I went inside перевод на испанский
349 параллельный перевод
Then I went inside and looked at the tomb where he lies.
Entré y me acerqué a la tumba...
I ran into the place. As I went inside, I saw Briggs look around and dash towards the kitchen in the back.
Entré corriendo, Briggs me vio y corrió hacia la cocina.
Because I haven't been sat at a desk reading bits of paper. - I went inside.
Porque no pierdo el tiempo leyendo papeles ni cartas ; me metí dentro.
I waited and waited and waited. After three hours, I was suspicious, so I went inside.
Y esperado y esperado... 3 horas después, he pensado que era raro y he entrado.
I went inside and slept.
Yo entré, a dormir.
I went inside the fence... and I looked around for some kindlin'to work on, but I didn't see none.
Bueno, atravesé la cerca... y busqué alrededor leña para trabajar, pero no vi nada.
- I went inside.
- Entré en la casa...
So that no one would notice, I went inside
Para que nadie se diera cuenta me metí para adentro.
Been thinking about it ever since I went inside. "I'll never come back!" lsn't that what you swore to me?
Dijiste que nunca volverías, ¿ no?
She didn't say anything, so I went inside.
Ella no dijo nada, así que entré.
Excuse me. Would you mind if I went inside and paid my respects?
Discúlpenme. ¿ Les importaría que entrara a rendir mis respetos?
I went inside and thought about why I was attracted to Chris.
Me he estado preguntando qué fue lo que me atrajo de Chris.
I went inside the mall to the food fair... where the smell of caramel popcorn... and cleaning fluid so overwhelmed me... that I noticed my nakedness...
Entré al centro comercial a la feria de comida, donde el aroma a palomitas y líquido quitamanchas... me agobió tanto que me di cuenta de mi desnudez.
Casually one night I went inside her while she was sleeping.
¡ Por casualidad! Una noche me le metí mientras dormía.
After I went inside, her mama told her I was dead which, in a way, I was.
Cuando caí preso, su madre le dijo que había muerto. En parte, era así.
Then I went inside for a while.
Luego fui adentro un rato.
Anyway, they gave me $ 100 but I forgot my sunglasses so I had to go back in, and when I went inside, I heard'em talking about killing somebody, and... and then they chased me, but I got away.
En fin, me dieron cien dólares, pero olvidé mis gafas. Así que fui a buscarlas. Entonces oí que querían matar a alguien y me persiguieron, pero logré escapar.
I stopped by the house to drop the car off and I went inside for a few minutes.
Fui a la casa para dejar el auto y entré unos minutos.
I went inside, I told you that.
Yo entré. Te lo dije.
There was a bank across the street. I went inside. The cashier took my money, and she counted it twice.
había un banco al otro lado de la calle y entré... la cajera tomó mi dinero y lo contó dos veces.
Steve Britt used to swear that I had an alarm clock inside of me... which went off every five hours on the dot.
Steve Britt juraba que yo tenía un despertador adentro... que sonaba exactamente cada cinco horas.
I'm certain he went inside the gate.
Estoy seguro de que entró por la puerta.
But this morning when I went to the ticket office, the same man came inside and stood beside me.
Pero esta mañana, cuando fui a la boletería el mismo hombre entró y se paró a mi lado.
I went into my apartment, and there they were all inside.
Fui a mi apartamento y allí estaban todos dentro.
I went back inside.
Volví a entrar.
She went inside. I waited outside.
Ha entrado y he esperado fuera...
So I went round to slip in the back door lt was all dark inside the cabin I listened---l couldn't hear anything I crabbed to the stairs I peeped up over the lamp on the upper floor of the cabin
La puerta de entrada de la cabaña estaba cerrada. Así que la rodeé para entrar por la trasera. Estaba oscuro dentro de la cabaña.
I went to see my cousin... but I felt empty inside, like all hope was lost.
Fui donde mi primo pero tenía un vacío aquí dentro, como si hubiera perdido toda esperanza.
When I heard all those stories about your romantic escapades, your savageness, your daring something inside of me always went limp and fluttery.
Que cuando pensaba en todas tus románticas aventuras amorosas, tu atrevimiento, tu ferocidad, había algo que vibraba dentro de mí.
- l was stunned, but when he went inside, I ran off like a thief.
- Me pilló de sorpresa y le dije que sí. Entonces, subió a buscar su maleta y desaparecí, como un ladrón.
Gentlemen, if I went into court as Scott's counsel, I'd move to quash the indictment, and we'd be out of that courtroom inside of 10 minutes.
Si fuera a juicio como abogado de Scott... pedirían que le invalidaran el cargo, y saldríamos en diez minutos.
Well I only hope the Daleks do go for the guards. A lot of the Daleks went out just now. Good, because we're going inside.
( El Doctor y Valmar entran en la cápsula y salen con una caja de conexiones conectada a una gran cantidad de cables )
Currently I had opend this fence and went inside with my cow, and left the axe here.
Abrí la valla y me metí adentro con la vaca, dejando fuera el hacha.
I stood up, went inside, washed off the blood, and put on a bandage.
Me paré, salí, me lavé la sangre y me puse una venda.
I know she went inside to cry alone... while outside the fireworks brightened up the sky... so God could see the other people's happiness.
Puedo asegurar que estaba llorando a escondidas... mientras, allá afuera, los cohetes aclaraban el cielo... para que Dios espiara la alegría ajena.
Well, as you can imagine, I mean, everything inside me went cold.
Como te imaginarás, me quedé helada.
Listen, I just remembered, I left your cases just outside your room by mistake. Would you mind if I went up and put them inside now?
Recuerdo que he dejado las maletas en la puerta, iré a meterlas en la habitación.
Ever since Dom went, I feel all empty inside.
Desde que Dom no esta, me siento vacia.
- I'm sorry. OK, so you went inside.
Está bien, así que entró.
With the plans Herschel sent me, I mean... we disconnected the alarm system, and Frank torched the safe... - and we went inside, one, two, three. - [Forced Exhale]
Con los planos que me mandó Herschel desconectamos el sistema de alarma, Frank abrió la caja fuerte y entramos, uno, dos, tres.
I went to school there. I know it inside and out.
Estudié allí, lo conozco de arriba abajo.
"until you went to sleep, I would come inside the room and kill you."
"hasta que te vayas a dormir, entraré a la habitación y te mataré."
You went inside, so I have orders to kill you.
Habéis entrado, así que tengo órdenes de mataros.
I mean, she went inside, and I waited outside.
Es decir, ella entró, y yo esperé afuera.
Yes, I went inside the house.
- Si, entré a la casa.
But when I got my ticket and went inside, they were already standing by the staircase, but they didn't see me.
Pero cuando compro la entrada y entro ellos ya estaban parados cerca de la escalinata pero no me vieron.
I went with Mr. Professor... To see the inside of the tomb.
Estaba con el sr. profesor... para ver la tumba.
I went to fetch my handbag I'd left it inside.
Fui a por mi bolso. Lo había dejado dentro.
I did some more work and went inside.
Hice algunos trabajos y volví a entrar.
I bet you two bottles of Scotch that they're inside the sphere and that they went in right through that hatch.
Le apuesto dos botellas de whisky a que están dentro de la esfera y que, además, entraron por esa escotilla.
I honored his choice and went inside.
Honré su elección y entré.
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went too far 34
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went back 43
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went back 43
i went away 19
inside 950
inside out 19
inside job 21
inside me 38
inside voice 18
inside you 29
insider trading 23
inside and out 54
inside 950
inside out 19
inside job 21
inside me 38
inside voice 18
inside you 29
insider trading 23
inside and out 54