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Me and him перевод на испанский

30,587 параллельный перевод
Me and him, till sundown.
Él y yo, hasta ponerse el sol.
And if he hits me, I'll hit him back... harder.
Si me pega, le pegaré más fuerte.
I count one two three you stab him and he shoots me.
Cuento uno, dos, tres tú lo apuñalas y él me dispara.
Cool.'Cause other than when you broke up with him and dated me, then broke up with me, and then dated me one more time before going back to him,
Genial. Salvo cuando rompiste con él y saliste conmigo, luego me dejaste y después volvimos a salir antes de que volvieras con él, yo siempre los apoyé.
I mean, I've got the fire department involved in looking for him and I hate firemen.
Quiero decir, tengo involucrado al cuerpo de bomberos buscándolo y no me gustan los bomberos.
Danny just bought this club, and he wants me to help him get his liquor license.
Danny acaba de comprar un club, y él quiere que le ayude a obtener la licencia de licor,
And then when I came out to him, it's like he couldn't talk to me anymore.
¿ Cuánto tiempo ha estado en Chicago? Nos mudamos el año pasado. Cuando el caso se cerró.
First, because you asked me not to, and also, if you won't tell him, it means you don't love him.
Primero, porque tú me lo pediste. Y además, si no se lo dijiste, significa que no lo amas.
But he was the one who motivated me to get off my ass and get this job, so in a way, we really have him to thank for all this happening.
Pero fue él el que me motivó para mover el culo y conseguir este trabajo, así que, en cierto modo, tendríamos que agradecerle a él que haya pasado.
He said that he was still in the system and that nobody wanted him.
Me dijo que seguía en el sistema y que nadie quería tenerlo.
You know, that day that we buried Frank, I went outside into the car and sat... sat in it to be alone and talk to him and tell him I loved him and that I forgave him.
Sabes, ese día en que enterramos a Frank, salí hacia el carro y me senté... me senté adentro para estar sola y hablarle y decirle que lo amaba y lo perdonaba.
I would beg him not to hit me, and you know what he would say?
Le rogaba que no me pegara, ¿ y sabes qué me decía?
Because as long as he thinks that I love him and want to be with him, he's gonna want to be with me and I'm not gonna feel safe.
Porque mientras piense que lo amo y que quiero estar con él, va a querer estar conmigo y no me voy a sentir segura.
And believe me, we're not allowing him, he's 18.
Y créeme, no se lo permitimos, tiene 18.
Well, I just... I got a call from his doctor, and, uh, apparently Nick asked when you were coming to visit him again.
Pues, su doctor me llamó, y al parecer Nick estaba preguntando que cuándo volverías a visitarlo.
My father's made some mistakes, but I don't appreciate you calling my mother and ganging up on him.
Mi papá ha cometido errores, pero no me gusta que estés llamando a mi mamá conspirando contra él.
- You filed a complaint about him four years ago, and I was just wondering why... why you withdrew it.
- Hiciste una denuncia hace cuatro años, y me preguntaba por qué la retiraste.
And then you went and comforted him after all those shots he took at me.
Y luego, te fuiste detrás de él poniéndote de su lado.
And yeah, I... I went after him because of what you said.
Y sí... me fui detrás de él por lo que le dijiste.
Aaron is no less of a man than you are, and just'cause he's trans, that would never stop me from seeing him.
Aaron no es menos hombre que tú, y el hecho de que sea trans no es motivo para que no salga con él.
There is a good and decent man in there who loves me and is expecting to marry me, and I can't tell if I am marrying because I love him back or because I just ran here and picked up a scalpel and slipped into this Shepherd skin.
Hay un hombre bueno y decente ahí fuera, que me quiere, y espera casarse conmigo, y no puedo distinguir si me caso con él porque le quiera o porque corrí aquí a coger un bisturí y a meterme en la piel de Shepherd.
I had the love of my life, and I just... pssh... pushed him away, and now he's gone.
Tuve el amor de mi vida y simplemente... se me escapó, y ahora ha desaparecido.
So, he just kept asking me to marry him again and again.
Sigue pidiéndome que me case con él una y otra vez.
I'm glad he's dead, and the only thing that makes it sweeter is knowing that I am the one who killed him.
