I told Homer, the most important thing was to figure out what it was that he was taking from us.
Le dije a Homer que lo más importante era descifrar qué era lo que obtenía de nosotros.
So, how long did it take you to figure out my real name?
¿ Y cuánto tiempo te ha llevado averiguar mi verdadero nombre?
And I spent most of my life trying to figure out why it happened.
Y pasé la mayor parte de mi vida intentando averiguar por qué pasó.
If I can figure out how it works... then we can use it.
Si puedo averiguar cómo funciona puede que podamos usarlo.
And, uh, is it possible to come inside, and maybe chat about it, have a lemonade, have a laugh, and maybe figure this thing out?
¿ Sería posible entrar y quizás charlar sobre ello, beber limonada, echarnos unas risas y quizás solucionarlo?
See if we can figure it all out.
Veamos si podemos resolver esto.
Tech support left it at my desk when I was gone, and I couldn't figure out how to mobile-access the Bureau's network database.
El soporte técnico dejó en mi escritorio cuando se había ido, y no pude averiguar cómo móvil a acceder a la base de datos de la red de Mesa.
Well, I've got to figure this shit out, it's...
Bueno, debo resolver esto.
I know you're tempted, but let me figure out what it is first, ok?
Sé que estás tentado pero déjame averiguar que es primero, ¿ de acuerdo?
It could take weeks, months to figure out the circuitry.
Podría tomar semanas, meses para averiguar el circuito.
We'll figure it out, maybe...
Lo resolveremos.
They're just trying to help me figure it all out.
Me ayudan a descubrir todo.
It helped me figure out what's really important to me.
Me ayudó a entender lo que está realmente importante para mí.
And it seems like I should be able to leverage this Captain Welles thing with the Army to try to get Walt some rhythm somehow, but I haven't been able to figure out how exactly yet.
Y parece que debería ser capaz de aprovechar esta cosa del capitán Welles con el ejército para tratar de conseguir alguna atención especial para Walt de alguna manera, pero no he sido capaz de averiguar exactamente cómo aún.
Your job is not to dissuade me, but to figure out how we sell it.
Su trabajo no es de disuadirme, sino de encontrar la manera que la vendamos.

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