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Release him перевод на испанский

1,426 параллельный перевод
Sir, with your permission, I'd like to release him.
Señor, con su permiso, me gustaría liberarlo.
I'll release him into your custody.
Quedará bajo su custodia.
I had to beg you to release him.
Tuve que rogarle que lo dejase libre.
Shall I release him from the hole?
¿ Lo saco del calabozo?
Release him.
Release him, that's an order.
Que se vaya. Es una orden.
But we have no reason to release him now.
Pero no tenemos motivo para soltarlo ahora.
Release him from his pain.
Libéralo de su dolor.
- I won't release him.
- No pienso autorizarlo.
I order you to release him to me!
¡ Le ordeno que me lo entregue!
As you know, we're holding Justin until he can be arraigned... and then we'll release him into your custody... assuming you want to take him.
Tenemos detenido a Justin hasta que pueda ser procesado luego lo dejaremos bajo su custodia siempre que usted lo desee.
He is probably never going to wake up And he is depending on brian to show him the decency, The kindness, to release him.
Probablemente no se despierte nunca y depende de que Brian tenga la decencia, la amabilidad de liberarlo.
Release him.
I'll release him.
Lo liberaré.
- Xena, you can't release him.
- Xena, no puedes liberarlo.
Release him and give him back his clothes.
Soltadle y devolvedle la ropa.
Release him.
He asked them to release him from his obligation.
Les pidió que lo relevaran de su obligación.
We must find him and release him So that he may carry us, Only true believers, to the kingdom of heaven.
Debemos encontrarlo y soltarlo para que nos pueda llevar a los únicos creyentes al reino del Cielo.
- Release him. - Sir?
- Desátele, - ¿ Señor?
They didn't release him.
- Aún no lo han soltado.
Release him and give him back his clothes.
Suéltenlo y le devuélvanle su ropa.
Release him now!
¡ Soltadle ya!
We release him. Step two.
Lo liberamos
I won't warn you again, if you try to release him and I'll kill you
No te avisaré otra vez, si intentas liberarlo te mataré
Release him.
Once they release him, I'll find a way to get your father out.
Una vez que lo liberen, conseguiré el modo de sacar a tu padre.
Sergeant, release him to me.
Sargento, entréguemelo a mí.
Are you suggesting we release him?
¿ Sugiere que lo liberemos?
- Release him!
- ¡ Suéltalo!
- What? Unless the eligibility papers meet the treaty obligations they're gonna release him.
Si los requisitos no cumplen con el tratado...
- They're just gonna release him.
- Así como así. - Russ...
Now release him!
Release him or I'll cut your throat.
¡ Suéltalo o te degollaré!
You release him to me.
Ustedes lo liberaran para mí.
Release him to us and you may leave this place alive.
Entreguen al prisionero, y los dejaremos ir con vida.
Fritsche wanted to release him since his arrival here.
Fritsche ha querido liberarle desde que llegó aquí.
Would they actually release him?
¿ Lo dejarían en libertad?
Or maybe... Or maybe... the release I've offered him... is his only true salvation.
O quizá la liberación que yo le he ofrecido sea su única salvación verdadera.
Tell him to release you
Dile que te suelte.
and release him to you. Unharmed.
Recogeré la información que necesito de su mente y te lo entregaré ileso.
Hey, Pheebs if you want to get Joey a Christmas present that disrupts the entire building why not get him something more subtle like a wrecking ball or a vial of smallpox to release in the hallway?
Hola, Pheebs. Si quieres darle algo a Joey que trastorne el edificio dale algo más sutil. Algo para demoler o un frasco con viruela para soltar en el corredor.
That way I can win him over and release his inner homo.
Así puedo ganármelo y liberar su homo interno.
Mr. Waingrow's agreed to purchase the release bond provided you enter into a partnership with him.
El Sr. Waingrow está de acuerdo en pagar su fianza si usted hace una sociedad junto con él.
In six weeks, he turns eighteen making him eligible for release.
En 6 semanas cumplirá 18 años y lo darán de alta. - ¿ Y no crees que esté listo?
Release him.
¡ Libéralo!
I wonder myself what I will say to him to my son when they release it.
Me pregunto qué le diré a mi hijo cuando lo liberen.
They offered him a full release, but he stayed six.
Le ofrecieron sacarlo en cuatro etapas de seis
I persuaded him to release it under the GNU copyright.
Luego, poco a poco conseguí convencerle de que lo sacará bajo el copyright de GNU
Cuando ella lo absorbió, sus organismos empezaron a crear antígenos, y la reacción está escalando hacia una liberación catastrófica.
Release Jacopo and give him back his knife.
¡ Soltad a Jacopo! ¡ Devolvedle su puñal!

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