Look at you all перевод на испанский
3,079 параллельный перевод
Look at you all giddy and girly.
Mírate eufórica y femenina.
And look at you, stamps, you're all grown up.
Y mírate, Stamps, ya has crecido.
Yeah, look at you, all grown up.
Sí, y mírate tú, como has crecido.
Look, you're standing at the nursery bawling, looking at all the healthy babies, feeling sorry for yourself.
mirando a todos los bebés sanos, sentiendo lástima por ti misma.
Look at you, sounding all jealous and sexy.
Mírate, sonando celoso y sexy.
It's so sad how much you love me and you look at me from a distance and you get all ♪ juicy in your pants.
Es muy triste lo mucho que me quieres y como me miras desde la distancia y se te humedecen los pantalones.
Look, until you've bathed in a solid crystal bathtub, you haven't bathed at all.
Mire, hasta que no te bañas en una bañera de cristal macizo, no te has bañado en absoluto.
Now, all you have to do is let me look at who checked out what vehicle today.
Ahora, todo lo que tienes que hacer es dejarme mirar quién se fue con qué coche hoy.
When I look at you, all I see is my little brother who broke his collarbone doing the worm at a friend's bar mitzvah.
Cuando te miro, todo lo que veo es a mi hermano pequeño que se rompió la clavícula haciendo el gusano en el bar mitzvah de un amigo.
Look at you. You put all your vitamins away.
Mírate, has guardado todas las vitaminas.
Maybe if this doesn't work out, I'll have to look at how you handled my other contracts all these years.
Quizá si esto no funciona, tendré que controlar cómo manejaste mis otros contratos estos años.
And all I'm asking is for you to just take a look at it.
Y todo lo que les pido es que lo miren.
I'd be stuck here, and you'd have to look at my face all week.
Estaría atrapado aquí, y tú tendrías que mirarme a la cara toda la semana.
But look you pray, all you that kiss my lady Peace at home, that our armies join not in a hot day for, by the Lord,
Pero, a todos vosotros que os quedáis en vuestras casas besando a milady la Paz, nuestros ejércitos no se encuentren en un día caluroso.
So all you have to do is smile and look at the jury.
Lo único que tienes que hacer es sonreír y mirar el jurado.
Yeah, it's got all the bells and whistles, but sometimes these new propulsion engines- - they can be tricky, you know? Did you, uh, take another look at the body?
Sí, tiene todos los extras, pero a veces estos nuevos motores de propulsión... pueden ser engañosos, ¿ sabes?
- Look at you, going all gen "y."
- Mírate, gen "y".
The library has been kind enough to allow me to borrow a very old Bible for you all to look at.
En la biblioteca han tenido la amabilidad de prestarme una Biblia muy antigua para que la veais todos.
If you look at the case from all angles, and I do mean all... Ms Fulstone only became our client because of the stalker.
Si analizas el caso desde todos los ángulos, y quiero decir todos... la Sra. Fulstone solo se convirtió en nuestra clienta por el acosador.
Look, all we need you to do is call Ilana and have her meet you at home.
Mira, todo lo que necesitamos que hagas es llamar a Ilana... y encontrarte con ella en casa.
- You mean look at all of these walking dollar signs.
- Querrás decir a todo ese dinero andante.
First of all, you just have to look at the statistics.
Para empezar, tienen que echarle un vistazo a las estadísticas.
Look at you two, gettin'all romantic at the fair.
Miraros vosotros dos, yendo en plan romántico por la feria.
Wow! Look at you, all dressy dressed.
Mírate, toda elegante vestida.
This guy's mouth look similar at all to you?
¿ La boca de este tipo le resulta parecida?
Oh such a fine girl... you don't look like it at all... anyways all for good... that fellow's loss and Vicky's gain...
Esto es demasiado.
You look at that all day, you not survive this place.
Miras esto todo el día, no sobrevives en este sitio.
All right, I need you to look at me right in the eye.
De acuerdo, necesito que me mires a los ojos.
