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Pull it up перевод на испанский

876 параллельный перевод
Come on, pull it up
Vamos, detenedlo
Hello, Patcheen. Pull it up!
Vamos, Patcheen. ¡ Hacia arriba!
Pull it up.
Pull it up slowly.
Subidla despacio.
Stayed up all night wondering whether to pull it up and freeze his feet... or pull it down and die of pneumonia.
Se pasó la noche preguntándose si se cubría arriba y enfriaba los pies... o se cubría los pies y moría de neumonía.
Please, Priscilla, pull it up.
Por favor, Priscilla, súbetela.
Pull it up, please.
Levantad el telón, por favor.
Here, here. Pull it up on this side.
Tíralo de este lado.
But just as I was going to pull it up, it sank deep below me.
Pero cuando iba a sacarla desapareció debajo de mí.
Pull it up!
¡ Subidlo!
Pull it up!
Pull it up!
¡ Arriba!
Just hold it. Pull it up.
Tire de ella hacia arriba.
- Maybe they are on it. - Oh, pull it up.
- Puede que se hayan subido al cable.
MAN 2. : Pull it up, pull it up!
- Elévate, elévate!
MAN 1. : Pull it up, pull it up.
Elévate, elévate.
Pull it up.
- Pull it up.
- Tíralo arriba.
It took'em half an hour to pull me up.
Querrás decir después de todo lo que me has hecho a mí.
Pull up your chin, Happy, you're liable to step on it.
Sujeta esa lengua, Happy, que puedes envenenar.
Pull up, we've got it.
¡ Mírala! ¡ Frena!
You sit down and pull up your pants and where would it get you?
Si ustedes se sientan y se suben los pantalones ¿ qué ganan?
He'll pull up through it.
La atravesará.
Pull it up right here.
Estaciona aquí.
If he gets up, pull it out.
Si se levanta, la retiro.
Look, you stand on the net and hold it taut while I climb up, and then I'll pull you up.
Mire, sujete la red y manténgala tirante mientras yo subo, y después yo le subiré a usted.
Take up the slack in the trigger gradually. Don't pull it.
Tira del disparador poco a poco.
And that's why I say you're the one to beat it... and let my buddy and me pull out together and go up north.
Por eso digo que debe largarse... y dejar que mi amigo y yo nos vayamos al norte juntos.
Those liver pills didn't help, eh? Well, as the brainy half of this sister act it's up to me to pull you through the crisis.
Mientras tu hermana sea quien tiene cerebro, depende de mí que salgas de la crisis.
You roll a bit, pull up and wander through the sky like it was a garden.
Ruedas un poco, despegas y planeas como en un jardín...
Just pull the lever. It'll go up by itself.
Dale a la palanca, sube solo.
Sometimes it's necessary to pull them up short, remind them they're salaried employees of the county...
Recordarles que trabajan para el condado. Funcionarios.
Had to pull up on the road for a couple of hours till it blew over.
Tuvimos que detenernos hasta que pasara.
We ought to put a limit on our take, agree between us... when we get so much we pull up stakes and beat it.
Deberíamos ponernos un límite, acordar... que cuando lo alcancemos nos largamos.
I tried to pull down the shade and it flew out of my hand and it's all tangled up!
Intenté bajarla y se me escapó. ¡ Se ha enrollado!
All you do is just hold it up like that, pull back that hammer like that, get all set, aim...
Todo que hay que hacer es sostenerla así... retirar el percutor así, prepararse, apuntar...
Mama, you sit over here by papa, and, papa, pull your chair up so it will look more like a theater.
Mamá, siéntate aquí, al lado de papá. Y papá, acerca la silla para que parezca un teatro.
I gotta pull up and disconnect it.
No puedo, hay que parar para desconectarlo.
Oh, it isn't easy for a woman to pull up roots and start traveling.
Para una mujer no es fácil empacar y viajar.
Pull it up!
Arriba, vamos.
It was hard to pull off, it must've been... grown to her finger. Then she got up from the table and she... pulled of her wedding ring.
Ella se levantó de la mesa y se sacó el anillo de bodas.
It's a hard pull up them hills.
Será duro subir esas colinas.
It can begin in flight, pull up roots, and wither and die.
Podría empezar volando, echar raíces, y luego marchitarse y morir.
Pull up on it.
I been hearing you beat up that Daigle boy in the woods and it took all of the Fern sisters to pull you off.
Oí que le pegaste a ese niñito y lo perseguiste hasta la playa.
Speak up or I'll pull it off!
¡ Habla, o te lo sacaré yo!
I sure would appreciate it if you'd get up there and make these horses pull.
Apreciaría si usted subiese allí e hiciera que los caballos empujaran.
It's about time to pull up stakes.
No te entiendo. ¿ Por qué lo dices?
I beg you, pull up the roots so it will die before it murders everyone.
Podría tirarlo a las arenas movedizas.
So, I pull myself onto it, heave my guts up...
Así que me subí a ella, levanté mi panza...
So, let's pull up our equipment, pull it on and get ready to play at being tin soldiers and go and fight for a few yards of earth.
Sacamos nuestro equipo y nos preparamos para jugar a los soldaditos de plomo que luchan por algunos metros de tierra.

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