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Not specifically перевод на испанский

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In your advertisement, did you not specifically request to play games?
¿ No pedíais en el anuncio "que juegue"?
Not specifically, but I got the impression she found them the most attractive human feature.
No concretamente, pero creo que le parecieron el rasgo humano más atractivo.
I do not specifically refer to Captain Christopher, but suppose an unscrupulous man were to gain knowledge of man's future? Such a man could manipulate key industries, stocks and even nations, and in so doing, change what must be.
No me refiero específicamente al capitán Christopher, pero si alguien sin escrúpulos conociera ciertas cosas del futuro, ese alguien podría manipular industrias clave, el mercado de valores y países y, al hacerlo, cambiar el futuro.
- Not specifically.
- No específicamente.
Well, no, not specifically.
- Bueno, no, no específicamente.
Holmes collected nothing, no trinkets, no thoughts which were not specifically significant to him.
Holmes no coleccionaba ni baratijas, ni ideas, que no significaran algo para él.
- Then the original owner retains all rights not specifically granted.
- Entonces el propietario original retiene todos los derechos no atribuidos específicamente.
- Not specifically.
- No exactamente. - No.
Not specifically, but there are two things that seem unusual.
Nada concreto, pero hay dos cosas muy poco corrientes.
No, not specifically, but how it's interpreted is a whole other matter.
No, no hay cómo se lo interprete ya es otra cosa.
Your Honor, I submit that a gun specifically designed not to reflect sunlight could hardly glitter at night.
Su Señoría, ofrezco que una pistola... diseñada específicamente para no reflejar la luz del sol... no podría brillar de noche.
I specifically warned you not to say one word to that committee.
Le dije que no debía decir una palabra.
Alta, I specifically asked you not to join us for lunch.
Alta, te he pedido expresamente que no vinieras a comer.
But he also said that you did not say specifically why you want him to have further treatment.
Pero también dijo que no especificó por qué quiere que siga en tratamiento.
My concern happens to be, very specifically, a space project, not a man.
Eh... sra. Gaines, no quiero parecer insensible.
What you're telling me, I've been specifically ordered not to do!
¡ Me ordenaron específicamente no hacer lo que usted me está pidiendo!
Darn. I specifically told Darrin not to mention it to you.
Le dije a Darrin que no te mencionara nada.
She specifically asked for the owner, not the manager.
Ha preguntado específicamente por el propietario, no por el director.
At the time I went to North Vietnam... the communiques which were being issued, by Washington in particular... about the American bombing raids on the north... gave the impression, although they did not say so specifically... that we were not killing civilians... in any substantial numbers, at least... in the course of our very heavy bombing offensive.
Cuando fui a Vietnam del Norte... los comunicados que se publicaban por Washington hablando con detalle sobre las incursiones del bombardeo americano en el norte... daban la impresión, aunque eso no lo especificaran exactamente, que no matábamos civiles... o que su número no era sustancial, por lo menos en el periodo más intenso de nuestra ofensiva de bomberdeos.
Aside from the fact it specifically says not to give the police any information...
Además de la indicación de no avisarle a la policía...
She specifically asked us not to contact them.
Ella nos pidió específicamente que no les avisáramos.
Not only is masquerading as a starlet not going to get you out of the army... military regulations specifically state... that no soldier may receive his pay unless in uniform.
Disfrazarte como mujer no hará que te saquen del ejército. EI reglamento militar establece específiicamente... que sólo se pagará a soldados uniformados.
I'm not trying to be a leader or anything, but we're not supposed to delve quite so specifically into housework.
No intento ser una líder o algo parecido, pero se supone que no tenemos que profundizar tanto en las tareas domésticas.
Veteran newsmen theorize that the fact that Garretson was held for questioning had not been specifically -
Analistas experimentados creen que el hecho de que Garretson fuera detenido para interrogatorios no era...
I can't tell you if something is safe or not unless I know specifically what you're talking about.
No puedo decirle si algo es seguro o no a menos que sepa específicamente de qué está hablando.
