Getting out перевод на испанский
15,462 параллельный перевод
But you're not getting out.
Pero no vais a salir.
Not if you're not getting out of the car.
No si no vais a salir del coche.
I'm getting out of the game.
Voy a dejar este juego.
Are we getting out of here?
¿ Vamos a salir de aquí?
I admit the hallucinations were getting out of hand, so I stopped the meds.
Admito las alucinaciones estaban yendo de las manos, Así que dejé de los medicamentos.
I'm not getting out, I'm cutting in.
No estoy recibiendo cabo, Estoy en corte.
Getting out of this chair's tricky.
Salir de esta silla es difícil.
And maybe things are getting out of whack because it's our time.
Y quizá las cosas se están saliendo de madre... porque es nuestro momento.
So I completely understand why you wouldn't want news of a fatal accident getting out to scupper things further.
Así que entiendo completamente porque no querrías... noticias de un accidente fatal saliendo a la luz para empeorarlo.
Doesn't feel like getting out. Feels like getting in.
Más que salir, entro.
You're not getting out of here until you give us answers.
No saldrás de aquí hasta darme respuestas.
Hey, are you getting out of here?
Eh, ¿ te vas?
Grey's getting out of the country quick and quiet.
Grey quiere salir del país rápido y oculto.
So I'm never getting out of here.
Así que nunca saldré de aquí.
I'm never getting out of here.
Nunca saldré de aquí.
You're not getting out of here.
No vas a salir de aquí.
Getting out's the hard part.
Salir es la parte difícil.
There is no getting out, but with your deaths, I might yet just live.
No hay salida, pero con sus muertes, podría mantenerme vivo.
This is getting out of hand.
Esto se nos está escapando de las manos.
I don't understand, what are you getting out of all this?
No lo entiendo, ¿ Qué sacas con todo esto?
I'm thinking about getting out of the, uh... The weed-growing business.
Estoy pensando dejar el... el negocio del cultivo de marihuana.
I think Rebirth, it's about getting out of your rut.
Creo que Rebirth... es sobre salir de tu rutina.
Because I'm not getting paid enough to do the... ( Engine ignition ) the things that they want me to do to them to keep them out.
Porque no me pagas lo suficiente para hacer lo que ellos quieren que yo les haga para no entrar.
You're the one getting a pap smear out here.
Te están haciendo un papanicolau.
Though it's hard to know how a guy will react once he's getting his fingernails torn out.
Aunque es difícil saber cómo va a reaccionar un tipo cuando le arranquen las uñas.
I'm getting us out of here.
Los voy a sacar de aquí.
We don't want him getting spooked and backing out.
No queremos asustarlo y dar marcha atrás.
I'm getting you out of here, man.
Voy a sacarte de aquí, hombre.
Hey, boss, the group outside was getting set to pull out, but the bus broke down.
Hey, jefe, el grupo fuera se estaba ajustado a sacar, Pero el autobús se rompió.
Good luck fighting your criminal charges for getting Boris to take out Brady's leg.
Enfrentarás cargos criminales por hacer que Boris lastimara a Brody.
Things are getting way out of whack.
Las cosas se están saliendo de madre.
We're getting you out. Clean. Yeah.
Te sacaremos sin problemas.
We're getting Grotto out.
Vamos a sacar a Grotto.
That's because they're getting ready to run out to recess.
Eso se debe a que están a punto de salir para el recreo.
It's better than someone in here or out there getting killed.
Es mejor que alguien de aquí o allí siendo asesinado.
As a woman who's months from bringing a child into this world, you require a nest and since we're getting kicked out of our house.
Como mujer a meses de traer un bebé a este mundo, necesitarás un sitio ya que nos van a echar de nuestra casa.
We're getting her out of here.
Vamos a sacarla de aquí.
Because this is the only way we're getting Lydia out of Eichen House.
Porque esta es la única manera de sacar a Lydia de Eichen House.
We're getting Lydia out of here.
Vamos a sacar a Lydia de aquí.
We're getting you out of here, okay?
Te vamos a sacar de aquí, ¿ vale?
We are getting you out of here.
Vamos a sacarte de aquí.
She admits to getting Charlotte out of her house.
Admite haber intentado sacar a Charlotte de su casa.
Lance is getting the word out.
Lance está corriendo la voz.
Now we have to figure out what celebrity couple in the City's getting married next.
Ahora tenemos que descubrir qué pareja famosa de la ciudad es la siguiente en casarse.
It's not even getting dark out.
Ni siquiera está oscureciendo afuera.
Our first priority is getting those people out.
Nuestra primera prioridad es sacar a esta gente de aquí.
Generations of the American melting pot getting kicked out of their homes.
Generaciones de americanos variopintos siendo echados de sus propias casas.
He's not getting out.
No se va a escapar.
Our parents are involved in a business matter, and it's getting ugly, so they're taking it out on us.
Nuestros padres tienen un problema de negocios, y se está poniendo feo, y nosotros la pagamos.
- All right, guys, we're getting the hell out of here.
Bueno niños, nos vamos de aqui.
Why you getting snatched out of class like that?
¿ Por qué te han sacado de clase así?
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191