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She killed him перевод на испанский

857 параллельный перевод
She killed him!
¡ Ella lo mató!
She killed him!
¡ Le asesinó!
You mean she killed him?
¿ Quiere decir que ella lo mató?
It seems there was a man married to his wife, and she killed him.
Parece que había un hombre casado con su esposa y ella lo mató.
She killed him and then shot herself.
Ella lo mató y luego se suicidó.
- She killed him!
- Ella le mató.
She killed him all alone.
Le mató ella sola.
She killed him just as she tried to kill me.
Le mató igual que intentó matarme a mí.
You don't think she killed him?
¿ No cree que ella lo haya matado?
She killed him.
Ella le mató.
She killed him?
¿ Que ella le mató?
That's why she killed him, Scott says.
Scott dice que por eso le mató.
She killed him because he wanted to leave her.
Lo mató porque él quería dejarla.
So you think she killed him?
- ¿ Entonces crees que ella Io mató?
Yes, I say she killed him.
Sí, digo que le mató.
As a doctor, I say she killed him.
Como médico digo que le mató.
And she killed him.
- Y lo ha matado.
She actually believes she killed him.
Ahora cree que lo mató.
Yes... She killed him... with his own dagger.
Sí... lo había matado... con su propia daga.
Still, others claimed that she killed him because she couldn't bare the thought of any other woman putting her arms around him.
Otros, que porque no podía soportar pensar en que otra mujer lo rodeara con sus brazos.
She killed him and for 300 years she wish she hadn't.
Ella lo mató, y durante 300 años deseó que no hubiera sido así.
I just can't believe she killed him. There's no one who can prove differently.
No puedo creer que ella lo haya matado pero nadie pudo probar lo contrario.
I'll go. She killed him, the bitch!
Voy a ir. ¡ Esa perra le mató!
She killed him, with my electric iron!
¡ Lo ha matado con mi plancha!
You see, she was just about to give it to him when she killed him instead.
Estaba a punto de dárselo, pero en vez lo mató.
Yes, Lewis, she killed him.
Sí, Lewis, ella le mató.
She killed him, and I don't give a damn.
Le mató y no me importa ni una mierda.
Yes, but my mom told the policeman that she killed him, and they locked her up.
Sí, pero es que en la delegación mi mamá dijo que ella lo mató, y la encerraron.
She killed him near Cortina, her ambassador of a husband, during a boar hunt.
Mató a su marido, el embajador, tras el Telón de Acero, durante una cacería de jabalíes.
She saw Sorrington being taken away from the flats, asked if it was in connection with the murder, then said that he had nothing to do with it, that she killed him.
Vio salir a Lord Sorrington y preguntó si era por eI crimen. Dijo que él no había sido, que Io habría matado ella.
- What happened? - She killed him.
- ¿ Qué sucedió?
" She must hae killed him...
Ella debe haberlo matado.
He would never have been killed if she hadn't entrusted the falcon to him in Hong Kong.
Nunca lo habrían matado... si ella no le hubiera confiado el halcón en Hong Kong.
She killed her husband same as if she shot him.
Ella mató a su marido.
Do you suppose she could have killed him?
¿ Crees que ella pudo matarlo?
Luego entró Bárbara y creyó que tú lo habías matado.
And when she refused to tell him where her father had gone he killed her.
Y cuando se negó a decirle dónde estaba la mató.
... she thought you'd killed him.
... que creía que lo habías matado.
She got scared, went to wait for him at the gates of his villa, and killed him, just like she killed Mailleux.
Se asusta, va a esperarlo a la puerta de su casa y lo mata, como mató a Mailleux.
Of course you could argue logically... that she wouldn't know whether you killed him or not.
claro que, lógicamente, puede contestarme que no tiene por qué saberlo.
She could kill him as she killed your son.
Podría matarle, como mató a tu hijo.
She must have killed him.
Ella debe haberla matado.
A wife is apt to do that if her husband is sent home dead And she doesn't know what killed him.
Una esposa tiene derecho a hacerlo si le envían a su marido muerto y no sabe cómo murió.
It all adds up to a confession, except she said you killed him.
Todo esto quiere decir una confesión pero, ella dijo que tú lo mataste.
Read the scene just before she has him killed.
Lea la escena anterior a que ella ordene su muerte.
He killed this Creole gal'cause she was... double-dealing him for some other young bucko.
Mató a esa criolla porque le ponía los cuernos con otro jovencito.
She betrayed my father a hundred times... and when she finally left him for a young, rich Frenchman... - my father killed himself.
Traicionó a mi padre cientos de veces... y cuando lo abandonó por un joven y rico francés, mi padre se suicidó.
She killed him.
¡ Ella lo mató!
If she had killed you, I would not have forgiven him.
Si ella te hubiese matado, yo no se lo hubiese perdonado.
When Mattoni came here, he insisted that Helen go back to him, threatened the child if she didn't, threatened to sue for his custody. It was too much, it killed her.
Cuando Mattoni llegó queriendo volver con helen... y amenazando con llevarse al niño y pedir su custodia... aquello Ia mató.
But she couldn't have killed him.
Pero ella no pudo matarle.

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