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Somebody had to перевод на испанский

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Somebody had to make her happy, right?
Alguien tenía que hacerla feliz, ¿ cierto?
Sometimes, life just throws you a curveball. And I'm Piper's cousin, so somebody had to step in to take care of the kids. Of course.
A veces la vida te lanza una bola curva tenía que ocuparme de los niños es muy noble de su parte
Well somebody had to cry at my funerals, didn't they?
Alguien tenía que llorar en mi funeral, ¿ no?
I mean, if this guy actually did this... I mean, if he locked his family in this house for two years, somebody had to know.
Supongo que si este tío en realidad hizo todo esto... quiero decir, si encerró a su familia en casa desde hace dos años, alguien tenía que saberlo.
- Somebody had to clean up that mess.
- Alguien tenia que limpiar ese desorden.
I mean, somebody had to see the thing. All right.
Hablen con tantos pilotos como sea posible.
You're a goddamn mechanic. - Somebody had to do..
- Alguien tenía que hacer algo.
Look, man, in order to preserve your cover and your life, somebody had to take the fall.
Mira, para poder preservar tu cobertura y tu vida alguien tiene que tomar el riesgo.
Somebody had to do something.
Alguien tenía que hacer algo.
Somebody had to stay home and hose down those hippies.
Alguien tenía que quedarse en casa y manguera hacia abajo los hippies.
Hey, somebody had to go to the second-rate school.
Hey, alguien tiene que ser los segundones.
Somebody had to take him down a peg.
Alguien tenia que ponerle los pies en la tierra.
Well somebody had to put that knucklehead in his place.
Si, alguien tenia que poner en su lugar a ese cabeza hueca.
Somebody had to do it.
Alguien tenía que hacerlo.
And as long as she had somebody telling her what to do, she... she was happy.
Y mientras alguien le dijera qué hacer, era feliz.
Funny thing I woke up early this morning to go and fix that gate, and lo and behold somebody had trespassed on my property and done it.
Lo curioso fue que madrugué para arreglar la tranquera y descubrí que alguien había entrado a mi propiedad.
Somebody killed him and they had to have a reason.
Alguien lo mató y debe de haber alguna razón.
So there is the joke, that you get to actually say somebody had their arm up their daughter.
Esa es la broma, estás diciendo que alguien tiene la mano sobre su hija.
And he really said all the things you would hope to hear from somebody who had behaved the way he had behaved. He was very sincere and I believe he truly felt bad about the way things went down between the two of us.
Me dijo todo lo que uno espera escuchar de alguien que se ha comportado como lo hizo él, fue sincero y creo que sí sentía lo que había pasado entre nosotros.
The teams that had to know all five dances... just in case somebody got sick.
Los equipos que deben tener todos 5 bailarines.. sólo en caso de que alguien se enferme.
Now, it just seems like such a ridiculous thing that I didn't insist every time I had sex with somebody that we were going to use condoms.
Ahora, sálo parece como tan ridiculo que no insista cada vez que tengo sexo con alguien que usemos condán.
You know, I really was just trying to get a reaction out of these people... and then later on we would have somebody who would come on and like... like drag me back... after I had been in the audience for a while.
Sabe, estaba sólo intentando causar una reacción en la gente... y después apareció alguien que me llevó atrás... después de que me quedé un poco entre el público.
We always had this like, go for it attitude, like... you can't wait around or somebody to do something for you.
Siempre tuvimos esta actitud de iniciativa... no podemos esperar algo o a alguien para hacer algo.
So I could've gone that way, y'know, if somebody had just taught me how to fly, I probably would've been happy.
Me habría decantado por eso si me hubieran dado trabajo, y tomado en serio.
Somebody had her turning twenty tricks a day.... when she should have been going to the junior prom. I want to nail the pig who did this.
Quizá la hizo acostarse con 20 tíos al día en vez de ir al baile de promoción.
And it was so horrible I had to... at a certain point I just made a vow to myself that I would never put somebody else into the hospital on those circumstances.
Y era tan horrible que tuve que... en un momento dado me juré a mí mismo que nunca pondría a nadie en esas mismas circunstancias.
