She knows him перевод на испанский
339 параллельный перевод
She'll like him lots after she knows him better.
Le gustará mucho cuando lo conozca mejor.
They say she knows him better.
Dicen que ella le conoce mejor.
I forget his name. I asked if she knows him.
Olvidé a quién, y le pregunté a ella.
She knows him very well, darling.
Ella le conoce bien, cielo.
How can a pagan be converted to the true God unless she knows him?
¿ Cómo puede un pagano convertirse al verdadero Dios si no lo conoce?
She knows him, all right.
Ella lo conoce bien
Good thing she knows him well.
¡ Menos mal que lo conoce bien!
About that time, this guy comes up to her, and maybe she knows him.
Y más o menos entonces se le acerca un tipo que tal vez ella ya conoce.
- She knows him.
- Ella lo conocía.
She knows him.
Ella lo conoce.
- She knows him already?
- ¿ Ya le conoce?
"Sincerely in love with Mary, Kassotski's passion does not let him see what everyone knows : She is Nikolai's mistress."
Sinceramente enamorado de Mary, K. en su pasión mostraba de lo que todos sabían : ella era la amante de Nicolai.
She knows the moment she stops struggling, he will give her back her strength to come to him.
Sabe que, en cuanto deje de luchar, le devolverá su fuerza para que vaya hasta él.
I saw her at the opera house yesterday, and she knows nothin'about him.
La vi ayer en la ópera y no sabe nada sobre él.
I know that a mother can take a whip to the toughest boy in the world... and he forgets it, because he knows that she loves him.
Sé que una madre puede pegarle al niño más rudo del mundo... y que éste se lo perdonaría, porque sabe que ella lo ama.
First thing he knows she'll be writing his pamphlets for him.
Sin que se dé cuenta, ella le escribirá los panfletos.
- I know you're not... but who else knows it? When that Bells sings to him as she did I...
A pesar de los esfuerzos de los dos abogados caros, fue condenado a morir en la silla eléctrica en Sing Sing.
He knows what she'd do for him.
Sabe lo que ella haría.
And as for this silly old maid, it's as plain as the nose on your face she's in love with him and imagined heaven knows what about him!
Todos saben que está enamorada de él. Y él ni siquiera se lo imaginaba.
Well, she doesn't know that Tin Tan knows that she wants to poison him and he wants to know how far she'll go.
¿ por la censura? Pues bien. Ella no sabe que Tin Tan ya sabe que lo quieren envenenarlo.
She knows to handle him.
Ella sabe manejarle.
If I try to fight her, she makes him pay for it, and she knows I can't stand that.
Si intento enfrentarme con ella, se lo hace pagar a él. Sabe que no lo soporto.
They've been married for 20 years, and she knows how to handle him, in spite of all of his faults.
Han estado casados por 20 años, y sabe cómo manejarlo, a pesar de todos sus defectos.
She knows what'll happen to me if harm befalls him and she asks for his death.
Ella sabe lo que me sucederá si le ocurre daño alguno... y me pide su muerte.
I don't think his girl knows as much about him as she'd like, but... she'll break this case.
No creo que su chica sepa tanto de él como le gustaría, pero ella va a solucionarnos el caso.
Who knows if she really loves him?
A saber si ella lo quiere de verdad.
Why is it that every time a man gives a girl two fast drinks... he thinks she'll tell him everything she knows?
¿ Por qué cuando un hombre invita a una chica a un par de tragos... cree que ella le va a contar todo lo que sabe?
Why she wanted to keep him under wraps? Who knows? Who cares?
¿ A quién le importa?
And it always winds up the girl tells him he's a better lover than all the young men she knows.
y siempre acaba contando que la chica le dice que es mucho mejor amante que todos los hombres jóvenes que conoce.
She hardly knows the man, and, more important, we've never even met him.
No lo conoce, y lo que es más importante : nosotros tampoco.
Um, this man she knows in the next town kept sending her letters proposing to her, and she just kept turning him down.
- Un hombre que vivía en un pueblo cercano, le enviaba cartas proponiéndole matrimonio. - y ella siempre contestaba que no.
She only knows one simple fact, that you're a him and she's a her.
Para ella tú eres él y ella es ella.
I'm told that she knows more about General Scott than his wife or the Air Force knows about him. Could be.
Ella sabe más del general Scott que su mujer o las Fuerzas Aéreas.
She buried him the same night, the front was coming, who knows how long would else they waited.
Ella enterró a su marido esa misma noche. El frente estaba acercándose ; quién sabe cuánto tiempo tendría que esperar después de eso.
It's disgraceful! And who knows what else she gave him.
Es una desgracia. ¿ Y quién sabe qué más Ie ha dado?
Again, Ryan was shot with a wide-angIe to distort him, and she knows he's going to take her back.
Una vez más, el teleobjetivo para distorsionarle la cara. Ella se da cuenta de que la va a llevar con su tía.
He knows if there's a lady tapping beetle within half a mile she'll hear him and answer back.
Sabe que si hay un escarabajo hembra cerca escuchará y responderá.
If she's seen him she knows he killed her lover.
Si ella le está viendo, entonces sabe que él mató a su amante.
Because he knows how she will welcome him.
Porque él sabe cómo lo recibirá ella.
And if she testifies, Blakelock knows she'll torpedo him.
Si ella testifica, Blakelock sabe que lo hará caer.
She knows this for a fact because she lived with him, prior to Paula and Lucy.
Ella sabe que eso es cierto... porque vivió con él, antes que Paula y Lucy.
Somebody she doesn't know, Worships him and knows she is Never going to meet him, but if
Y piensas que nunca conocerás, pero que si alguna vez llegas a conocer, por él harías...
Do you think that Travis knows what she's doing to him? .
¿ Crees que Travis sabe lo que ella esta haciendo con el?
Good clever Iris knows how to take care of him, doesn't she?
Iris sabe como cuidarte, ¿ no?
Why'd she quit him? God knows.
- "¿ Por qué lo dejó?" - "¿ Quién sabe?"
Heaven knows what she can have done to drive him away.
El cielo sabe que habrá hecho ella para ahuyentarlo.
All he knows is what she tells him.
Y él sólo sabe lo que ella le dice.
She knows I don't like him, so she thinks I'm making this up just to get him out of the house.
Ella sabía que no me agradaba, y pensaba que me lo inventaba para botarlo de la casa.
So she knows that he's dead... and she must go to him.
Por eso sabe que está muerto... y debe ir con él.
She said leaders. My cousin knows him.
Ella dijo líderes.
My bet is she told him whatever dirt she knew about Mike and Bobby and who knows what else.
Apuesto a que le dijo cualquier cosa mala que sabía de Mike y Bobby.
she knows what she wants 19
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38
she knows that 44
she knows what she's doing 46
she knows you 19
she knows something 38
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38
she knows that 44
she knows what she's doing 46
she knows you 19
she knows something 38
she knows nothing 24
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
she knew 114
she killed herself 108
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
she knew 114
she killed herself 108