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Move it out перевод на испанский

1,290 параллельный перевод
- Let's move it out of here.
- Saquémoslo de aquí.
Move it out of the way.
Quítalo del camino.
Let's go! Let's move it out!
Move it out.
Move it out!
- ¡ Vamos!
Move it out there!
¡ Afuera!
Move it out, alright.
Vamos, todos fuera. Eso es.
Move it out, mister!
¡ Muévase, señor!
You've had your chance. Move it out now.
Lo has intentado, ahora déjalo.
Move it out!
¡ Vamos! ¡ Muévete!
Move it out.
Let's move it out.
Vamos a pasar hacia fuera.
Move it out, Earl.
Partamos, Earl.
OK, let's move it out.
- De acuerdo, movámonos.
- Move it out.
- Saliendo.
All right, move it out.
Muy bien, vamos.
Move it out.
Move it out, come on!
- Bájate, vamos. - Bueno.
All right, let's move it out.
# 1, move it out!
¡ Número 1, váyase!
Let's move it out.
Vamos a entrar.
Move it out!
¡ Corre!
Move it out!
¡ Sál de aquí!
Let's move it out.
You gotta try and move it out of there.
Traten de sacarla de allí.
When deliveries are made at the front door... you move the stuff out the back and sell it at a discount.
La mercancía que llegaba por delante, la vendía rebajada por detrás.
Move it out of the way.
¡ Tengo una presa de pollo... cabrón, come-pollo!
Then they move the people out, raise the value and sell it at a profit.
Luego sacan a la gente, suben el valor y la venden con utilidades.
Get out. Move it.
- ¡ Vamos, vámonos!
We have to move it all out if we're going to fit more than 200 bodies in here.
Tenemos que sacarlos si vamos a meter más de 200 cuerpos aquí.
Get the lead out. Come on, move it.
Vamos, muévanse.
It must've been such a relief for her to move out here.
Donna. Hola.
Well, it turns out that wrestlers move around as much as the military, but don't worry, we'll get something soon.
Parece que los luchadores se mudan tanto como los soldados. Pero no te preocupes, pronto sabremos algo.
Move your stuff out of the way. Move it!
Mueva sus cosas fuera de aquí. ¡ Muévalo!
Alright, check it out! Move it!
Mira a ver.
- Get him out of here. Move it!
- ¡ Lleváoslo, rápido!
Everybody, out of here now. Let's go. Move it.
Vamos, que todo el mundo abandone la sala.
Move out and let the ice-Rasta show you how it's done.
Muevete y permite al rasta del hielo que muéstre cómo se hace.
Move on! " But it's fuckin'freezin'out there, an'I was a Caesarian.
Pero hace frío y yo nací por cesárea.
Don't move until you figure it out in your head.
No muevas hasta que resuelvas eso en tu cabeza.
They use up a host body, throw it out and move on to the next.
Usan un cuerpo, lo desechan... ... y toman otro.
I'll just move it on out.
solo me iré de aquí.
Everyone said it was a stupid move, but I didn't care because I loved you and wanted to see you pull yourself out of this senseless funk that you've been in since that whore dumped you so many years ago.
Todos me decían que era estúpido, pero no me importó... porque te quería y deseaba... que te deshicieras de ese pánico absurdo en el que estás metido... desde que esa puta te dejó, hace ya tantos años.
An exclusive trade and services agreement with Mars would give it to them if they could move the current Mars Conglomerate out.
Un acuerdo exclusivo de comercio y servicios con Marte les daría eso... si pudiesen hacer a un lado al presente Conglomerado Marciano.
We're going to send a WSKR out, blow up the minefield... and then move forward behind it.
Sacaremos un WSKR y haremos explotar el campo... y luego, seguimos detrás.
Now that we've gotten shakespeare out of the way it's time to move on to some truly significant literature...
Ahora que hemos quitado a Shakespeare es hora de progresar a una verdadera y significativa literatura.
- Move it on out, boy.
Afuera, muchacho.
But still, i have to move, figure things out fast... and i have to do whatever it is i need to do, and i don't even know what that is.
Pero me tengo que mover y hacer lo que sea que tenga que hacer y no sé qué es.
My only real concern is how long it will take them to move out.
Mi ünica preocupaciön es cuánto se van a demorar en mudarse.
God damn it, move out!
But to imagine we have the technology to build a portal into an alternative universe and then move in and out of it?
Pero para imaginar que tenemos la tecnología para construir un portal hacia un universo alternativo y además movernos dentro y fuera de él?

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