Me alegra que esté muerto, y lo único que lo hace más dulce es saber que yo soy la que lo maté.
He said I'd see him today, and then this happened.
Me dijo que lo vería hoy y luego pasó esto.
I thought it was a joke. I kept waiting for him to, like, bust out and say, "Got you, dude," or whatever.
Cuando me mudé, la forma de actuar, yo... pensaba que era una broma.
I took a Ducati to Roland Sands'place, and I liked this so much I kind of stole it from him.
Llevé una Ducati al taller de Roland Sands', y me gustó tanto ésta que casi se la robé.
And I asked him if they could show me how to change my oil.
Creo que los mejores paseos son los espontáneos.
Got him when he was four and a half months old, undernourished, but he had attitude.
Me lo dieron cuando tenía cuatro meses y medio, desnutrido, pero tenía actitud.
"I was wet before he even touched me, aching for him to open me up and to crawl inside."
" Estaba mojada antes de que incluso me tocara, ansiosa para que me abriera y se arrastrara a adentro.
"that might rid me from the months of frustration that came from obeying him and..."
Que podría deshacerme de los meses de frustración que venían de obedecerlo y... "
"down on my knees, and know he'd put me there, taught me that, enslaved me to him."
DYLAN QUINN -... y saber que me había puesto allí, que me enseñó eso, que me esclavizó a él ".
Miss Susan, you told me, and I had to ask him because he... he is my brother.
Señorita Susan, usted me lo dijo, y tenía que preguntarle, porque es... es mi hermano.
I'm parting with it because Alexander Kirk needs to be killed, and if it takes planting a little evidence on him... so be it.
Y me lo llevé porque Alexander Kirk tiene que ser asesinado, y si hace falta ponerle un poco de evidencia... que así sea.
But yet you stood around long enough to field a job offer and you let him talk shit about me?
¿ Pero te quedaste para que te ofreciera trabajo y hablara mal de mí?
I saw him for one second and I freaked out.
Le vi un segundo y me puse de los nervios.
I see him and my heart explodes.
Es verle y me explota el corazón.
And I'm still here, where I was, waiting outside Nick's door, trying to figure out how to... talk to him without having a heart attack.
Y yo sigo aquí, donde estaba, esperando en la puerta de Nick, intentando averiguar cómo hablar con él sin que me dé un ataque al corazón.
Working with Derrick, I've learned to like and respect him.
Trabajando con Derrick, aprendi a que me agrade y respetarla.
Zi Meng and I are waiting for him.
Me quedé en el coche con Zi Meng.
I'll find him and beg for his forgiveness!
Lo encontraré y le rogaré que me perdone.
Jervis kept me a prisoner most of my life, and when I finally managed to escape, I ran as far away from him as I could.
Jervis me mantuvo prisionera la mayor parte de mi vida, y cuando por fin logré escapar, escapé lo más lejos que pude de él.
And if she did kiss him, do you think she thought he was me?
Y si le besó, ¿ crees que ella pensó que era yo?
He loves me and I love him.
Él me quiere y yo le quiero.
And he told me that you had him arrested today, on our wedding day.
Y me dijo que lo arrestaste hoy, el día de nuestra boda.
I simply smiled at a male human and asked him to take me.
Simplemente le sonreí a un hombre y le pedí que me llevara.
And I can only hope that he can count on me as much as I count on him.
Y solamente puedo esperar que pueda contar conmigo tanto como yo cuento con él.
He called me a coward and he shoved me, so I shoved him back, and he fell and he hit his head.
Me llamó cobarde y me empujó, así que yo le empujé y se cayó... - y se golpeó en la cabeza. - ¿ Asa?
And Heather told me, "You need to leave him."
Y Heather me dijo : "Debes dejarlo".
He said I was a pisspot and I slapped him.
Él me llamó borracha y le di una bofetada.
All the times you told me about how you went to Franco to persuade him to reopen it, and not only did they not thank you, but as well they made your life hell.
Con la de veces que me contaste cuando fuiste a ver a Franco para convencerle de que lo reabrieran. Y no sólo no te lo agradecieron, noooo si no que encima te hicieron la vida imposible.

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