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Get cleaned up перевод на испанский

1,204 параллельный перевод
Deberías limpiar todo.
You should get cleaned up a bit to, eh?
A ti también te hace falta que te arreglen un poco, ¿ eh?
Well, Tracy is out at her class but I can get cleaned up and we could go out ourselves.
Tracy está en su clase... pero me puedo lavar un poco y podemos ir nosotros dos.
Now go upstairs and get cleaned up.
Ahora sube y arréglate.
- First, we go to your place and I get cleaned up.
Vamos antes a tu casa y me lavo.
Get cleaned up.the party starts soon.
Arréglate, la fiesta va a empezar.
- Sam, get cleaned up.
- Sam, ve a lavarte.
You need to get cleaned up.
Necesitas asearte.
I assume that the time you devoted to their examination is the time you couldn't spare to get cleaned up.
Asumo que por la devoción por examinar le ha impedido higienizarse.
Don't you think you ought to get cleaned up first?
¿ No cree que debe limpiarse primero?
If you want to get cleaned up. There's showers over there.
Si quieres lavarte hay duchas allá atrás.
You go get cleaned up and you can come sing with us.
Ve a limpiarte y puedes venir a cantar con nosotros.
Why don't you check yourself in voluntarily, get cleaned up.
¿ Y si entras voluntariamente para que te aseen?
I got to get cleaned up.
Debo ir a lavarme.
You jump in, you get cleaned up, And you take off.
Te metes, te bañas y te vas.
- I'll get cleaned up.
- Me asearé.
We'd better get cleaned up.
Será mejor que nos limpiemos.
Well, now, before we get into the car, why don't you two take a dip in the lake and get cleaned up?
Bueno, ahora, antes de entrar al coche, ¿ por qué no se toman un baño en el lago y se limpian?
You should go and get cleaned up.
Ve a asearte.
Get him cleaned up.
Que le laven.
- Let's just get you cleaned up first.
- Primero hay que asearte.
Get you all cleaned up here now.
Voy a limpiarte. - Sí.
- Debería buscar el animal.
I told him to get it cleaned up.
Le dije que lo limpiara todo.
Okay, Iet's get this place cleaned up.
Bien, limpiemos este lugar.
Come on, kid. Let's go get you cleaned up.
Vamos, preciosa, debes ir al tocador.
Okay, get yourselves cleaned up, and we'll go find my dad.
De acuerdo, lavaos e iremos a buscar a mi padre.
This is as cleaned up as I get, you bastard.
Esto es cuánto he podido lavarme, ¡ bastardo!
Now, get him cleaned up before the ants carry him off!
Ahora, limpienlo antes que se lo lleven las hormigas!
I want this whole place cleaned up by the time I get back.
¡ Despertarás a su abuela!
I want this whole place cleaned up by the time I get back.
Quiero que todo este limpio cuando vuelva a casa.
Come on. Let's go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up.
Vamos al baño y te ayudo a arreglarte.
We'll have to get you cleaned up.
Tendremos que limpiarte.
All right, get it cleaned up, find some furniture, and fix the window.
Muy bien, limpialo, encuentra algunos muebles, y arregla la ventana.
We want you to get yourself cleaned up for the baby.
Queremos que te limpies por el bebé.
Just need to get this reel cleaned up.
Sólo necesito que limpien esta cinta.
As long as we have a bed, let's get him fed, cleaned up.
Mientras haya una cama libre, dale de comer y límpiale.
We've got to get you cleaned up.
Pues, tenemos que limpiarla.
Go on, get on t'bus. Get it cleaned up.
Vamos, sube, y límpiate.
Now, let " s get this place cleaned up, okay?
En primer lugar debes estar tranquila.
We'll get him cleaned up a little.
Bien. A ver qué tenemos aquí.
Is there someplace I can get cleaned up?
¿ Dónde puedo lavarme las manos?
That will give you enough time to get it cleaned up.
Eso te dará tiempo para limpiar.
Let's get you cleaned up and take you home.
Te ayudaré a limpiarte y te llevaré a casa.
- Get yourself cleaned up and get a job...
- Arréglate y consigue un trabajo...
Get that horse cleaned up.
Que limpien ese caballo.
Let's get these sores cleaned up.
Vamos a limpiarte esas heriditas.
( Logan ) Get the woman in 267 and tell maintenance there's a mess behind this building that needs to be cleaned up.
Trae a la mujer del 267 y dile a mantenimiento que hay basura detrás del edificio Es necesario que lo limpien.
Let's get you cleaned up.
Te arreglaré un poco.
Somebody get him cleaned up.
Que alguien le limpie.
First, we're gonna go and take a bath and get those little piggies all cleaned up.
Primero, vamos a darnos un baño para limpiar esos deditos sucios.

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