You'd all start to whine if I was to ask you to work on the weekend Look at that!
¡ Ya estarían todos quejándose si les dijera de trabajar el fin de semana en eso!
Your personality, your judgment, the way you look at the world- - all those things will be compromised.
Su personalidad, su juicio, la manera que usted observa el mundo- - todas esas cosas estarán comprometidas.
Every email you send, every website you visit, every picture you look at on your wife's Facebook, all of it is.
Cada e-mail que envíes, cada Sitio Web que veas, cada foto de tu esposa que subas al Facebook, todo eso se predijo.
Wow, look at you, all sweaty with your tool belt and your'90s haircut.
Cielos, mírate. Sudado, con tu cinto de herramientas y tu corte de los 90.
To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face, huh?
A toda la gente que se queda de pie en tu funeral, tratando de imaginar cómo van a vivir el resto de su vida ahora sin ti en ella Y mírame a la cara, ¿ eh?
Look at you, all blond and beardless.
Mírate, todo rubio y sin barba.
Look, all I need you to do this time, very simple, is to pretend your mum has a potentially fatal, degenerative disease so that Miss Gulliver goes on a date with me and subsequently, at some point in the future, hopefully becomes my girlfriend.
Mira, lo que necesito esta vez, es muy simple, fingir que tu madre tiene una enfermedad degenerativa y potencialmente fatal para que la Srta. Gulliver tenga una cita conmigo y en consecuencia, en algún momento del futuro se convierta en mi novia.
- Look at you going all Claudia. - Uh-huh.
Mírate siendo Claudia.
When the Feds get a look at all this, you're gonna wish you never heard of S.P.I.
Cuando los Federales echen un vistazo a todo esto, Vas a desear no haber oído hablar nunca del SPI.
Does he look like you, He doesn't look like you at all.
- Se parece a ti, será llamado...
Oh, my! Look at you! You're all grown up!
¡ Dios mío, Chris, estás crecido!
You know you could look at that stuff all night and not be any closer to figuring it out.
Sabes que podrías mirar todo ese material toda la noche y no estar ni cerca de averiguarlo.
Every time I look at you, I see that perfect, healthy baby attached to your hip, and he smiles, and you smile, and all of that joy makes me want to scream and claw your eyes out and rip that child from your hands.
Cada vez que te miro, veo ese pequeño y sano bebé agarrado a tu cintura, y él sonríe, y tú sonríes, y toda esa alegría me da ganas de gritar y arrancarte los ojos y quitarte a ese niño de las manos.
I'll talk to my team, look at the schedule, consider all the options and I'll come and talk it over with you.
Hablaré con mi equipo, miraremos el calendario, consideraremos las opciones y volveré a hablar contigo.
Look at you, all hurt.
Mírate, estás lastimada.
Jamil, do you know where you are? All right, we're gonna have to move you so I can take a better look at you, Jamil. No!
Jamil, ¿ sabes dónde estás? Vale, tenemos que moverte para que pueda verte mejor, Jamil. ¡ No!
All you have to do is look at the blood.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es mirar la sangre.
I mean, look at all the thank-you notes that Doug gets.
Quiero decir, mira todas las notas de agradecimiento que Doug consigue.
Oh, my God, look at you two, you're all grown up.
Dios mío, miraos las dos, estáis grandísimas.
I... I can't look at you and talk to you right now, all right?
No puedo mirarte y hablarte ahora, ¿ vale?
Look at that! Hey, Ted, you want in on this dick work? ( all grunting )
Hey, Ted, ¿ te apuntas a este trabajo con una polla? ¡ En tu cara y en tu culo!
It's an observational fact that, if you look at the galaxies around us, and the most distant galaxies that we can see, they all appear to be moving away from us.
Es un hecho de observación que, si nos fijamos en las galaxias que nos rodean, y el más distante galaxias que podemos ver, todos parecen estar alejándose de nosotros.
They all turn to look at me and then I shit you out.
Todos se giran para mirarme y entonces te cago.
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at them 596
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66