You hurt her перевод на испанский
1,633 параллельный перевод
Look, but if you hurt her... I don't care how impossibly gigantic you are...
Mira, pero si la lastimas no me importa cuán imposiblemente gigante seas.
Look, Toussaint... you hurt her really bad. And she's such a special person.
Mira, Toussaint, le hiciste mucho daño, y ella es una persona tan especial.
She can go out on a date. You hurt her feelings, Flaherty.
Heriste sus sentimientos, Flaherty.
And you need to promise me that you will love her and protect her, because the minute that you hurt her... you understand?
Y tienes que prometerme que vas a amarla y protegerla, porque en cuanto la hagas daño... ¿ Lo entiendes?
You hurt her feelings.
- Hieres sus sentimientos.
You hurt her?
¿ Le hiciste daño?
I'm mad that you hurt her.
Estoy enojada por lastimarla.
Don't you hurt her.
No le haga daño.
Kubichek, if you hurt her, I swear I'm gonna...
Kubichek, si la lastimas, te juro que voy a...
I am not going to let you hurt her.
No voy a permitir que la lastimes.
Well, you hurt her pretty bad, Danny, But she'll be ok.
Bueno, la lastimaste bastante Danny, pero estará bien.
Her gut's not big enough for that. Oh, Alex, you hurt me.
- Ninguna garganta es lo suficientemente grande para eso!
- i would never fucking hurt her, but i want to-i do, you know?
- Jamás la lastimaría, pero quería, ¿ entienden?
Luke, you didn't mean to hurt her.
Luke, no fue tu intención lastimarla.
I think you hurt Lynette's feelings when you refused to go to the street fair with her.
Creo que heriste a Lynette cuando te negaste a ir a la feria con ella.
Randy is asking you not to hurt her.
Randy pide que no la hieras a ella.
And now you use her as a punch line for a joke to hurt me.
Y ahora, lo usaste como remate de una broma para herirme.
You won't hurt her.
- No le harás daño.
You hurt didi in any way, hurt her family...
Si lastimas a Didi de alguna forma, o lastimas a su familia...
I will hurt you if this goes wrong for her.
Te haré daño si esto le hace mal a ella.
Do you know how much this would hurt her?
¿ Sabes cuándo le dolería esto?
What you did to simone didn't hurt her, evie.
Lo que le hiciste a Simone, no le hizo daño, Evie.
Maybe you'll hold out for six months, but then it'll hurt her even more.
Quizás, esperes otros seis meses, pero entonces le dolerá más.
I'm gonna hurt her as much as she hurt you.
La voy a lastimar tanto como lo hizo contigo.
Or maybe you said something that hurt her, or maybe you said nothing when you should have said something.
O quizá dijiste algo que la lastimó. O quizá no dijiste nada cuando debías decir algo.
You just- - you go take your precious little daughter, and you lock her away, so bad people like me, we can't hurt her.
Sólo... váyase a coger a su preciosa niña pequeña, y enciérrela alejada de gente tan mala como yo, podemos hacerle daño.
She's saying that Gabriel wanted her to hurt you.
Dice que Gabriel quiso herirte.
Gabriel wanted her to hurt you because you're close to me.
Gabriel quiso herirte porque eres cercano a mí.
You'd never hurt her.
Tú nunca le harías daño.
You better not hurt her.
Más te vale que no la lastimes.
I gave you my Word We're not gonna hurt her, We're not gonna hurt her.
Te prometí que no la lastimaríamos, no la lastimaremos.
You fucking hurt her?
¿ La lastimaste?
Do you think she'll hurt her?
¿ Crees que le hará daño a ella?
It wouldn't hurt you if you would just be a little encouraging to her.
No te costaría nada darle un poco de ánimo.
You won't hurt her.
No la lastimarás.
Whether you believe Trixie or not, someone hurt her and someone left her for dead.
Pero le creas a Trixie o no alguien la agredió y alguien la dejó allí para que muriera.
I will, however, drive to Stanford. Pick up your lovely daughter, bring her back here and hurt her... while you watch.
Pero, iré a Stanford recogeré a su querida hija la traeré aquí y le haré daño mientras usted observa.
I think you have hurt her, sir.
Creo que la daña, señor.
You'll hurt her feelings, Mattie!
¡ Herirás sus sentimientos, Mattie!
- Did you hurt her?
- No.
You're a human being... how can you hurt Jong-hee by sleeping with her father?
Eres un ser humano... ¿ Cómo pudiste herir a Jong-hee al dormir con su padre?
Kenneth, Kenneth! Don't you fucking hurt her!
¡ Kenneth, maldición, no le hagas daño!
Look, Chuck, I know that Jill hurt you, but maybe seeing her again will give you the closure that you've always wanted.
Mira, Chuck, Sé que Jill te hizo daño, pero quizás verla de nuevo te dará el final que siempre has querido.
- Oh, Kate, she wouldn't have hurt you, not if she was in her real mind.
Iastimado, no si estuviera en sus cabales.
Hey! If chloe trusted you as much you seem to trust her, She wouldn't get hurt.
Si Chloe confiara en ti tanto como tú confías en ella no saldría lastimada.
You can't hurt her now.
No la puedes herirla ahora.
I've always had to stand by, watch her tossed around and hurt by things I don't understand. But you, you I understand.
Siempre he tenido que mantenerme al margen... verla destrozada y herida por cosas que no entiendo... pero tú... tú sí entiendes.
He's gonna hurt her, you know.
Él te va a herir, sabes.
Do you think he could have hurt her?
¿ Usted cree que podría haberle hecho daño a ella?
Something about she's afraid to hurt you with her powers.
Es como que ella teme lastimarte con sus poderes.
No, you wanted to make her life unbearable, to degrade her, to hurt the woman, as... as she hurt you.
Non, usted quería que su vida fuera insoportable. Degradarla, herirla... igual que ella le hirió a usted.
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