Those were the days перевод на испанский
502 параллельный перевод
Oh, those were the days, Fanny.
Eran los viejos tiempos.
Those were the days.
Los viejos tiempos.
Those were the days!
¡ Qué tiempos aquellos!
- And charged on the expense account at 15. - And got away with it. Those were the days.
Bien, reconozco esa importancia... incluso cuando me echaron de la ciudad en tren... con 8 agujeros de bala en un sombrero que me costó 6 pavos.
Yes, those were the days!
Sí, ¡ que tiempos aquellos!
Those were the days.
Los buenos tiempos.
Those were the days you wanted the cows and the chickens.
Los mismos tiempos en los que querías vivir con vacas y gallinas.
Those were the days, weren't they?
Qué tiempos aquellos, ¿ verdad?
Those were the days.
Eran los buenos viejos tiempos...
Sue... She was always was selling it too. Those were the days.
Sue siempre estaba vendiendo su canción a los que tenían gusto.
" Those were the days when the nation was keeping cool with Coolidge...
En esa época todos estaban tranquilos con Coolidge.
January 30, 1933. Those were the days.
30 de enero del 33, qué tiempos aquellos.
Those were the days, no kidding.
Aquellos fueron buenos tiempos. En serio...
Those were the days.
Qué tiempos aquellos.
Oh, those were the days. We're going on now.
Muy bien.
Those were the days.
Aquellos eran los días.
Oh, those were the days.
Ésos fueron los buenos tiempos.
Those were the times! Those were the days!
Ah, si aquellos momentos fuesen los actuales...
Still, those were the days, Andrzej.
Qué tiempos aquellos. ¿ Has vuelto a tener tantos amigos, Andrzej?
By golly, those were the days, eh?
Madre mía, los viejos tiempos, ¿ eh?
Those were the days.
Era la buena época.
Those were the days.
Aquellos tiempos eran otra cosa.
Those were the days.
Qué bohemia.
The majority of witches in the old days were poor women ; those who are taken in by pious organizations and nursing homes nowadays.
La mayoria de las brujas de la antiguedad eran mujeres pobres, aquellas que hoy en día son aceptadas por organizaciones pías y asilos.
- Those were the good old days.
- ¡ Eran los buenos tiempos!
- Those were the good old days.
- Aquellos eran buenos tiempos.
You know, the happiest days of my life were those I spent studying music under Professor Auspitzer, in Brünn.
Sabe, los días más felices de mi vida Eran aquéllos que gasté estudiando música Con el Maestro Auspitzer, en Brünn.
Those were the happy days, weren't they?
Eran los días felices, ¿ no?
- Those were the happy days.
- Eran tiempos felices.
Those were the good old days.
Eran otros tiempos.
Yes, those were the lean days... when I fought both bulls and hunger at the same time.
Sí, esos eran los días de escasez... cuando me enfrentaba a los toros y al hambre al mismo tiempo.
Ah, those were the good old days.
¡ Qué días aquellos!
You know in some ways, Mrs. Hudson, those were the happiest days of my life.
¿ Sabe, señora Hudson? Fueron los años más felices de mi vida.
Ah, but in those days, all the songs were sentimental.
Pero en aquella época, todas las canciones eran sentimentales.
Those were the good old days.
Ésos fueron los buenos viejos tiempos.
They were giving a dinner party at one of those sprawling country clubs which were so much a part of the American scene in the early days of the postwar boom.
Daban una cena en uno de esos inmensos clubes de campo... tan típicos de los EE. UU... a principios del boom económico de la posguerra.
Ah. Those were the good old days.
Ah. ésos eran los buenos tiempos.
Those were the good old days.
¡ Esos eran los buenos tiempos de antes!
Those were the bad days.
Aquellos fueron malos tiempos.
Dreamin'of those bonnie bygone days when he and his grandfather were tracking'criminals through the swamps.
Sueña con esos días pasados cuando él y su abuelo perseguían a criminales por los pantanos.
Yes, sir, those were the good old days.
Sí, señor, eran buenos tiempo.
Our brother is imprisoned by your means... myself disgraced and the nobility held in contempt... while great promotions are daily given to ennoble those... that scarce some two days since were worth a noble.
Por vuestras intrigas está en prisión mi hermano, yo en desgracia y menospreciada la nobleza... mientras que a diario se llevan a cabo promociones para hacer nobles... a quienes dos días antes apenas valían un noble.
That's a lie, Major, and you know it. I've got the testimony of 14 witnesses here who deny you were in the hole on any one of those days.
No es cierto mayor y usted lo sabe, tengo aquí la declaración de 14 testigos... que niegan que le hubiesen metido en el hoyo ninguno de esos días.
Come to think of it, those last days we spent together were by the sea, weren't they?
Según recuerdo, los últimos días que pasamos juntos estuvimos cerca del mar, ¿ no es así?
I remember I hated the war but sometimes I miss those days when we were all much closer
Sí, me acuerdo. Odio la guerra, pero a veces pienso que al menos, entonces, la familia estaba unida.
In those days knives between the shoulder blades... were more common than hammers and sickles on the shirtsleeves.
En esos días los cuchillos entre los dientes... eran más comunes que los martillos y la hoz en las mangas de la camisa.
In the old days, the shops around here were as good as those in Chicago.
En los viejos tiempos las tiendas de aquí eran tan buenas como las de Chicago.
The old days, they were the best... those wild, hard days,
¡ Los viejos tiempos fueron los mejores! Aquellos días turbulentos y difíciles.
Those were the olden, golden days.
Los buenos y viejos tiempos.
Those were the good old days.
Era la buena época.
Naturally, after I married an actor, well... you... you know how actors were considered in those days and then of course... right after we were married there was the scandal of... of that... woman who... had been your mistress suing you.
Pero me casé con un actor. Ya sabes cómo se os consideraba entonces a los actores. Después de casarnos vino aquel escándalo.
those were good times 17
those were his words 16
those eyes 49
those 395
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those lips 16
those guys 111
those days are gone 24
those were his words 16
those eyes 49
those 395
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those lips 16
those guys 111
those days are gone 24