He had to be connected to somebody.
Él tuvo que estar conectado a alguien.
We pretend somebody's had a heart attack, so the ambulance has to come... Orthat somebody's touching you up so you start shouting : Perverts!
Entonces inventamos cualquier cosa, que te moris de un infarto, tiene que venir la ambulancia, o que te tocan y tenés que gritar, me están tocando, que son unos sinvergüenzas.
Don't you wish somebody had said that to you?
¿ Acaso tú no querrías que alguien te hubiera dicho algo así?
So that means somebody else had to be there.
Eso significa que hubo alguien más tuvo que estar ahí.
Somebody was in there, I had to use the normal one Really?
Alguien estaba allí, debí usar un baño normal.
I had to go to the bathroom, somebody was in there.
Tenía que ir al baño. Alguien estaba allí.
You begged me to paint my house, Drama, and you fucked it up so bad I had to pay somebody else to redo it, and I still gave you $ 2,500'cause I'm a generous guy!
Me suplicaste que te dejase pintar mi casa, Drama, y la cagaste de tal modo que tuve que pagar a otro para que la repintase. ¡ y aún te di 2.500 porque soy un tío generoso!
All he had to do was see somebody do something, and then he could copy it.
Todo lo que tenia que hacer era ver a alguien hacer algo, y así poder copiarlo.
He had the cheek to get somebody to phone here to ask for the wedding present list. Oh.
Tuvo el descaro de pedir que llamaran para pedir la lista de regalos de la boda.
He had to be shooting at somebody. So why was he trying to scare you?
Él tenía que estar disparándole a alguien.
Somebody couldn't find their way out of Mommy, so I had to mutilate my stomach with a C-section.
Alguien no pudo encontrar como salir de mami así que tuve que mutilar mi estómago con un corte en C.
I figure that if somebody wanted to kill him, they had to know the roads and the weather the way McAllister did.
Pensé que si alguien quería matarlo debían conocer los caminos y el tiempo, como McAllister.
I had to fire somebody this year.
Este año tuve que despedir a alguien.
Huarez tried to warn somebody in this department a few weeks ago that we had a thrill killer on our hands.
Juárez intentó advertirle a alguien de este departamento... que teníamos un asesino múltiple entre manos.
To do this, Brock would have had to assure them he had it cold which means whoever leaked it, it's somebody big.
Para esto, Brock habría tenido que asegurarles que lo obtuvo de repente lo que significa que quienquiera que lo filtró, es un pez gordo.
It had to be somebody.
Tenía que haber alguien más.
It had to be somebody.
Tenía que haber alguien.
- It's hard to believe that it is guitar, and that somebody had actually created that. I mean, am I a Queen fan?
Cuesta creer que sea una guitarra y que alguien lo haya creado.
The lack of discipline meant that we went to bed completely pissed and we had our pistols in their holsters hanging off the bed frame, and when somebody was too lazy to turn off the light, we just shot it out.
La falta de disciplina significaba que nos íbamos a la cama totalmente borrachos y teníamos las pistolas en su funda colgadas del marco de la cama, y cuando a alguno le daba pereza levantarse a apagar la luz, simplemente le disparaba.
You had to have somebody's shoulders to stand on, all protection which meant connections, that's how life - our business was conducted.
Debías tener alguien que te respaldara, que te protegiera, lo cual significaba conexiones, así es como la vida como los negocios se manejaban.
If somebody had cocaine, he / she had to be an airline pilot.
Si alguien tenía cocaína, tenía que ser un piloto de aerolínea.
She's had plenty to say about our behavior all week and the only reason we took it was because we thought she was somebody.
Tuvo mucho que decir de nuestro comportamiento en la semana... y sólo aceptamos lo que dijo... porque creíamos que era alguien.
But it had to be somebody
Si tenía que ser alguien...
Just every fucking night we had to fucking throw down with somebody, you know.
Teníamos que pelear con alguien todas las putas noches.
You get, well, sceneried out, and uh... sort of wish you had somebody to talk to.
Sufres el exceso de paisaje y... empiezas a desear tener alguien con quien hablar.

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