Less than перевод на испанский
16,512 параллельный перевод
That virus could spread around the planet in less than 24 hours if it fell into the wrong hands.
- Ese virus se extenderá por el planeta en menos de 24 horas si cae en las manos equivocadas.
It's nothing less than a wanton, criminal neglect.
No es nada menos que una negligencia criminal y sin sentido.
Who I trust even less than you.
En quien confío mucho menos que en ti.
I think that day on Boylston Street, the bombers took lives and limbs... they took some of our sense of security, but they took a lot less than they intended.
Creo que ese día en la calle Boylston los agresores se llevaron vidas y miembros... DEVAL PATRICK EXGOBERNADOR DE MASSACHUSETTS... se llevaron nuestra sensación de seguridad pero se llevaron mucho menos de lo que esperaban.
And I know that you're less than enthusiastic about this idea, but listen, you know what? We're just gonna let it sit.
Y sé que no te entusiasma nada la idea pero, mira, démosle tiempo.
My behavior was less than perfect.
Mi comportamiento fue menos que perfecto.
Less than two miles away.
A tres kilómetros de aquí.
The hearing is less than 12 hours away.
Jack, esto empieza en menos de 12 horas.
He doesn't consider anything less than triple-a.
Ni siquiera se toma la molestia por algo que sea menos que triple A.
Prepared to close in less than a week, I hear.
He oído que quiere cerrar el acuerdo en menos de una semana.
Less than a hundred years ago, the Bronx was all prairie.
Hasta hace 100 años, el Bronx era una pradera.
It's been less than an hour since the lights have gone out.
Pasó menos de una hora desde que se fue la luz.
Actually, you're worth less than nothing when you figure in the debt and the loan, the taxes... stuff like that.
En realidad, usted vale menos que nada cuando te das cuenta de la deuda y el préstamo, los impuestos... cosas por el estilo.
And in Empirical's hands, you'll be nothing less than the new Betty Friedan.
Y en las manos de Empirical, serás nada menos que la nueva Betty Friedan.
You've been topside for less than 24 hours.
Has estado arriba menos de 24 horas.
A pretty powerful someone who was less than pleased with the way the Memphis legal system handled the matters.
Alguien muy poderoso, al que no le hizo ni puta gracia cómo se encargó el sistema judicial de Memphis del tema.
- Okay, listen up. You guys are opening for the New York Dolls in less than a month.
Serán los teloneros de los New York Dolls en menos de un mes.
Today, in 1982, there are less than two million..
Hoy, en 1982, hay menos de dos millones...
You are telling me that we have less than we had before?
¿ Me estás diciendo que tenemos menos de lo que teníamos antes?
I had less than him.
Tenía menos que él.
Nevada. With all the votes now tallied, Senator Bill O'Brien's lead over President Selina Meyer is now less than half a percent, which by Nevada state law would allow for a possible recount.
Se sumaron los votos y el liderazgo de O'Brien sobre Selina Meyer es menos de medio por ciento, y la ley de Nevada permitiría un recuento.
In less than 30 seconds, we'd be overrun by army MPs, NSA Police, and contract triggers.
En menos de 30 segundos, estaríamos rodeados por policías militares armados, policía de la NSA y tiradores a sueldo.
No, less than 12 hours. They'd figure it out, they'd find you, and... and they'd rescue them.
En menos de 12 lo sabrán, te encontrarán
There are no less than five redundancies in the safe security system.
Hay al menos cinco redundancias en el sistema de seguridad.
We have Bundt cake coming out in, like, less than a minute.
Hay torta Bundt. La torta Bundt estará lista en menos de un minuto.
Less than 3 kilometers.
Menos de tres kilómetros.
In less than 24 hours, she told me everything I wanted to know.
En menos de 24 horas me dijo todo lo que quería saber.
Handoff is happening in less than an hour.
El intercambio será en menos de una hora.
Less than a minute to go before you have to crawl back in your cage like an animal.
Menos de un minuto antes de que te hagan meterte en tu jaula como un animal de nuevo.
Don't you ever tell my daughter that she is anything less than perfect. 'Course not.
No te atrevas a decirle que no es perfecta.
You did, like, less than half of this. What's the deal?
Hiciste menos de la mitad. ¿ Qué sucede?
We'll have a look around, walk the track back and we'd be back in less than an hour.
Vamos a echar un vistazo, recorrer el sendero de regreso. Y volveríamos en menos de una hora.
Grounders are here, an army 300 strong camped less than a mile from here.
Los Terrestres están aquí, un ejército de 300 hombres acampados a menos de una milla de aquí.
The Grounder army is gonna be here in less than a day.
El ejército de los terrícolas estará aquí en menos de un día.
Arkadia will be starving in less than a year.
Arkadia morirá de hambre en menos de un año.
My "she" is proving to the world... that she's no less than a "he"...
Mi "ella" está demostrandole al mundo... Que ser un "ella" no es menos que un "él"
And this "he" is proving to the world... that he's no less than a "she"!
Y este "él" ésta demostrando al mundo... Que un "él" no es menos que un "ella"
"She" is proving to the world that she's no less than a "he"...
"Ella" le está demostrando al mundo que no es menos que un "él"
That my life's aim... is to show people that I'm no less than a man?
Demostrarle a la gente que no soy menos que un hombre?
Your life is no less than a film. How much for the copyrights?
Su vida no es menos que una pelicula, ¿ cuántos quieren los derechos de autor?
Apparently, I was a little less in control than I thought I was last night, and I hired him.
Al parecer, anoche no estaba tan controlado como pensé y lo contraté. Buena decisión.
You will make more money and have a longer career with me taking more than with anyone else taking less.
Harán más dinero y tendrán una carrera más larga conmigo que con cualquiera que pida menos.
Marianne est plus intelligente que Juliette. Nantes is less expensive than Paris.
Nantes es más barato que París.
This is a lot less patchouli and a whole lot more full automatic weapons than Jonah carried.
Esto es mucho menos infantil e involucra muchas más armas de las que Jonah tenía.
Look, Mike. I know we're in a less-than-ideal situation here together.
Mira, Mike yo sé que nuestra situación es menor que ideal aquí.
He's younger than me, he's less handsome, much thinner penis...
Es más joven que yo, menos guapo, más delgado de pene...
They have less regulation than us, you never know.
Tienen menos regulaciones, así que nunca se sabe.
They'd much rather see you shut down than work for less.
Ellos preferirían que cerraras a trabajar por menos.
Have compassion on those less fortunate than you.
Compadécete de los menos afortunados.
Slim milk, which has less milk... costs more than milk that has more milk!
La leche descremada, tiene menos crema Y cuesta más que la leche que tiene más crema
Less food is costlier than more food!
Menos comida es más costoso que más comida
less than a minute 21
less than an hour 24
less than that 21
less than an hour ago 18
thank you 126302
thanks 59401
thank god 4623
thank you very much 5591
thank 280
than 312
less than an hour 24
less than that 21
less than an hour ago 18
thank you 126302
thanks 59401
thank god 4623
thank you very much 5591
thank 280
than 312
thanksgiving 89
thank you for your attention 27
thank you for your concern 101
thank you for understanding 58
thanks for letting me know 59
thank you so much 3846
thank you for your support 46
thank you for your service 99
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28
thank you for your attention 27
thank you for your concern 101
thank you for understanding 58
thanks for letting me know 59
thank you so much 3846
thank you for your support 46
thank you for your service 99
thanks for the heads up 54
thanks for playing 28