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She didn't do it перевод на испанский

697 параллельный перевод
She didn't do it yet!
" ¡ No lo ha hecho!
- She didn't know what to do with it.
No sabía en qué emplearlo.
She didn't wanna do it at first, but I convinced her.
Al principio ella no quería, pero la convencí.
She didn't do it.
Ella no lo hizo.
She deserved to be killed, but he didn't do it.
Ella merecía que la mataran, pero no fue él.
She didn't do it.
No lo hizo.
$ 50 will get you $ 250 that she didn't do it.
Apostaría 50 dólares a que no lo hizo y ganaría 250.
Didn't think she could do it.
No creí que pudiera hacerlo.
But if we think she did it and didn't mean to do it, then we gotta decide that she didn't do it.
Pero si no tuvo intención de hacerlo... debemos declararla inocente.
So what? You're saying she didn't do it if you say she's not guilty, and she already says she did it.
Estás diciendo que no lo hizo si dices que es inocente.
She didn't have to do it!
No tenía que hacerlo.
- And from what he says, she didn't do it.
- Por lo que él dice, ella no lo hizo.
She may be funny some ways, but she wouldn't do nothing wrong, so I'd like it if you didn't talk to people like it was.
Sé que a veces es un poco rara, pero no hace nada malo. Así que no hable así de ella, señor Barker.
She told you you had to do it. Didn't she?
Ella le dijo que tenía que hacerlo. ¿ No es cierto?
Regan's dead, but she didn't do it.
Regan está muerto, pero ella no lo hizo.
- Enfréntate a los hechos, Luke.
Oh, Bill, she didn't do it.
Bill no lo hizo.
She tells him she didn't do it.
Ella le dice que no lo hizo.
Then why didn't you do something about it when she was alive?
Entonces... ¿ por qué no hiciste algo cuando aún vivía?
I didn't want to miss it because she thinks a lot of me, and I do of her.
No he querido faltar porque me aprecia mucho, y yo a ella.
She said you were able to do it so that you never really saw anything you didn't want to see.
También me dijo que Vd... era capaz de no ver las cosas que no quería ver.
I'm convinced she didn't do it.
Estoy seguro de que no lo hizo.
She answered me that she didn't know anybody. But, in any case, she couldn't do it.
Me respondió que no conocía a nadie... y que de todas formas, no era asunto suyo.
She didn't want to do it where she works.
No quería morirse allí abajo, donde trabaja.
It didn't last very long. Perhaps she's waiting for the day when these won't do what they're designed to do.
Quizás esté esperando el día en que... esto no haga aquello para lo que está diseñado.
She didn't let you do it either!
¡ A ti tampoco te dejaba!
She didn't have anything to do with it.
No tenía nada que ver con eso
- But she didn't do it.
- Pero si ella no lo hizo.
I'm going to know every single thing about it, and I'm going to prove she didn't do it.
Voy a enterarme de todo, y voy a probar que ella no lo hizo.
I didn't think she'd do it.
Te están buscando.
She didn't do it.
Que es inocente.
She didn't do it for money.
No, no lo hizo por dinero.
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
"... y aunque sea con algún pesar que yo finalmente satisfaga la avaricia de mis parientes. No obstante, deseo que toda mi fortuna sea dividida igualmente entre : Mi cuarto primo.
She belonged to have pretty words spoke over her, and I didn't do it.
Ella se merecía el mejor de los sermones, y no lo hice.
I didn't do it! She did it.
Ha sido ella.
She said he didn't want to do it at home because the kids were sleeping.
No quería hacerlo en casa porque los niños dormían.
- I didn't believe she'd do it.
- No pense que haria esto.
Only you didn't steal it. You had my wife do it. Now, where is she?
Sólo que no lo robaste, dejaste que lo hiciera mi mujer. ¿ Dónde está?
"When do we start?" She says, "Tomorrow morning." I had to scare her to get that line,'cause she didn't say it with enough excitement.
"¿ Cuándo hay que empezar?", y ella responde : "mañana", tuve que chillarle porque no lo estaba diciendo con mucho entusiasmo.
In fact, Catherine... she didn't want to do it.
De hecho, Catherine... No quería hacerlo.
But you sure fixed it so she'd do the job for you, didn't you?
Pero lo arreglaste todo para que ella hiciera el trabajo por ti, ¿ no es cierto?
- She didn't mean to do it.
- No quería hacerlo.
- If you didn't think she could do it...
- Si creías que ella no...
Holy smoke, I didn't know she could do it.
Vaya. No sabia si lo iba a poder hacer.
- She didn't do it on purpose.
- No lo ha hecho a propósito.
She didn't do it for me.
No lo hizo por mí.
She didn't believe he would do it.
Ella no podía creer que el lo haría.
- How do you know that she didn't do it?
- ¿ Cómo sabes que no es culpable?
I didn't do it. Christ almighty, she was my girl!
¡ Yo no lo hice Cristo todopoderoso, ella era mi niña!
- She was killed in our house this evening... but I didn't do it.
Ha vuelto hoy de Niza, y la han asesinado en nuestra casa. Pero no la he matado yo.
She wasn't a whore, she didn't do it for money.
ella no era una puta, no Io hacía por dinero.

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