Were you hurt перевод на испанский
795 параллельный перевод
Were you hurt in the crash?
¿ Te perjudicó la caída de la Bolsa?
Tell me, darling, were you hurt?
Dime cariño, ¿ resuItaste herido?
Were you hurt? - No!
- ¿ Se ha hecho daño?
Were you hurt? No, it shook me up a bit.
- Me llevé un pequeño susto.
You look pale. Where were you hurt?
Está pálido. ¿ Dónde le hirieron?
Were you hurt?
- Mamá, ¿ te has hecho daño?
You were hurt when you came in.
Estabas herido cuando entraste aquí.
You put the bandage on as if it were really hurt.
. Me vendó como si me doliera en verdad.
If you were really hurt... if your leg was smashed up so that you couldn't walk... the company that ran over ya would have to pay a lot of money, wouldn't they? - See?
Si estuvieras muy lastimado... con la pierna rota y no pudieras caminar... la empresa que te atropelló tendría que pagar mucho dinero.
There's a place deep in the jungle I found while you were hurt.
Cuando estabas herido, hallé un lugar en medio de la selva.
I'd gone with you chasing trains or anything, but... but you were hurt, and Pennie won't care.
Me habría ido contigo de errante o lo que sea, pero... Pero estabas herido, y a Pennie no le importará.
I'm so sorry you were hurt, but he didn't mean It.
Lamento tanto que esté herido, pero no fue su intención.
You know, Ed, I figured that where we came from we were born with our back to the wall and nothing more could happen to us and nobody could hurt us.
Sabes, Ed, creí que de donde veníamos nosotros nacimos con la espalda contra la pared y nada más podría pasarnos y nadie nos podría lastimar.
When I read that you were hurt, I didn't know how seriously.
Leí que estabas herido, sin saber nada más.
Your mind became more and more inflamed... until you were mad with jealousy and hurt pride.
Te enfureciste más y más... hasta enloquecer de celos y de orgullo.
But if you were... If you were just trying to make me feel cheap and hurt me, you succeeded handsomely.
Pero si es verdad, si intentabas ponerme en evidencia y hacerme daño, entonces lo has conseguido completamente.
I will but you were hurt with this pin.
Lo haré, pero esta horquilla le hizo una herida.
Because even if I waited until we were old and told you then... you'd look back over the years and be hurt.
Porque aunque esperase a que fuéramos viejos para explicártelo al mirar hacia los años pasados te sentirías herido.
You were hurt on Thursday. The day of the wedding.
Se la golpeó el jueves, el día de la boda.
- You were hurt, Mr Wilson?
- ¿ Se dio un golpe, Sr. Wilson?
Last time I saw you, you were underwater. You all right? You didn't get hurt?
La ultima vez que lo vi estaba en el agua, ¿ como se siente?
When, finally, you were hurt all of mexico, yes, all of Spain, even wept.
Cuando, finalmente, resultaste herido todo México, sí, toda España, incluso lloró.
Did your mother hurt you, Mark, when you were a child?
¿ Te hizo sufrir por algo cuando eras niño?
IfTed knew you were behind the shooting, I reckon it would hurt him more than the bullet did.
Si Ted supiera que estuviste detrás del tiroteo... le dolería más que lo que le hizo la bala.
The radio said you were badly hurt.
En la radio dijeron que estabas mal herido.
In the Army, you were always very careful not to get yourself hurt.
En el Ejército siempre intentabas mantenerte a salvo.
We were never going to hurt you, we was just going to put you out of the way.
No queríamos hacerle daño.
I-I read about you in the paper. I thought maybe you were hurt or something.
Leí lo tuyo en el periódico pensé que podías estar malherido.
It seems to me you were trying to hurt her. Deliberately.
Me pareció que tratabas de herirla, deliberadamente.
The way you were hurt today.
Igual que hoy te lo hice yo a ti.
The thing that hurt most was to hear from a stranger that you've been buying players forging records, dividing profits and laughing at those of us who were naive enough to have had confidence in you.
Lo que más me hirió... fue oír de un extraño que has estado comprando jugadores... Falseando expedientes, dividiendo recursos... y riéndote de todos los que éramos lo bastante ingenuos... para tenerte confianza.
- Because you were hurt.
- Porque estabas herido.
You were badly hurt, sire.
Estas malherido, señor.
I don't like to hurt people. You were perfect for me.
No me gusta herir a la gente y tú eras perfecta para mí.
I want you to tell Dr. Barton... the story of how you were hurt.
Quiero que le cuentes al Dr. Barton cómo te hirieron.
You were hurt in that explosion.
Fuiste herido en la explosión.
But you were hurt, Lin Nan.
Pero estabas herido, Lin Nan.
I was hurt at first when I realized you were mixing me up with Sharon.
Confieso que al principio me dolió que me confundía usted con Sharon.
- Not if you were hurt.
- No si resultaras herida.
I'm very sorry you were hurt.
Siento mucho que estés herido.
You said you were going to hurt her, and by God, you have.
Dijiste que le ibas a hacer daño, y por Dios, que lo estás haciendo.
You were hurt.
Estabas herido.
Paolo, you once told me you hurt me because you love me and were afraid of being hurt yourself.
Paolo, una vez me dijiste que me hacías daño porque me amabas y que tenías miedo de hacerte daño a ti mismo.
If you were hurt, i could never forgive myself.
Si se lesionó, yo nunca podría perdonarme a mí mismo.
It was like that time in the hotel room when they came and told me that you were hurt and that I'd done it.
Fue como aquella vez en la habitación del hotel cuando me dijeron que estabas herida y que lo había hecho yo.
That's what gets to me, that I hurt you so much,... while you were earning our bread.
Eso es lo que más me punza, haberte herido tanto, mientras tú nos ganabas el pan.
- Were you badly hurt?
- ¿ Sufrió mucho?
Taken orally, it can't hurt you, Mr Eckland, but if she were bitten and it entered her bloodstream, there's nothing we can do.
Oralmente, no puede lastimarlo a usted, pero si ella fue mordida y el veneno ha entrado en el torrente sanguíneo, no hay nada que podamos hacer.
He said he thought you were hurt. Well, I'm not.
-... que te pasaba algo.
- They didn't tell me you were hurt.
- No me dijeron que estabas herido.
She thought you were going to be hurt.
Ella pensó que iba ser lastimado.
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you asleep 35
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you following me 24
were you worried 21
were you looking for me 29
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you following me 24
were you worried 21
were you looking for me 29
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
you hurt me 123
you hurt my feelings 25
you hurt him 21
you hurt 70
you hurt yourself 24
you hurt her 34
hurt 179
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62
you hurt my feelings 25
you hurt him 21
you hurt 70
you hurt yourself 24
you hurt her 34
hurt 179
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62