The cardinal перевод на испанский
1,487 параллельный перевод
The cardinal is about to find out he was the victim of a fraud.
El cardenal está por descubrir que fue víctima de un fraude.
Once the cardinal realized he'd been duped he would pay off the jewelers to avoid humiliation.
Cuando el cardenal supiera que fue engañado le pagaría a los joyeros .. para evitar humillaciones.
As the gossip spread, the people were quick to believe that Antoinette, the cardinal and the necklace were joined as one in a circle of lust and deceit.
Mientras corrían los rumores, la gente comenzaba a creer que Antonieta, el cardenal y el collar estaban unidos en un círculo de lujuria y traición.
The cardinal said you were in collusion... - a ruse to hide your true intent.
El cardenal dijo que usted confabulaba una treta para ocultar sus intenciones.
Revealing the queen's impersonator aided the cardinal's cause but it was not without forethought.
Revelar a la imitadora de la reina ayudó a la causa del cardenal pero no fue involuntario.
He stated when the cardinal realized the notes were forgeries he fell in with your plans to steal the necklace.
Señaló que cuando el cardenal supo que las notas eran falsas aceptó sus planes de robar el collar.
In the Cardinal's jail.
- En la prisión del Cardenal.
- He will not meddle where the Cardinal is- -
- No se mete en los asuntos del Cardenal...
- Wine from the Cardinal.
- Vino de parte del Cardenal.
The Cardinal?
- El Cardenal?
- Someone delivering wine... from the Cardinal.
- Alguien repartiendo vino... de parte del Cardenal.
A gift from the Cardinal?
Un regalo del Cardenal?
Then I shall go and see the King in person... and not rot in the Cardinal's jail.
Entonces iré y veré al Rey en persona... y no me pudriré en la cárcel del Cardenal.
We're going to work for the Cardinal.
Vamos a trabajar para el Cardenal.
Lord Buckingham's safety is with the Cardinal.
La seguridad de Lord Buckingham está a cargo del Cardenal.
The Cardinal has arranged it... so that no one will be protecting the King, and the Queen and Buckingham... at the banquet tomorrow night.
El Cardenal arregló todo... para que nadie proteja al Rey, la Reina, y a Buckingham... en el banquete de mañana.
The Cardinal demands to see you.
Ven. El Cardenal quiere verte
If he'd asked politely, I'd have been glad to visit the Cardinal.
Si me hubiera preguntado, hubiera estado gustoso de ver al Cardenal
For the Cardinal, this is politely.
Para el cardenal, esto es amable.
You'll bring the Cardinal down on us.
Traigan al Cardenal con nosotros.
I'll take my chances with the Cardinal.
Voy a ver qué pasa con el Cardenal
The Cardinal is not satisfied with suspending the Musketeers, now he has to arrest them ;
El Cardenal no está satisfecho con suspender a los mosqueteros, ahora tiene que arrestarlos ;
The murders of the cardinal and his aid have not come as a total surprise... for the Guardia di Finance who investigate corruption.
el asesinato del cardenal y su ayudante no sorprenden a la Guardia de Finanzas que investigaba la corrupción. Oficial...
The face, already deteriorating, must have been done by whoever sculpted the death mask, because the Cardinal never let anyone do his portrait.
el rostro, ya en descomposición, Io hubo de tomar el escultor de la mascarilla mortuoria, porque el cardenal nunca se dejó retratar en vida.
For the Puritans, the cardinal virtues of women were silence and meekness.
Para los puritanos, las virtudes cardinales de las mujeres eran silencio y sumisión.
The cardinal controls that racket.
El cardenal controla ese negocio.
The cardinal saw the change in you.
Seguramente tú también tendrás una reunion con él.
No, the Cardinal.
No, al cardenal.
His Eminence, the cardinal...
Su eminencia, el cardenal.
And the Cardinal?
¿ Y el cardenal?
You knew I saw the cardinal?
¿ Sabías que vi al cardenal?
You know the cardinal?
¿ Conoces al cardenal?
You can head it off at the pass if you speak to the cardinal.
Puede aclararlo si habla con el Cardenal.
On this, the 22nd day of May, 1786 the matter of the Crown versus Cardinal de Rohan and Jeanne Valois, Countess de la Motte...
En éste, el día 22 de mayo de 1786 el caso de la Corona contra el Cardenal de Rohan y Jeanne Valois, Condesa de la Motte...