If you had been patient, I would have explained... that I, too, thought Frank Hackett precipitate... and that the reorganization of the News Division would not be executed... until everyone, specifically you, Max... had been consulted and satisfied.
Si hubieras sido paciente, te habría explicado... que yo también pensé que Frank Hackett se precipitó... y que la reorganización de la División de Noticias no se ejecutaría... hasta que todos, específicamente tú, Max... hubiesen sido consultados a satisfacción.
I'm not talking specifically about the Federal Republic of Germany.
No hablo de Alemania Federal en particular.
Specifically, with your statement it was not a chemical war strike.
Según su informe, no fue un ataque de guerra química.
Perhaps it is true, as Professor Fields has said that I do not involve myself specifically in feminist politics.
Quizá sea cierto, como ha dicho la profesora Fields que yo no me comprometo con la ideología feminista.
The one I specifically told you not to bring back to the castle?
¿ Aquél que expresamente te indiqué que no trajeras al castillo?
But the client specifically asked us not to involve him.
Pero el cliente nos ha pedido que no lo metiésemos en esto.
What they specifically were not concerned with were the Cambodians themselves.
Pero no se preocuparon por los camboyanos mismos.
I mean, cops around you cracking skulls, you've got a picket sign in your hand, you're not thinking specifically about stopping the war right now.
La policía andaba partiendo cabezas y uno tenía la pancarta en la mano.
The aunt specifically stated that she did not wish that he should benefit "by so much as a farthing".
La tía declaró específicamente que no quería que recibiese ni un centavo.
There. I've instructed the computer to give us a Holmes-type problem, but not one written specifically by Conan Doyle.
Listo, Le he pedido a la computadora que nos dé un problema tipo Holmes, pero no uno escrito por Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Not specifically. No. GEORGE :
Lleva un mes conseguir un crédito y... la D.G.I. me cobra intereses diarios.
It's unfocused, not directed specifically at us.
Es errante, no lo dirigen específicamente a nosotros.
I specifically told you not to speak to anyone at the foreign office.
Te dije que no hablaras con nadie del departamento.
You were specifically instructed not to make any promises to the inmates.
Se le ordenó que no prometiera nada a los reclusos.
... and would not be found unless specifically requested...
-... y no se las encuentra si no se pide específicamente...
As I recall, Admiral Kenney, Navy Surgeon General specifically told us not to discuss the case.
El almirante Kenney, cirujano general de la marina nos dijo específicamente que no discutiéramos el caso.
Are you telling me that I should disobey my uncle... and do something that he specifically told me not to do?
¿ Me telling que Deberías desobedecer a mi Tío... y hacer algo que me specifically no hacer Toid?
cannot be specifically related to your military service, treatment is not available at this time.
"no puede ser específicamente vinculada a su servicio militar... " el tratamiento no está disponible en este momento.
But before you get into trouble tomorrow, you should know the platoon commander, Kendrick, held a meeting with the men and specifically told them not to touch Santiago.
Pero has de saber que el teniente Kendrick ordenó que no tocasen a Santiago.
He said Lieutenant Kendrick had told the men specifically not to touch Santiago.
Dijo que el teniente Kendrick había ordenado no tocar a Santiago.
Well, not you specifically, but whoever happens to be reading the book at the time.
Bueno, no usted específicamente, sino cualquiera que lea el libro.
I was specifically not expecting you.
No te esperaba específicamente a ti.
All this you could've set on fire, but I specifically reminded you not to forget the fucking watch!
Podías haber quemado toda esta mierda, pero... te recordé que no se te olvidara el maldito reloj.
He told me specifically not to smear my brow, but rather to pat for optimum effect.
Cómo tocarme la frente. En concreto que dijo que no me la frotara que me la acariciara, para dar mejor efecto.
You're aware that Captain Janeway specifically told us not to risk contacting the Vidiians?
La capitán Janeway dio órdenes claras de no contactar con los vidiianos.
- When I specifically told you not to.
- cuando te dije que no lo hicieras

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