Those people перевод на испанский
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Preston, Exeter, Oxford... you'd think those people would would be more forgiving to a boy so obviously... Gifted.
Preston, Exeter, Oxford... uno pensaría que la gente sería sería más indulgente con un chico tan... talentoso.
So, those people on Haiti.
Entonces, esa gente en Haití.
Because he's got, like, the worst life imaginable, and that's clearly what those people want.
Porque él tiene la peor vida imaginable, y claramente eso es lo que esa gente quiere.
Have you met those people?
¿ Los conoces?
Both of those people ended up dead.
Ambos terminaron muertos.
Fuck those people.
Que le jodan a esa gente.
What a waste, it seems to me, knowing it doesn't have to be this way, knowing the man who talked me into giving a shit about this crew, why, he could talk those people out there into anything.
Pero qué desperdicio me parece, sabiendo que no tiene que ser de esa forma, sabiendo que el hombre que me convenció para que esta tripulación me importara, los podría convencer para que hicieran cualquier cosa.
One of those people- -
Una de esas personas :
All those people you've been killing, it's... they're just Band-Aids.
Toda esa gente que ha estado matando, es... No son más que tiritas.
Is that why you've been acting out and killing those people?
¿ Es por eso que ha estado actuando salir y matar a esas personas?
Who are those people?
¿ Quienes son esas personas?
Those people were not my friends.
Estas personas no eran mis amigos.
I always thought she was one of those people who wasn't interested in relationships.
Siempre pensé que ella era una de esas personas... a las que no les interesan las relaciones.
"Oh, those people probably have vaginas."
"Oh, esas personas probablemente vaginas".
So, what were you really thinking up there in front of all those people saying things you didn't believe to be true in such a convincing manner?
Entonces, ¿ qué estaba pensando en realidad allí, delante de todas esas personas, diciendo cosas que no creía que fueran verdad de una manera tan convincente?
I know you wanted to help those people.
Sé que querías ayudar a esa gente.
You think bringing those people on board this ship is saving them?
¿ Crees que subir a esa gente a bordo de este barco es salvarlas?
- So, what if those people were sick?
- ¿ Y si esa gente estuviera enferma?
Madison : You think that's the boat that killed those people?
¿ Crees que es el bote que mató a esas personas?
Nah, I was just trying to give those people a voice the only way I know how... through art.
No, yo sólo estaba tratando de dar a esas personas una voz. De la única forma que conozco, a través del arte.
Those people who got killed... that was only him.
Aquellas personas que fueron asesinadas, sólo fue por él.
There's nothing to be done for those people,
No hay nada que hacer por esas personas,
in a few years, this is all just gonna be normal, it'll just be a way of life and that's great, but for us, and for all those people that came before us, that actually had to struggle against something, it's just pretty fucking incredible, right?
será un modo de vida, y es genial, pero para nosotros, y toda la gente que hubo antes, que tuvo que luchar contra algo, es jodidamente increíble, ¿ cierto?
Well, saving all those people you've made it so that "Las meninas" will be painted, Maria Pita will save La Coruña... and you've saved a lot of people I care about
Bueno, salvando a toda esa gente, ha conseguido que "Las meninas" vayan a pintarse, que María Pita salve a La Coruña... y ha logrado salvar a mucha gente querida por mí,
I promise you, none of those people will ever bother you again.
Te prometo, ninguna de esas personas será nunca te molesta de nuevo.
Who are those people to you?
¿ Quiénes son esas personas para ti?
They don't even discipline their children, and I don't see any of those people sitting out there waiting for hours because someone accused them of being a bad parent.
Y ni siquiera los educan. Y no veo a ninguna de esas personas sentadas allí esperando horas y horas. Porque alguien los haya acusado de ser un malos padres.
- I really never really expected to be one of those people. The abductees.
Nunca esperé ser una de esas personas, de las "abducidas".
Maybe you should be extra nice to those people in that RV,'cause you never know...
Tal vez debería ser más agradable a aquellas personas en que el RV, Porque nunca se sabe,
Those people, your people, they care about you.
Esas personas, a su gente, se preocupan por ti,
So those people you saw murdered at the Pandemonium, they weren't people at all, they were shapeshifting demons.
Así que esa gente que has visto asesinada en el Pandemonium, ni siquiera eran gente, eran demonios cambiantes.
She was just, like, one of those people who was afraid to live the life that she wanted to live.
Solo era de ese tipo de personas que tenía miedo a vivir la vida que quería vivir.
For those people who think...
Para esa gente que piensa...
I want to speak to those people directly.
Quiero hablar con esas personas de manera directa.
And to be honest, I feel completely disrespected by those people, so, that's that.
Y honestamente, siento que me falta al respeto... esa gente, así que así será.
Listen, if there is a man selling a private arsenal to an Egyptian crook and he's English and you're English and those weapons could cause a lot of pain to a lot of people, then you just do it.
Mire, si un hombre vende un arsenal privado a un criminal egipcio y es inglés y usted también y esas armas podrían causar mucho dolor a mucha gente, entonces entras en acción.
All you gotta do is get me on one of those forums where people talk about wanting to murder their spouses.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es meterme en uno de esos foros donde la gente habla sobre el deseo de asesinar a sus cónyuges.
Try to learn things that aren't taught. Thank people. Congratulate those who work well.
Recuerda la cosas que no enseñan... dar las gracias a la gente, alabar el buen trabajo, y recordar los cumpleaños.
Those are your people?
¿ Ellos son su familia?
I'm not sure it's safe for people to put those beverages directly in...
- ¡ Tiempo! Bien, Andy, bienvenido al nivel 2 : - No creo que sea seguro - que la gente inyecte bebidas en...
You've seen those movies where people get buried alive and they survive for hours and hours?
Es una de esas películas donde la gente es enterrada viva y sobreviven por horas y horas... ¡ Mentira!
Because some people can only understand themselves through the eyes of those who hate them.
Puesto que hay personas que solo pueden entenderse a través de los ojos de aquellos que los odian.
Those swamp people would buy it tomorrow if we gave'em a holler.
Los del pantano la comprarían mañana mismo si les diéramos un grito.
One of those four people is our killer.
Uno de esos cuatro es nuestro asesino.
But I want everyone to keep thinking, one of those four people is our killer.
Pero quiero que sigan pensando... que uno de esos cuatro es nuestro asesino.
You may not care what happens to my people... but if Gorrik doesn't get those weapons, what of your own?
Puede que no te importe lo que le pase a mi gente... pero si Gorrik no obtiene esas armas, ¿ qué hay de la tuya?
I'd have left my own daughter out there if it meant getting those weapons to my people.
Habría dejado a mi hija ahí fuera si eso significase llevar esas armas a mi gente.
Will you trade your wife's life for those of so many people?
¿ Va usted a cambiar la vida de su esposa por la de tanta gente?
We only had to save those three people.
Solo había que salvar a esas tres personas.
He was one of those guys took great joy in bending people over.
Era uno de esos tipos tuvieron gran alegría en personas mayores de flexión.
The world's made up of people who want to be sad, the majority, and have no desire to work, and those who want to be happy.
El mundo está compuesto de gente que quiere estar triste, la mayoría y que no tiene deseos de trabajar y de gente que quiere estar feliz, como yo.
people 5151
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people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
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people get hurt 32
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