Stage one перевод на испанский
839 параллельный перевод
What about stage one?
¿ Y en el estadio 1?
Radek is stage one.
Radek está en el estadio 1.
The only one standing on the stage.
Estoy lista.
'Cause if you come to one of my shows, it's like me on stage by myself for an hour and a half.
Si, porque lo elijo. Si vienes a alguno de mis shows Soy solo yo misma por una hora y media.
He is the one who calls the actors to the stage!
¡ Es el que llama a los actores a escena! "
"One of your men, Harry Mann, must have stage fright he's not here!"
Uno de sus hombres, Harry Mann, debe tener pánico escénico, ¡ no está aquí!
Well, you may say I'm prejudiced, sir John, but I've been stage manager now for 10 years, and it is a fact that a wife, even a good one, is not always the right thing to have in a company,
No hay rol imposible para ella con 24 horas de preaviso, desde una Gladys Cooper a una Mollie Lloyd. - Pero...
You won't see a theater, electric signs on a stage door from one year's end to the other.
No hay teatros ni neones.
It was one of the knives that Minami used on stage!
¡ Era uno de los cuchillos que Minami usaba en su show!
Say, listen, sire, there's only one blonde roosting on this foul stage.
Escucha, mi señor, sólo hay una rubia asándose en este escenario mugriento.
We present that world-famous, thrilling spectacle, the Indian attack on the Deadwood stage, featuring the one and only Chief Sitting Bull.
Les presentamos un famoso espectáculo, el ataque indio a la diligencia de Deadwood. Con el auténtico, el único e inimitable... ¡ Toro Sentado!
If you admit your crime now I'll stage it so that your confession will come as a complete surprise. One of those last minute affairs to clear an innocent man.
Si admite el crimen ahora, haré que parezca una sorpresa, uno de esos asuntos de última hora para dejar libre a un inocente.
On stage for act one.
A escena para el primer acto.
You're a fine detective - letting one man be murdered right under your eyes... and then setting the stage so they could try to kill my husband!
¡ Qué detective! Deja que asesinen a un hombre delante de sus propias narices... y luego crea el marco para que asesinen a mi esposo.
We-well, you see, he, uh... tried to keep awake one night... when he was gonna catch a stage to a nearby town and he... he had a girl over there he was courtin'and...
Bueno, verás... intentó mantenerse despierto una noche... que iba a tomar una diligencia a un pueblo cercano- - Había una chica allá a la que estaba cortejando y- -
I must appear on stage in one number.
Tendría que aparecer en el escenario al menos en un número.
He has no experience, but has survived one year of hardship until the stage is clear and we can see each other again.
Tras saltar con desespero de roca en roca, poniendo en peligro... su propia seguridad el cachorro vuelve a la guarida paterna.
Dr. Bulfinch, your last work on the molecular structure of organic tissue convinced me that no one was so fitted to collaborate with me at this stage of my labors.
Dr. Bulfinch, su último trabajo sobre la estructura molecular de los tejidos orgánicos me convenció de que no había nadie colocarse de tal manera de colaborar conmigo en esta etapa de mi trabajo.
It is one of my great regrets that I never saw your mother, Madame Ritter, on the stage.
Uno de mis lamentos es que nunca vi a su madre... Madame Ritter, en la escena.
I am grateful for the chance to make the acquaintance of an artist the whole world ought to lie at her feet when one sees you perform one is elevated and transformed that's the magic of the stage and its danger
Agradezco la oportunidad para tener conocimiento de un artista el mundo entero debe quedar a sus pies cuando uno le ve actuar uno es elevado y transformado ésa es la magia de la escena y su peligro
I was on that stage and he wasn't one of them.
Yo iba en la diligencia y no era uno de ellos.
You can sit in my dressing room, see the stage. No one will bother you.
Puede venir a mi camerino, desde allí la verá y nadie le dirá nada.
One of those stage-struck kids would like to talk to you.
Una de esas apasionadas del teatro quisiera hablarte.
This dirty little stage manager. He won't even keep the carpenters from hammering as I rehearse my one number. Ah, it's a dirty shame, that's what it is.
Ahora ese director de poca monta no me deja cantar ese número miserable sin aquella gente golpeando detrás de mí.
Sometimes we do wish we had a stage as big as this one.
