What happened to them перевод на испанский
1,211 параллельный перевод
You saw what happened to them?
¿ Qué les pasó?
But he did. What happened to them?
Pero lo hizo ¿ Que les pasó?
What happened to them?
¿ Qué pasó con ellos?
What happened to them?
¿ Qué ocurrió?
Well, if he didn't take them what happened to them?
Si no fue él ¿ qué pasó con las pasas?
- What happened to them?
- ¿ Qué pasó con ellos?
What happened to them?
¿ Qué les pasó?
Officer, what happened to them?
Oficial, que les ha sucedido?
- What happened to them?
- ¿ Qué le pasó?
All were returned safely after huge ransoms were paid... but the kids don't remember what happened to them.
Los liberaron tras pagar el rescate pero ninguno recuerda lo que ocurrió.
- What happened to them?
- ¿ Qué les pasó?
- What happened to them?
- ¿ Qué les ha pasado?
I mean, they don't deserve what happened to them.
No merecen lo que les pasó.
It's terrible what happened to them kids.
Es terrible lo que les pasó a esos chicos.
Look what happened to them.
Miren qué les ocurrió.
It's terrible what happened to them, I'm sorry.
Es terrible lo que pasó con ellos, lo lamento.
What happened to them?
¿ Que les sucedió?
- What happened to them?
¿ Se murieron?
When they don't come home... their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them... and denied compensation.
Cuando no regresan a casa, a sus familias les cuentan cuentos de hadas sobre lo que les sucedio... y se les niega compensacion.
So that's what happened to them.
Conque eso es lo que les ha pasado a esos tíos.
Dr. Lujan, what happened to them?
Dra. Lujan, ¿ Qué le pasó a ellos?
Mabus and his people have freely acknowledged that they were responsible for what happened to them.
Mabus ha reconocido que fueron responsables por lo que pasó.
Suffice it to say, I did not find the other children, nor do I have any explanation of what happened to them.
No he encontrado a los demás niños ni sé qué les ha ocurrido.
What happened to them?
¿ Dónde están?
MAN : What happened to them?
Que les ocurrio?
I met two guys, and I liked them. But I hate what's happened to them.
Tenía dos buenos amigos y odio ver lo que les ha pasado.
The child's gonna have to talk to the jury and tell them what happened.
La niña va a tener que hablar con el jurado y contarles lo que pasó.
I tried to tell them what had happened, but they were convinced that I had killed Zarale in some kind of savage struggle, which is what they insisted on telling every Bajoran we met.
Intenté contarles lo que había ocurrido pero estaban convencidos de que había matado a Zarale en una especie de lucha salvaje y se lo contaron a todos los bajoranos que encontramos.
You see, you could tell them just how sick you've been... And how nobody, nobody even bothered to come by here... And explain to you what had happened.
Podrían contarles lo enfermos que han estado y que nadie, nadie se ha molestado en venir a visitarlos para explicarles lo ocurrido.
What's happened to them?
¿ Qué les ha pasado?
I would like to be able to offer Lt Kwan's parents some explanation of what happened, to help them make sense of this.
Querría poder ofrecer a los padres del teniente Kwan una explicación acerca de lo que ha pasado, que les sirva de consuelo.
I know what happened to them, too.
Sé lo que ha pasado con eso.
- What's happened to them?
- ¿ Qué pasó?
Donna didn't want anybody to know what happened between them, and now it's all gonna come out in open court.
Donna no quería que nadie supiera lo que sucedió. Y ahora todo se sabrá en la corte.
When I heard what had happened I got rid of them. It seemed ghoulish to keep them.
Me pareció mórbido quedármelas.
What happened? Captain Sisko's runabout exploded while I was trying to beam them back.
La nave del capitán Sisko ha estallado mientras los transportaba.
But now... what happened to the others- - my brother... my father... and everyone before them.
Pero ahora lo que pasó a los otros mi hermano mi padre y a todos antes que ellos.
"Agostina will bring them to me." That is what Ottilia wrote, and that is what happened.
Eso escribía Otilia y así sucedió.
And I'm supposed to give them an explanation of what happened.
Se supone que yo voy a tener que darles una explicación de lo que paso.
Uh, blaine was able to convince them for a little while that it was just low tide and things, but what had happened was that he had made some mistakes.
Blaine los convenció por un momento de que la marea estaba baja.
What the hell happened to them?
¿ Qué demonios les sucedió?
Have you considered just asking them what happened to the briefcase?
¿ Has pensado en preguntarles qué le pasó al maletín?
Mr Trafford... I just want to know what happened, stop them saying these things about him.
Sr. Trafford... sólo quiero saber lo que pasó, dejen de decir esas cosas sobre él.
All I have to do is tell them what happened!
¡ Perfecto!
I'm ready to go out there and apologize to everybody and tell them what really happened.
Estoy lista para disculparme con todos y contarles lo que ocurrió.
But later, when my fiance returned, and went to see the damages, to repair them if necessary, the assistants followed him, and they saw what happened at that door, and so they say...
Sin embargo por la noche cuando mi prometido volvió y salió para investigar los daños y reparar lo que fuera posible, los ayudantes corrieron tras él, y le vieron trabajando en la puerta rota, es por eso que dicen ahora...
Do we follow them back to their base and take revenge or do we wait try to find out what happened?
¿ Los perseguimos y nos vengamos o aguardamos hasta averiguar qué paso?
He's gathering them together to find out what happened.
Los va a reunir para descubrir qué sucedió.
You might want to tell them what happened.
Quizás quieras informarles.
What's happened to them?
- ¿ Qué pasó con ellos?
Walk them through what happened, giving Brad a chance to explain why he did what he did and...
- Los defraudaremos. - Descríbeles los hechos y dale a Brad la oportunidad de explicar por qué hizo cada cosa- -
what happened 16539
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to your leg 40
what happened here 407
what happened in there 101
what happened to it 74
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to your leg 40
what happened here 407
what happened in there 101
what happened to it 74