You've seen me перевод на испанский
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You should've seen me.
Debieron verme.
I'm going to risk looking like the biggest idiot psycho you've ever seen.
Me arriesgaré a que creas que soy el tipo más loco que hayas visto.
You know, I've been around for a long time, met a lot of different people, mostly seen them do horrible things to each other, so I'm not so high on the human race as a whole.
Sabes, he vivido mucho tiempo conocí a mucha gente distinta y mayormente los vi hacerse cosas horribles unos a otros así que no me importa tanto la raza humana como un todo.
You've seen me once or twice before.
Ya me ha visto un par de veces.
I mean, you know, for me, over all those years of watching The Who, man, I've never seen anything like that.
Luego de todos esos años de ver a The Who, nunca he visto nada igual.
I'm surprised I've never seen you there.
Me sorprende no haberte visto antes.
And if it's nostalgia- - "You should've seen me when I was a DA back in Queens." - -let me give you a serious piece of advice :
Y si se trata de nostalgia, "Qué bueno que era en Queens" permíteme que te dé un consejo :
You think that's funny, you should've seen the time they made me go undercover in a gay bar.
Si crees que es cómico, deberías haber visto la vez en que me hicieron ir encubierto a un bar gay.
- You've seen me.
- Me vieron a mí.
Let me tell you, I've seen a lot of fatalities on this road.
Te aseguro que he visto muchas desgracias en esta carretera.
How can you tell if you like it better if you haven't seen me in the white?
¿ Me entiende verdad? Creo que el amarillo se ve bien en tí.
- You mean now you've seen me, you won't publish my book?
¿ Quiere decir que ahora que me ha visto no publicará mi libro?
Well, I have been writing, and as you've seen, when I am engaged in acts of the imagination, I have little sense of the world around me. Such is my genius.
Bueno, estuve escribiendo... y como verán, cuando estoy metido en actos de imaginación... tengo poca noción del mundo a mi alrededor, tal es mi genio.
You know, the only picture I've ever seen of you is with me in it.
La única foto que vi de ti es una en que aparecemos juntas.
I wanted to ask you about religion and how could I become a priest if I wanted to because I've seen you today, and you're amazing.
Quería preguntarle algo sobre religión y cómo me convierto en sacerdote, si lo quisiera porque lo he visto hoy, y Ud. es asombroso.
I wish you could've seen it.
Ojalá me hubieras visto.
You've never seen me?
¿ Nunca me has visto?
Excuse me beautiful. You two have some pretty blue eyes I've ever seen.
Disculpen que sea tan franco pero tienen unos ojos preciosos.
You should've seen me.
Debiste verme.
Oh, yes... you should've seen Ester and me.
Ah, sí... tendrías que habernos visto a Ester y a mí.
Oh, I wish you could've seen the look on his face the day you two got married.
Me gustaría que él pudiese ver su cara el día que se casaron.
Now that I've seen your face, you're one of us. You got me?
Ahora he visto su cara, es una de nosotros. ¿ Me entiende?
It took two of you guys to give me paperwork I've already seen?
Hace falta que los dos me déis un informe que ya he visto?
I'm not joking, you've seen me before, haven't you?
No es broma, me has visto antes. ¿ No?
You think you know me because you've seen me change?
¿ Crees conocerme...
I just wanna say that I think that you've probably seen me at my best and, um, at my worst.
Solo quería decirle que probablemente usted ha visto lo mejor de mí, y también lo peor.
You should've seen his face when he asked me.
Deberías haber visto su cara cuando me lo pidió.
I've seen for myself how fiercely she loves you, so trust me, pal, she's a lioness protecting her cub.
Yo mismo soy testigo de cuánto te quiere así que créeme, amigo, es una leona protegiendo su cría.
You seen me looking?
¿ Me ve mirando?
You were going to tell me what you've seen out there and...
Ibas a decirme que fue lo que viste allá afuera y...
You should've seen me before I quit Greenpeace, and the Sierra Club.
Debiste haberme visto antes de renunciar a Greenpeace y al Sierra Club.
Well then you've seen me
Bueno, entonces, ya me has visto.
- Just tell me if you've seen him.
- Sólo dime si lo has visto.
Kara, they tell me that you're the best natural pilot they've ever seen.
Kara, me dicen que eres el mejor piloto innato que hayan visto.
Oh, in the months that you know me, You've never seen me act this way?
En estos meses, desde que nos conocimos ¿ nunca me viste actuar de ese modo?
These guys, whatever else you've seen, you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone about it.
Estos tipos sin importar lo que hayas visto tienes que prometerme que no se lo dirás a nadie
You must've seen that picture of it when you picked me up the other night.
Debiste ver una foto de ella cuando me recogiste la otra noche.
Yes, but he already knew because he had seen me talking to one once and I know that I should've told you first and I'm so sorry.
Sí, pero él ya lo sabía, porque me había visto hablar con uno una vez. Y sé que debería haberlo hablado contigo antes, y lo siento mucho.
Mathew, you've never seen me perform how do you know what I'd be good at?
Mathew, nunca me has visto actuar, ¿ cómo sabes en lo que soy buena?
I mean you say you've never seen one.
O sea, me dices que nunca has visto uno.
You've seen me wear this.
Me has visto llevarlo.
You've never seen me act this way? Hey, no offense, Emily, but... You don't really know what you're talking about, do you?
Oye, no te ofendas, Emily, pero en realidad, no tienes sabes de qué hablas, ¿ cierto?
¡ Deberías haberme visto intentando hacerlo yo sola!
I know you've been a bad guy, Dad. And for a long time I wondered if you'd ever change. But lately I've seen you change.
Sé que has sido una mala persona, papá y por mucho tiempo me pregunté si alguna vez cambiarías pero últimamente, te he visto hacerlo.
You`ve seen Laila`s love.. you haven`t seen her hit.. er, yet
Odio. Sí, eso. ¿ No me has oído?
I take it you've seen the news.
Me imagino que han visto las noticias.
- Wait, I don't even know what you look like, You've seen a picture of me,
Tú viste una foto mía, pero yo ni siquiera sé cómo eres.
Easy to say now that you've seen me fail!
¡ Claro, ahora que me viste mal, es fácil decirlo!
You've seen me naked in the shower.
Me has visto desnudo en la ducha.
Let me tell you something. I've seen friends die before. Accidents, even murder.
Déjeme decirte, he visto a amigos morir antes... accidentes... incluso asesinatos.
What interested me the most, was both the visual aesthetics this kind of stereotype with this corpse-paint that you can make it into kind of a visual stereotype that both is something you feel you've seen before but is not quite like what you have seen before.
Lo que más me interesaba... era la estética el espectáculo, este tipo de estereotipo, El corpse-paint, que se puede transformar en el estereotipo. Eso se parece a algo que se veía antes, pero no es algo que se veía antes.