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You attacked me перевод на испанский

379 параллельный перевод
When you attacked me, it was damaged.
Cuando tú me atacaste, se estropeó.
Because you attacked me.
Porque usted me ha atacado.
How come you attacked me all of a sudden?
¿ Por qué me has atacado por sorpresa?
You attacked me.
Ud. me atacó.
Tell me who are you and why you attacked me!
¿ Quién es y por qué me ha atacado?
In spite of the way you attacked me and my colleagues.
A pesar de que nos atacó a mí y a mis colegas.
You attacked me. I what?
- ¡ Me atacaste!
I would've reacted similarly had you attacked me.
De haberme atacado, habría reaccionado igual.
Where's the Evil Claw that you attacked me with last time?
¿ Dónde está la Garra del Diablo con la que me atacaste la última vez? .
- You attacked me!
- ¡ Usted me atacó!
I was here, working on the intake problem, moments away from a solution, when you attacked me.
Estaba aquí, intentando solucionar el problema de la toma de aire, muy cerca de la solución, cuando me atacaste.
- When you attacked me.
Sí, lo siento.
It is for this reason that you have attacked?
Es esa la razón por la cual me ha atacado?
If you kill me, you'll never know why I attacked you.
Si me mata, nunca sabrá por qué lo ataqué.
- That man attacked me. You!
Ése hombre me ha atacado.
You know, for the first time it occurs to me... that the Ripper need not have attacked from behind.
Por primera vez se me ocurre que no tuvo que atacar por detrás.
You are from the warship that attacked me, are you not?
Son del buque que nos atacó, ¿ verdad?
You see, he attacked me from behind... and it was dark. No. I hardly saw him at all.
No, me atacó desde atrás y estaba oscuro.
Don't you even believe I was attacked?
¿ No me cree que me atacó?
Since I came here, this to you I said, robbed me, harassed, attacked and persecuted everywhere.
Desde que llegué aquí, esto no te lo he dicho, me han robado, acosado, atacado y perseguido por todas partes.
I'd like you to compare it with the creature that attacked us.
Me gustaría que los compararan con la criatura que nos atacó.
Some peasants just told me you were attacked by a bull. ls this true?
Los campesinos nos dijeron que te atacó un toro salvaje. ¿ Es verdad?
And if I wasn't attacked... - You were attacked?
- Y si no me hubiesen atacado...
, Sir. When you came back? your cell, he attacked me...
No ha querido entrar en su celda.
I'm telling you again it is not the first time that I'm attacked.
Os digo que no es la primera vez que me atacan.
Joy, if you had seen the 6 or 7 villains who attacked me,
Gioia, si hubieses visto a 6 ó 7 tiparracos que me asaltasen,
He attacked me. I'm afraid you're wrong.
Se equivoca.
You guys are crazy, if I had been attacked by the fevers I would be dead.
Estáis locos, si me hubiesen atacado las fiebres ya estaría muerto.
Our men were on their way to the Singeiser plant the night you were attacked.
Puede hablar delante de ella. ¿ Cómo me encontraron?
I was told, Vanzi, that you might have seen people who attacked Ventura.
Me dijeron, Vanzi, que podría haber visto a las personas que atacaron a Ventura.
You know, those two humans who stole my horse and attacked me.
Es sobre los dos humanos que robaron mi caballo y me atacaron.
I'd like to know why they attacked you.
Me gustaría saber por qué te han atacado.
You're denying that you hired the men who attacked me?
¿ Niega que contrató a los hombres que me atacaron?
Huh? You mean to tell me both of you were attacked here in my own town?
¿ Me estás diciendo que las han atacado en mi propio pueblo?
while I'm getting attacked by this lecherous midget... you two are orgying all over that pool.
Mientras me ataca un violador enano... ustedes están en orgía allá en la piscina.
The passengers should be-your first concern, and here you sit looking on while they're attacked and killed.
Los pasajeros deben ser su primera preocupación,... pero me lo encuentro borracho mientras a ellos les atacan y matan!
So when I told you I was attacked, you thought I was nuts.
Cuando le dije que me habían atacado en el Metro creyó que estaba loca.
And you're the one who attacked me, aren't you?
Y tú eres el que me atacó, ¿ no es así?
Now, this may sound inhospitable of me... but what I'm basically trying to find out is if somebody attacked you... If I attacked you, would you fight back?
Puedo parecerle poco hospitalario... pero lo que yo intento saber es si alguien lo atacara... si yo lo atacara, ¿ usted pelearía?
We want it to look as though I broke free and attacked you.
- ¿ Ah, sí? - Sí. Fingiremos que me he escapado.
Listen, you do understand I want you to take me out where you were attacked, show me how you survived.
Quiero que me lleve al lugar del ataque.
You said the feminists who attacked you, have not read Women. What would they find if the read it well?
No se les ocurra traer una puta, les digo a mis amigos, me enamoraré de ella.
You didn't tell me why they attacked you.
- No me has dicho por qué te atacaron.
In short, I demand you to reveal who attacked my son and who broke his glasses.
Al grano : Le exijo que me diga quién pegó a mi hijo... y quien le partió las gafas.
I get attacked by this maniac with a laser beam And you two try and explain it away By telling me a ghost story.
Vi atacado por un maniático con un rayo láser y ustedes tratan de explicármelo con una historia de fantasmas.
Yeah, like you're gonna protect me if I get attacked.
Seguro, me protegerás si me atacan.
- Liar! - You were the one who attacked me first, remember?
Tú me atacaste primero.
Do you want me to hold this position if attacked?
¿ Quiere que cubra esta posición en caso de ataque?
You've been attacked twice because of me.
Por mi culpa has sido atacado dos veces.
You saw. He attacked me!
Ya lo has visto. ¡ Me ha atacado!
- You know who attacked me.
- Usted sabe quién me atacó.

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