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Same thing as you перевод на испанский

341 параллельный перевод
# I'm thinking of # # The same thing as you #
Pienso igual que tú.
If all wives in the world... because of a mere doubt... were to do the same thing as you did... the world would become depopulated.
Si todas las esposas del mundo, por una simple duda... hicieran lo que usted hizo. El mundo estaría despoblado.
Maybe, what I want to talk would be the same thing as you.
Tal vez lo que quiero decirte es lo mismo que lo tuyo.
Same thing as you.
En lo mismo que tú.
Same thing as you did, dad.
La misma cosa que tu, papi.
Same thing as you would, I suppose.
Supongo que haría lo mismo.
The same thing as you.
Lo mismo que usted.
Same thing as you.
Lo mismo que tú.
Yes, I feel almost the same thing as you, but the chapel reconciles you with the future and me with the past.
Sí, siento lo mismo que usted, casi, pero a usted la capilla le reconcilia con el futuro... y a mí con el pasado.
Same thing as you, I guess.
Por lo mismo que tú supongo.
You might think Rafael is fighting for the same thing as you, but he's not.
You might think Rafael is fighting for the same thing as you, but he's not.
He said the same thing as you.
Me ha dicho lo mismo que tu.
She will do the same thing to you as she has done to me.
Ella le hará lo mismo que me hizo a mí. ¡ Fuera!
Because you'd put me through the same thing as the woman in my life before you.
Porque me hiciste pasar horas similares a las de la mujer que te precedió en mi vida.
You know, Mr. Blore the strange thing is that I came to the same conclusion as you did.
Lo extraño es que yo llegué a la misma conclusión que Ud.
They trying to pin this thing on you the same as they are on me?
¿ También intentan colgarle el crimen igual que a mí?
I hope you don't go through the same thing as my sister. She wanted to marry in less than a week so she married an old man who was really wealthy. He beat her to death'cause he always gave her "quality in great quantity".
No le vaya suceder lo que le pasó a mi hermana que por querer enricacer en menos de una semana con un viejo se casó millonario de verdad que en la palo ma mató por que condenado le dio calidad en cuantidad.
Same thing that'll happen to you, unless you do exactly as you're told.
Lo mismo que te pasará a ti, si no haces exactamente lo que te mande.
If you think you're in love, it's the same thing as to be in love.
Si crees que estás enamorado, es lo mismo que estarlo.
Inside, you crave the same thing as the rest of them.
Por dentro quieren lo mismo que las demás.
Sylvia's writing about the same thing to Johnny who's being just about as difficult as you are.
Sylvia le ha escrito lo mismo a Johnny que está siendo exactamente tan difícil como tú.
You're doing the same thing as McQuown.
Queréis hacer lo mismo que McQuown.
Recently, in your sleep, you say the same thing as on the television.
Últimamente, cuando duermes, dices lo mismo que en la tele.
The same thing as with you and me.
Lo mismo que a tí y a mí.
Are you telling me that belief in a superstition... is the same thing as believing in the supernatural?
¿ Me está diciendo que creer en una superstición... es lo mismo que creer en lo sobrenatural?
Run away or "travel", as you say are almost the same thing, no?
Escapar o "viajar" como dices tú, es prácticamente lo mismo, ¿ no crees?
Your studio is the same as you left it, I haven't touched a thing...
Tu estudio en la casa de invitados está como lo dejaste. No he dejado que toquen nada.
Everything will remain in your name so long as you are on the premises. The same thing applies to the various securities and the cash, which is quite sizable. It's been set up in trust.
Todos estos días y semanas solitario y esta noche a medianoche, ella regresa conmigo.
The same thing happened to me as happened to you.
A mí me pasó lo mismo que a ti.
Do you think spiritualism, you know, communication with the dead, is the same thing as ESP?
¿ Usted piensa que el espiritismo, la comunicación con los muertos,... es la misma cosa que la percepción del extrasensorial?
Did you really do the same thing as Jaja did?
¿ De verdad haces lo mismo que hacía Jaja?
Making love, you know, isn't the same thing as a 50-yard dash.
Hacer el amor no es lo mismo que correr una carrera, ¿ sabes?
Yes, "Thou" or "you", is the same thing as long as the reciprocal respect.
Sí. De tú o de Vd. es lo mismo, mientras se mantenga el respeto recíproco.
As you can see, there are many prints around the living room. Same thing in the hallway.
Como puede observar hay muchas, muchas marcas de huellas en todo el salón... exactamente iguales a las que encontramos en el corredor.
You're saying the exact same thing as our former colonizers.
Tú... dices exactamente lo mismo que nuestros antiguos colonizadores.
I've left everything ready for you and any problems same as usual and if you light that thing it's another 50 p you owe me.
Te dejé todo preparado... Y cualquier problema, como siempre. Y si enciendes eso son otros 50 que me debes.
Probably the same thing as Juliettte Carnavan, your wife... when you don't sleep at home twice a week... under the pretence of editing your programmes.
- Lo mismo que la suya, Juliette Carnavan, cuando llega tarde dos veces por semana con el pretexto de montar sus emisiones.
It's the same thing, enter or come in. What's the difference as long as you're in?
Es lo mismo, "Entre" o "Pase". ¿ Cuál es la diferencia si igual estás adentro?
You mean the same as that thing that guards the Relic Room?
¿ Quieres decir la misma cosa que vigila la Sala de Reliquias?
You did the same thing to his father as they did to mine.
Le hiciste a su padre lo mismo que le hicieron al mío.
Though you're the same as her, the important thing is that I didn't have any confidence.
A pesar de que eres lo mismo que ella, lo importante es que yo no tenía ninguna intimidad.
The thing you saw in the cellar comes from the same place as the bracelet.
Y la cosa que vio en la bodega viene del mismo sitio que el brazalete.
What are you doing here? - The same thing as everyone else.
Lo mismo que todo el mundo.
As long as you're in one piece, I believe I'll go do the same thing.
Ya que estás bien, haré lo mismo.
I did the same thing to the return spring as you did... when you gave it to me in Berlin.
Le he puesto al revés el muelle del retroceso... como hiciste tu... cuando me la diste en Berlin.
You use it for the same thing as the cards, But your senses need to be more highly attuned.
Funciona como las cartas, pero requiere mas experiencia.
You might as well kill me as you, Jessie, it's the same thing!
¡ Puedes matarme a mí, Jessie, es lo mismo!
Are you going to try the same thing on me as you tried on the others?
¿ Madgett, vas a probar lo mismo conmigo que con las otras?
Same thing as when you walk out in front of a crowd
Es lo mismo con el público
If the burdens of this office are too great for you, do the same thing as I do.
Si los encargos de este gabinete son tan grandes para usted, haga lo mismo que yo.
Well, then at least listen, and don't block my view. Bud, you're going to have the same thing I had as a kid. You're going to open your own lemonade stand.
Recuerde cuando usted era una niña pequeña... vagando por las praderas... con el resto de los búfalos... rascándose contra un árbol.

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