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Knock him out перевод на испанский

442 параллельный перевод
I say Kid Robert will knock him out in the 1st round!
¡ Y Kid Robert noquea a Jo Tourens en el primer round!
Who told you to knock him out?
¿ Quién te mandó matarlo?
The first thing you know... you'll be telling me you didn't knock him out!
Ahora dirás que no Ie dejaste KO. - No Io hice.
I said I didn't knock him out.
- Yo no Ie dejé KO.
He didn't knock him out!
No Ie dejó KO.
You didn't knock him out. No.
¿ No Ie noqueaste?
Why don't you let me knock him out?
¿ Por qué no me deja noquearlo?
Knock him out?
¿ Noquearlo?
All right, knock him out.
- Muy bien, noquéelo.
I knock him out of the bed.
Lo bajo de un golpe.
- Knock him out later.
- Derríbalo después.
Why'd you knock him out?
¿ Por qué le habéis golpeado?
- You'll knock him out, then what good is he?
¿ Por qué? Lo van a dejar inconsciente ¿ y de qué serviría?
Take 20-to-1 Giveno. Don't knock him out in the first.
20 a 1 a que Giveno no lo noquea en el primer asalto.
- You can knock him out.
- Pos si tú sí puedes tumbarlo.
I'll knock him out not once but 10 times.
Yo... si tú quieres no digo una 10 veces acuesto yo al desgracia'o este.
Knock him out!
¡ Noquéalo!
Knock him out? In his condition, it wouldn't be any good.
En su estado actual, no serviría de nada.
- I knock him out.
- Le noquearé.
Knock him out! Get out!
- Mátale, estaremos más tranquilos.
Can Rocky Graziano shake off every roof that has caved in on him during the past six months and bounce back to take the title from the only man to ever knock him out?
¿ Podrá Rocky levantar cabeza ante las acusaciones sufridas en los últimos seis meses y lograr arrebatarle el título al único hombre que Io ha noqueado?
Knock him out, knock him out.
Noquéalo, noquéalo.
That's why he got the bout. Booker can name the round, he'll knock him out.
Por eso le dejan combatir, para que Booker lo deje K.O.
When we knock him out, I'll keep you posted from the road.
Cuando lo hayamos detenido, te mantendré informado desde el camino.
- I thought it best to knock him out.
- Pensé que lo mejor sería dejarle KO.
But it's the second time you knock him out!
Le ocurrió cuando le acariciaste por dos veces la cabeza.
Too bad we can't give him a hypo. Knock him out.
Es una pena que no podamos ponerle una inyección para acabar con él.
During the night, while the old man is sleeping, haven't you ever wanted to knock him out and leave with his money?
Durante la noche, mientras el viejo duerme, ¿ nunca te han dado ganas de dejarlo sin sentido y marcharte con su dinero?
Knock him out if you have to.
Golpéenlo si es necesario.
I had to knock him out.
Lo dejé inconsciente.
Give you even money Ski don't knock him out in the first round.
Apuesto lo mismo a que Ski no lo tumba en el primer asalto.
Bones, knock him out, fast.
Huesos, duérmalo rápido.
You'll knock him out a little...
Lo aturdes con un ligero golpe...
We'll bail him out and knock him off.
Le pagaremos las fianza y luego nos lo cargaremos.
Well, I thought the cold water might knock the shyness out of him.
El agua fría le quitará probablemente la timidez...
Then he'll get it! They'll knock the stuffing'out of him!
No debes hablar así y debes prometerme no decir más palabrotas.
Why don't you get mad and knock some of that ego out of him?
¿ Por qué no te enfadas y le das una lección a ese ego que tiene?
Pareces un camión lento.
They'll knock the stuffing out of him.
Le darán una golpiza hasta sacarle el relleno.
After I showed him how to knock this guy out, we get this big feed, see?
Y después de verle bloquear a aquel tipo vino el grandote. - ¿ Sí?
Let him go into the fight and knock Ben out.
Que salga a pegar y que lo tumbe.
You've gotta knock him out to win.
Tendrías que dejarle fuera de combate.
'" they can come out and hit him and stab him and shoot him! '" There's a knock on the door!
¡ Después de que yazca inerme en el suelo, pueden salir a golpearlo, lo apuñalan y le dispararan!
I told him the only thing there was more of was a brother 6-foot-4, who liked to knock out teeth for exercise.
Entonces le dije que lo único que había en casa era un hermano de casi 2 metros al que le gustaba romper dentaduras para divertirse.
Well... now and then, for no good reason a man can figure out... life will just haul off and knock him flat.
Bueno... de vez en cuando, sin ninguna razón que un hombre puede imaginar... la vida te golpea brutalmente.
Tell him I'm a married woman, and that my husband is a government official, ready and willing to knock out all his front teeth.
Oígale que estoy casada y que mi marido es un alto funcionario del gobierno que estaría encantado de romperle sus bonitos dientes.
Doll baby, I didn't mean to knock him off, but you're going to be my ticket out of here.
No me lo quería cargar, pero tú serás mi billete de salida.
If we can knock the creature out, immobilize him,
Si se puede matar a ese animal, al menos, inmovilizarlo,
When he comes to us... Kick him right in the stomach. It'll knock the wind out of him.
Cuando venga hacia nosotros... yo le pego en el estómago...
Now, if I can knock Spock out without really hurting him.
Ahora, si puedo vencer a Spock sin lastimarlo.
Porque nos tienes a nosotros levantando... dos casas en el tiempo que lleva construir una.

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