The end is near перевод на испанский
191 параллельный перевод
the end is near his heart fails him it mustn't be before the crown prince arrives by all means, you have to...
Se acaba... El corazón le falla... ¡ No debe ser antes de que el Príncipe Heredero llegue!
The end is near. I bid the world farewell.
Es el fin... me voy de este mundo.
I feel the end is near.
Siento que el final está cerca.
All nature senses, that the end is near.
Toda la naturaleza siente que el fin está próximo.
The fact that the end is near seems to have sharpened my senses. See this tree here, Arnold?
El hecho de que se acerque mi final parece haber agudizado todos mis sentidos. ¿ Ves este árbol?
I thought you knew... when they smile, the end is near.
No lo está. Cuando empiezan a sonreír, el final está cerca.
The end is near... "
El final está cerca...
The end is near.
El final está cerca.
I fear the end is near.
Temo que el fin está cerca.
and now the end is near and so I face the final curtain my friend
Y ahora El fin se acerca Y me enfrento
The end is near. Very near.
El fin está cerca.
Don't you know my life is tainted... with a dreadful malady? That I know the end is near? Leave Alfredo!
¿ No sabéis que pende sobre mi vida la amenaza de una enfermedad fatal?
The end is near, dude.
El fin está cerca
- Pero ahora el fin esta cerca...
The end is near.
El fin está cerca.
I think the end is near.
Creo que el fin está cerca.
Allow them to see a glimmer of enlightenment... as the offender realises that the end is near.
Deje que vean un rayo de luz al tiempo que el acusado se da cuenta de que el fin está cerca.
And now, the end is near.
Yahora, cerca del fin
And now the end is near And so I face the final curtain
Y ahora el final se acerca y enfrentaré el telón cayendo...
The end is near.
El final está cerca!
The end is near.
El fin esta cerca.
His parole officer said some lovely words and... Once again I was reminded the end is near.
Su agente judicial de vigilancia habló muy bien y todo me recordó que el fin estaba cerca.
" The end is near.
" Estamos en el epílogo.
The end is near!
El fin se acerca!
But I'm scared because... I've heard that when people are very ill and they suddenly feel better, it sometimes means that the end is near.
Pero tenía miedo, porque dicen que cuando uno está muy enfermo y de pronto se siente mejor, a veces significa que se acerca el final.
Do you feel how near the end is?
Envíalo. ¡ Morero!
Of course, I am not saying it is not blowing as much as it was, but it is near the end of it.
No quiero decir que no sople tanto como soplaba, pero está próximo el final.
When you see the General, tell him the end here is near.
Cuando vea al general, dígale que el fin aquí está cerca.
What if someone would tell you that Eduardo is near the piano, which stopped just now, and that at the end of this sweet waltz, he was holding the pianist's hand saying :
Y si Ie dijesen que Eduardo está allí, apoyado en eI piano, que calló ahora, y al final de tan mimoso vais, abraza conmovido Ia mano de Ia pianista, diciendo
How to put it, that we are in such a good mood here... and we know, that the end of the war is near?
¿ Cómo podemos poner, que estamos de tan buen humor aquí... y que sabemos, que el fin de la guerra está cerca?
The end of the world is near.
El fin del mundo se acerca.
My friends, the end of our journey is near.
Amigos míos, se acerca el fin de nuestro viaje.
Yes, the end is drawing near.
Sí, el final parece cercano.
The end is very near. Very near.
El final está cerca, muy cerca, muy cerca...
The announcement that my end is near.
El anuncio de que mi fin está cerca.
The unhappiness I refer to is your condition... to find you so indisposed... so... one is told... near the end?
Al hablar así, me refería a su estado de salud... encontrarle tan indispuesto... tan... ¿ Cómo se dice? Disculpe. ¿ Cerca del fin?
Truly, the day is near, The end of the Hitler-state.
En realidad se acerca el día en que acabará el Estado Hitleriano.
I saw what might have passed for sensitivity, bravery sympathy and strength all inscribed on the tablet of your face as I thought of my father, whose end is near and whose fear is great.
Vi lo que pudo haber sido sensibilidad, valentía mientras pensaba en mi padre, cuyo final está cerca y cuyo miedo es grande.
In 1961 and in 1962, as well as 1966 and 1967, we have been told that the tide is turning, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, we can soon bring our troops home, victory is near, the enemy is tiring.
En 1961 y en 1962,... así como en 1966 y 1967,... se nos ha dicho que la marea está cambiando,... que hay una luz al final del túnel,... que pronto podremos traer nuestras tropas a casa,... la victoria está cerca, el enemigo está cansado.
God, and then near the end of the movie when that one potential instrument of death is revealed the pillow.
Dios, luego, cerca del final de la película ese potencial instrumento de muerte es revelado la almohada.
Your end is near and certain in the tussle between sin and righteousness!
¡ Tu fin está cerca y es seguro en la lucha entre el pecado y la justicia!
If the Day of Wrath, the Dies Irae... the end of the world... is near... and it is always near... our duty, yours and mine... is to survive.
Si el Día de Furia, el Dies Irae... el fin del mundo... está cerca... y siempre está cerca... nuestro deber, el vuestro y el mío... es sobrevivir.
when the body's end is near.
cuando se acerca el fin del cuerpo.
Do you realize that the end of the world is drawing near?
¿ Se da cuenta de que el fin del mundo se acerca?
The truth, Mr. Stone, is that I'm near the end of a career... that I had the good fortune or misfortune to begin very brightly.
La verdad, Sr. Stone, es que se acerca el fin de mi carrera que tuve la suerte o desgracia de comenzar brillantemente.
Justwhen the end of life itself is near.
Justo cuando el final de la propia vida está cerca.
The end of the war is near.
El fin de la guerra está cercano, ciudadano.
My guess is it's probably a gray box, maybe sort of the end of the rack, near the bottom?
Debe de ser una caja gris. Debe de estar abajo, al final del estante.
No, it's not O rage, no, it's not O despair, it's not Old age, my enemy, it might even be Old age, my friend but still, my hair and my hands keep telling me that the end is near.
No, no es : "¡ Oh rabia!" Ni tampoco : "¡ Oh desesperación!"
Good doctor, revel while you can. The hour is late, our end is near.
Doctor, diviértase mientras pueda la hora se ha retrasado, nuestro fin está cerca.
The end of the world is coming. It's near.
El fin del mundo está cerca.
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the ending 24
the end of the world 62
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the emperor 45
the end justifies the means 17
the ending 24
the end of the world 62
the earth began to cool 83
the eagle has landed 25
the enemy of my enemy is my friend 31
the eiffel tower 27
the earthquake 16
the emperor 45
the engineer 26
the exorcist 20
the envelope 30
the earth 70
the engine 37
the eyes 87
the explosion 32
the entire time 23
the energy 24
the english 33
the exorcist 20
the envelope 30
the earth 70
the engine 37
the eyes 87
the explosion 32
the entire time 23
the energy 24
the english 33
the eagle 29
the evidence 36
the enemy 72
the e 178
the elevator 53
the excitement 23
the egg 46
the eggs 27
the ex 117
the economy 24
the evidence 36
the enemy 72
the e 178
the elevator 53
the excitement 23
the egg 46
the eggs 27
the ex 117
the economy 24