A veces desearíamos tener un escenario como éste.
Each of the murdered women was at one time or another on the stage.
Todas las mujeres asesinadas fueron actrices en algún momento.
Three if neither one of them crowds get you, the express company has got its men here because 40,000 dollars in cash was taken off that stage.
- Tres. Si ninguno de ellos te atrapa, la Compañía Express traerá sus hombres. Porque le robaron 40.000 $ en efectivo de una de sus diligencias.
I've reached the nightmare stage. I had one the other night. - It was about this very scene.
Vivo en una pesadilla,... tuve otra la noche pasada ¡ y era precisamente esta escena!
Say, ain't... Ain't you the one, That we saw on the stage holdup?
¿ Usted no estaba en el asalto a la diligencia?
How long can one stay here on this stage money?
El tiempo que me dure este dinero del ejército.
Two comics would come out on stage and one would say to the other :
Dos cómicos subían al escenario y uno le decía al otro :
Well... if you're going to stage a swim, why won't you make it a real one?
Bueno, pero... si van a hacer un número con natación, por qué no hacen uno verdadero?
If I could be on the stage for one minute, to see all those people looking up at me listening, admiring...
Si pudiera salir a escena por un minuto, y ver a toda es gente mirándome escuchándome, admirándome...
had found a bigger stage. An immense one :.. the streets of Naples.
El espíritu de Polichinela, hecho de malicia y excentricidad, paciencia y alegría de vivir
She's one of those stage-struck ones.
Es otra aspirante a artista.
Stage two, this one.
Éste está en el estadio 2.
All of us on one stage? They'd run us down in no time.
Con todos nosotros dentro no tardarían en alcanzarnos.
On stage, of course. One pays the ticket, sits in a chair and sees the legs.
En el teatro, es natural, uno paga la entrada, se sienta en la butaca y mira las piernas.
I'm at the last stage but one, come and see.
Estoy en la penúltima fase, ven y mira.
I told you I was at the last stage but one : the brain.
Ya te he dicho que estoy en la penúltima fase : El cerebro.
I told the man you had to have a quiet one for when you go on-stage.
Le dije al vendedor que debías tener uno silencioso para el escenario.
There's a stage bank there. Big one.
Allí hay un banco con mucho dinero.
Hitchcock did have one specific suggestion - he tracked down the music for a 1920 stage production of James Barrie's play Mary Rose, which was another story of a lost love.
Hitchcock tuvo una sugerencia específica : Buscó la música de una producción teatral de 1920 de la obra de James Barrie, Mary Rose, que era otra historia de amor perdido.
From one stage to the other.
De una etapa a la otra.
I think one needs stage experience before going into movies.
Creo que se necesita experiencia teatral antes de hacer cine.
But at this present stage... Emily, there is one thing we haven't tried.
Pero en este momento Emily, no hay nada que nadie ya haya intentado.
She may have been the one who was nominated, but as God as my witness, that woman is not going to walk off that stage with the Oscar for Best Actress, because you are.
Podrá ser ella la que fué nominada, pero así como Dios me escucha, esa mujer no bajará de ese escenario con el Oscar a la mejor actriz, porque tú lo eres.
At this stage, there's only one course...
- Sólo cabe un método...
There are many ways to act on a stage, but the way chosen by Achilles Gropulus, a Greek artist in search of fame in Paris, is the one we definitely like the least.
Hay muchas maneras de presentar un espectáculo pero la forma escogida por Achilles Gropulus, un griego que busca la fama en Paris, es una de la que menos nos gusta.
An actor is a man who gets on the stage, and who performs... who attempts to interpret a role... to draw, to create a character, to get outside oneself... one's own feelings and ideas.
Un actor es un hombre que sube al escenario, y que interpreta... que trata de interpretar un personaje... de trazar, de crear un personaje, de sacar de sí mismo... sus propios sentimientos e ideas.
Each stage, each adaption, each mutation is one step higher in the battle of the plant kingdom for survival.
Cada fase, cada adaptación, cada mutación, es un paso adelante en la batalla de las plantas por sobrevivir.
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57
one more hour 17
one more chance 34
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more thing 865
one more minute 37
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one more hour 17
one more chance 34
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more thing 865
one more minute 37
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
one week 142
one's missing 20
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
one week 142
one's missing 20