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You followed me перевод на испанский

961 параллельный перевод
- Perhaps you wouldn't be bored anymore if you followed me.
No te aburrirás si me sigues.
- So, you followed me?
- Entonces, ¿ me seguiste?
Afterwards you followed me, didn't you?
Luego me siguió, ¿ verdad?
- You followed me?
- ¿ Me siguen?
You followed me, monsieur Pepinard, so I followed you.
Usted me siguió, monsieur Pepinard, así que yo lo seguí.
You followed me?
¿ Me seguiste?
You think you're smart, pretty cute, don't you, the way you followed me?
Te crees muy lista por haberme seguido así, ¿ verdad?
You're so crazy about me, you followed me.
Estás tan loca por mí que me seguiste.
You followed me. Get out.
Me seguiste, fuera...
Why have you followed me?
¿ Por qué me siguió?
You followed me here. You saw me come in.
Usted me ha seguido y me ha visto entrar.
- You followed me.
- Me siguió.
The doorman will say if it's true or not that you followed me here.
EI portero dirá si es verdad o no que usted me vino siguiendo hasta Ia puerta.
You followed me all day long, and that night I waited for you after papa had gone to bed.
Me seguiste todo el día, y esa noche yo te esperé en la ventana, después de papá acostarse.
You followed me here?
¿ Usted me ha seguido?
You followed me, Margaret.
Me seguiste, Margaret.
I've written down the facts to prove you followed me from Irene's to George's.
Anoté los hechos para probar que me seguiste de casa de Irene a la de George.
When I came out, you followed me in that orange roadster to George's.
Cuando salí, me seguiste en tu auto naranja hasta casa de George.
You followed me from store to store.
Me has seguido de tienda en tienda.
- You followed me here, huh?
- Me seguiste hasta aquí, ¿ eh?
"You have followed me to this hour of success, this fame."
"Me ha seguido hasta esta consagración."
You have followed me tonight through the jungles of Africa.
Hoy me han seguido a través de las junglas de África.
You followed me?
¿ Me has seguido?
Well, you see, there was two men that followed me out of town.
Dos hombres me siguieron por el camino...
I'm going to tell you something... which is not very healthy to know, but now that they followed me here...
Mire, le diré algo... que no es agradable de saber, pero ya que me han encontrado aquí...
You've been with me from the first, and you've been loyal and true... followed me into every tight corner men could follow another.
Han estado conmigo desde el principio, y han sido leales y sinceros... me han acompañado en todas las situaciones peligrosas imaginables.
She followed me out crying and put a half a quid in me hand to give to you.
Me siguió llorando y me dio media libra para dártela.
Well, I wouldn't have followed you if you had you spoken to me nicely, but the way you shouted at me, what do you expect?
Porque no fue amable conmigo y me chilla.
I assure you, it wasn't foolish when you first followed me.
Le aseguro que no fue una estupidez la primera vez que me siguió.
I'm glad you followed instructions this time and didn't depend on the police.
Me alegra que siguiera las instrucciones esta vez y no dependiera de la policía.
Don't cry, my dear there is no death we will be free again, and pure but you are without guilt before the judges, yes, but not before God my heart had seduced me, I only followed my heart
No llores, Mary. No habrá muerte. Volveremos a ser libres y puros.
Men, you've followed me faithfully and without questions, and I appreciate it.
Me habéis seguido sin hacer preguntas. Gracias.
Since we don't seem to agree I wonder if you'd mind if I took men and followed my hunch?
Como parece que no estamos de acuerdo me pregunto si le importa que coja unos hombres y sigua mi intuición.
But I ´ ve followed you because you promised better work.
Pero os he seguido porque me prometiste un trabajo mejor.
When you're born with my gifts, you can't let them get in your way. So I followed Scott. I saw him with that woman.
Si uno nace con mi talento no puede permitir que le pongan obstáculos, así que seguí a Scott, le vi con aquella mujer, luego ella se me escapó y tuve que sobornar a los otros.
I thought you might be interested to know that I was followed tonight.
Creí que le interesaría saber que esta noche me siguieron,...
What would you say if I told you... that I was followed here by the police?
¿ Qué diría si le dijera... que me siguió hasta aquí la policía?
So, you wooed me, followed me home, asked me in writing if it was arranged.
Entonces el señor me hizo Ia corte, me siguió hasta casa, me pregunto, y por escrito, si estaba acordado.
I was bored and followed you here to make sure you weren't cheating on me.
Estaba aburrido y te seguí por si me engañabas.
The cab driver drove too fast, you couldn't have followed me.
El taxista iba muy rápido, no pudo haberme seguido.
I'm only here now because I followed you back.
Sólo estoy aquí porque me volví para seguirla a usted.
Contempt? followed by a lawsuit... that your enemies would have used to harm you by provoking a scandal.
Me suicido, evito un juicio... que sus enemigos habrían utilizado para dañarla provocando un escándalo.
I was afraid you wouldn't see me, so when he left to find you, I followed him.
Pensaba que no me recibiría, por eso fui detrás de él.
You see, I have no alternative. Our little friend followed me here once. He'll do it again.
No hay alternativa, me siguió aquí y volverá a hacerlo.
- Then you had me followed.
- ¿ Entonces me han seguido?
He had you followed because he thought you were going to meet me.
Te hizo seguir porque creyó que te reunirías conmigo.
You had me followed.
Hizo que nos siguieran.
- I'm being followed. - Who's following you?
- Me venía siguiendo. - ¿ Quién?
Well, you owe me something. I've waited four years. I've followed you from one hospital to another.
Tú si me debes algo ; he esperado cuatro años, te he seguido de hospital en hospital.
I always thought I'd travelled, but I never knew you'd followed me.
Sabía que hice hermosos viajes. No sabía que me seguía usted.
I don't know why you followed me here.

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