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Wake her up перевод на испанский

991 параллельный перевод
We want to wake her up! "
¡ Queremos despertarla! "
You'll wake her up.
La vas a despertar.
You come along and wake her up.
Se ha dormido y Ia ha despertado.
Don't you think we ought to wake her up?
¿ No cree que deberíamos despertarla?
You'll wake her up.
La van a despertar.
All right, wake her up and tell her I'm not coming home.
Despiértela y dígale que no voy a casa.
Wake her up!
¡ Reanimadla!
She slept for a long longtime, and as she slept, she dreamed, always the same wonderful dream, that a Prince Charming should come to wake her up
y mientras dormía, soñaba, siempre el mismo sueño maravilloso, que un Príncipe Azul vendría a despertarla.
I don't want to wake her up.
- No quiero despertarla.
- I'll wake her up.
La despertaré.
Y si está durmiendo, despiértela.
I can't wake her up at dawn.
No puedo despertarla al alba.
You only have to wake her up.
¡ Despiértala!
- Can I wake her up?
- ¯ La puedo despertar?
I didn't like that part of it much but I didn't wake her up.
No me gustó, pero no la molesté.
I'll wake her up when it's time to feed her.
- La despertaré para darle de comer.
Mustn't wake her up.
No debemos despertarla.
Hadn't you better wake her up?
¿ No sería mejor que la despertara?
I shall wake her up while she is actually playing and then she will know there is nothing really wrong with her hands.
La despertaré para qué crea que está tocando... y que no le pasa nada malo en las manos.
- Do me a favour and wake her up.
- Hazme un favor y despiértala.
I think we better wake her up.
Creo que será mejor que la despertemos.
Hey, wake her up when you get to New York, and then take her where she wants to go.
¡ Eh! , despiértela cuando llegue a Nueva York, y dígale donde quiere ir.
Hey, don't wake her up!
¡ Eh, no la despierte!
Hi, Spartaco. Don't wake her up
Spartaco, no despiertes a la niña...
Don't wake her up
No la despiertes.
Go now, or you will wake her up Go away
Márchense de aquí, que me la despiertan.
Then I'll wake her up.
- Está dormida. La despertaré.
- Don't wake her up, here's the key.
- Si hace falta... - No la despiertes.
- Don't wake her up.
- No la despiertes.
It seems awful to have to wake her up in the middle of the night to tell her this.
Es terrible tenerla que levantar a media noche para decirle esto.
We'll wake her up. They don't wake up that easy.
- No se despierta tan fácil.
Don't worry if there's only me to wake her up she won't have breakfast sooner than usual
Si me encargo de despertarla, no te pedirá el té tan temprano.
I'll wake her up!
¡ Ya la despertaré!
Don't wake her up.
- No la despierte.
Wake her up.
Wake her up and give her this.
Despiértala y dale esto.
- I'll wake her up.
- La despertaré.
I didn't want to wake her up.
No quería despertarla.
Ossi has to get up : I'll wake her right away.
Ossi tiene que levantarse, voy a despertarla ya.
Wake up to the Countess... and tell her that I wish to speak to her.
Despierta a la condesa y dile que deseo hablar con ella.
Who'd like to wake up with your arms around her.
A quién le gustaría despertarse con tus brazos rodeándola
Aw, let her wake up!
Aw, despertemosla!
Tell her she'd better not try to find Sheila Lane, Or she'll wake up one morning On the bottom of the east river.
Dígale que no busque a Sheila... si no quiere morir.
And if she should wake up, keep her there by force till we arrive.
Y si ella se despierta, retenla por la fuerza hasta que lleguemos.
Wealthy American girl who has lived her life wrapped in cotton wool but she wants to wake up.
Una muchacha americana adinerada que ha vivido entre algodones pero que quiere despertar.
It's her who should wake up.
No es culpa nuestra... es ella la que tiene que espabilarse.
One day she'll wake up and find her looks are gone.
cualquier día verá que ha perdido su lozanía.
I won't wake up her.
No voy a despertar a ella.
She remembered why she'd wanted to wake up and got out of bed very softly shivering and pulling on her dress and her stockings.
Se acordó de por qué quería despertarse, y se levantó con cuidado. Temblando de frío, se vistió.
Cherry, wake up and tell her you know me.
Despierta y dile que me conoces.
I won't wake up her.
No iré a despertarla.

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