Cardinal Rohan, is this the woman you encountered in the grove?
Cardenal Rohan, ¿ es ésta la mujer con quien se entrevistó en el jardín?
Implicate Cardinal Rohan to the crime in a clear manner.
Implicar al Cardenal Rohan en el crimen de un modo claro.
Cardinal Louis de Rohan grand almoner of France and prince of the house of Rohan.
Cardenal Louis de Rohan gran benefactor de Francia y príncipe de la casa de Rohan.
Isn't it the first cardinal rule... of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair... for at least 24 hours after getting a perm... at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?
No es la primera regla cardinal... del mantenimiento de una permanente que tienes prohibido mojarte el pelo... por lo menos 24 horas despues de hacerte una permanente... con el riesgo de desactivar el amonio thioglycolate?
Let me take it to the Vatican. To the most trustworthy and pious man I know, cardinal Chisamba of the African Church.
Lo llevare al Vaticano con el hombre más confiable :
The holy child will be raised under the careful supervision of a man known as the modest Cardinal... because of his low profile, until now.
el Niño Sagrado será criado bajo la cuidada supervisión de un hombre conocido como : modesto cardenal. ... dada su conducta reservada.
In the center of the cross lies Cardinal Tavera's tomb.
En el centro del crucero está el sepulcro del Cardenal Tavera
I committed the cardinal sin.
Cometí un pecado capital.
Having asked me for this letter, Cardinal Palazzini has specified that this... will serve to give weapons to the enemies of Marcinkus.
Al pedirme esta carta, el Cardenal Palazzini ha especificado que eso servirá para dar armas a los enemigos de Marcinkus.
He was going to go to Rome, work at the Vatican with his friend cardinal riccardo. - Things didn't work out. - Sometimes it's who you know, you know?
No estoy seguro de que el padre Tardone sea feliz estando en esta ciudad.
We received the gifts of the Spelmann Cardinal and of the company of the Jesuits.
Hemos recibido los dones del Cardenal Spelmann... y de la orden de los jesuitas.
I am so confident that I broke a cardinal rule and I invested my own money into the eMagi.
Le tengo tanta confianza que violé una regla básica e invertí mi propio dinero en la eMagi.
Many years ago the church sent a cardinal to take all of the artefacts.
Hace años la iglesia envió a un cardenal a que se encargara de los artefactos.
"If this is cardinal Law, please stay on the line". "Because you have to remember, it's not just a sin, it's a felony"!
si es una ley cardinal, por favor, mantengase en linea.'porque tienen que recordar, no es solo un pecado, es una crimen!
Her cardinal rule was to give the children the maximum amount of freedom and the curriculum consisted largely of encouraging creativity teaching music and exploring the mysteries of the human body.
Su regla cardinal era darle a los niños la mayor cantidad de libertad y la curricula consistía ampliamente en motivar la creatividad enseñando música y explorando los misterios del cuerpo humano.
The Holy Document of Vatican Law states that a priest, bishop or cardinal cannot get married, so where are we to get our sex?
El sagrado documento de la ley del Vaticano dicta que que un sacerdote, arzobispo o cardinal no puede casarse. ¿ Entonces dónde conseguiremos sexo?
Well, then perhaps we could change the Holy Document of Vatican Law to say that it's okay for a priest or bishop or cardinal to have sex with women.
Entonces quizás podamos cambiar la sagrada ley del Vaticano para que diga que está bien para un sacerdote, arzobispo o cardinal tener sexo con mujeres.
cardinal 217
cardinal sforza 19
the crow flies straight 33
the card 32
the council 29
the choice is yours 166
the crew 35
the car is here 16
the camera 86
the city 103
cardinal sforza 19
the crow flies straight 33
the card 32
the council 29
the choice is yours 166
the crew 35
the car is here 16
the camera 86
the city 103
the chair 57
the cards 33
the clock is ticking 101
the cowboy 18
the cat 115
the cars 36
the case 115
the caretaker 29
the car 277
the curse 50
the cards 33
the clock is ticking 101
the cowboy 18
the cat 115
the cars 36
the case 115
the caretaker 29
the car 277
the curse 50
the cake 61
the case is over 17
the club 60
the coast is clear 60
the child 120
the clock 26
the case is closed 84
the code 52
the cops 215
the captain 118
the case is over 17
the club 60
the coast is clear 60
the child 120
the clock 26
the case is closed 84
the code 52
the cops 215
the captain 118