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They don't exist перевод на испанский

542 параллельный перевод
They can't enforce laws that don't exist.
No pueden hacer cumplir leyes inexistentes.
They don't exist anymore.
Ellos ya no existen.
I just wanna forget they exist, don't you?
Quiero olvidar que existen, ¿ usted no?
They don't exist... because I love you.
No me importan nada... porque te quiero.
- They don't exist.
- No existen de ese tipo.
Looking for dangers where they don't exist.
Buscas peligros donde no existen.
We had our street urchins, but they don't exist these days.
Nosotros también hemos tenido nuestros indigentes. Pero hoy por hoy ya no existen.
Don't they exist anymore?
My siblings are like... they don't exist
Mis hermanos son como... No tengo.
They - they don't exist any longer.
Ya no hay.
In reality, they don't seem to know that I even exist.
En realidad, nadie sabe ni que yo existo.
''Sometimes, I even feel they don't exist! '
Luego deciden las multas :
- They don't exist.
- Eso no existe.
They don't exist Riordan, we'll never see'em again.
No existe nadie, no volveremos a verlos.
Sure... troubles : like happiness, like money, in their pure form, they don't exist.
Algunos como la felicidad, el dinero o el estado puro no existen.
I don't know yet in which areas of space they exist.
No sé todavía en qué áreas de espacio se encuentran.
Vivieron en un tiempo, pero ya no existen.
They don't exist.
No existen.
It's no good pretending the differences don't exist, they do.
No sirve de nada fingir que las diferencias no existen.
It's not that I can't stand them, but for me they don't exist.
No es que no los pueda ver, no es eso. Simplemente que no me preocupan, para mí no existen.
They don't fill prisons but they exist.
La mayoría no están en la prisión, y existen entre nosotros.
They say they don't exist.
Dice que no existen.
I'll advise men of state and invent wars that don't exist, so they're obliged to fight them.
Asesoraré a los jefes de estado e inventaré guerras que no existen. Se verán obligados a luchar.
Mysteries just don't exist, do they?
Los misterios no existen, ¿ verdad?
But because they are beyond belief doesn't mean they don't exist.
Pero que sean increíbles no implica que no existan.
You merely pretend they don't exist.
Simplemente hace como si no existiera.
I don't like Black Sheep. But they exist And they've to be kept out of the flock.
No me gustan mucho usar las palabras "ovejas negras",... pero existen y deben ser apartadas del rebaño.
- In order to demonstrate they don't exist.
- Para demostrar que no hay.
- They don't even know you exist!
- Si no saben ni que existes.
And I certainly don't underestimate the dangers, if they exist.
No infravaloro los peligros, si existen.
Because they don't exist.
No están.
They don't really exist, remember?
No existen, recuerdas?
We'll have to pretend they don't exist.
Tendremos que imaginarnos que no existen.
They don't exist any more, but the machine is still destroying.
Esa gente ya no existe, pero la máquina sigue destruyendo.
- But they don't exist here.
- Pero aquí no existen.
We don't even know if they exist!
Ni siquiera sabemos si existen!
A bubble that'should'exist, I'd say, because they don't actually exist at all.
Es decir, una pompa que debería existir, porque, en realidad, no existe.
It's just that people don't like to be treated as though they don't exist.
Pero a la gente no le gusta que la traten como si no existiera.
As far as he's concerned, they don't exist.
Por lo que a él respecta, no existen.
They don't exist, thieves.
No existen ladrones.
They don't exist for anyone anywhere if you stay here.
Es nuestra única esperanza.
Naturally, I'd like to believe they don't exist.
quisiera creer que no existen.
Officially, they don't exist.
Oficialmente no existen.
They don't exist!
No existen.
But those people, Blackman, they don't exist.
Pero esa gente, Blackmann, ¡ no existen!
They don't exist.
¡ Ellos no existen!
We don't even believe they exist!
¡ No creemos en esas chorradas!
Just so many people want it to exist, so many people who don't want to die they want it so much that a place called Sanctuary becomes real.
Lo que ocurre es que muchos como tú lo desean como evasión a sus temores, no quieren morir y conservan la esperanza de que ese lugar llamado Santuario se convierta en algo real.
Check the school records? They don't exist.
¿ Escuela Sectaria?
They don't exist, we do not recognize them.
"¡ No existen! ¡ Negamos todo conocimiento!"
They won't go if we disagree that they don't exist.
Ellos no seguirán si no estamos de acuerdo con que sigan.

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