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You invited me перевод на испанский

1,267 параллельный перевод
You sat on the bed and you invited me to dinner.
Te sentantes en la cama Y me invitste a cenar.
You invited me up, and I'd had a few myself
Me invitaste a subir y me tomé unas cuantas copas.
- You invited me, remember?
- Tú me invitaste, ¿ recuerdas?
When you invited me down, you wanted a story about gangs settling their problems in peace.
Cuando me invitaste allá abajo querías una historia sobra las bandas arreglado sus problemas en paz.
- You invited me to that party. - Yes, and you came to my party. - You invited me to that party.
- Me invitaste a esa fiesta.
- About time you invited me up.
- Ya era hora de que me invitaras.
And I was doing a damn good job of it until you invited me down here.
Y me estaba yendo muy bien hasta que tú me invitaste a venir.
I'm so glad you invited me.
- Gracias por haberme invitado.
You invited me.
Me invitaste.
I thought if you invited me over you knew it was me showing up.
Pensé que si me invitabas, sabías que iba a aparecer.
- You invited me, do you remember?
Me has invitado. ¿ Te acuerdas?
But later, you invited me to the Cathedral. Westminster Cathedral.
Pero luego Ud. Me invitó a "la catedral", la catedral de Westminster.
But you invited me.
Pero tú me invitaste.
I'm very curious as to why you invited me to lunch.
Quiero saber por qué me invitaste a almorzar.
You invited me.
Tú me invitaste.
- You invited me back.
- Me invitaste.
Vince, I invited you here tonight... to say "thank you" for helping me with Rod.
Vince, te invité esta noche... para darte las gracias... por ayudarme con Rod.
You should've invited me to lunch, Fernando.
Deberías haberme invitado a comer, Fernando.
Right, your mother keeps asking me if you'd invited Xiao Wu?
Sí, tu madre sigue preguntándome si has invitado a Xiao Wu.
- You invited her and didn't tell me?
- ¿ La invitaste y no me lo dijiste?
I just invited you out here... because I wanted you to experience this with me.
- Sólo te invité aquí... Porque deseaba que experimentes esto conmigo.
Fortunately, Mr. Barret is a patient man... and has now asked if they can adjust their schedule to yours. You're invited to dinner next week.
Afortunadamente, el Sr. Barret es muy paciente... y me ha preguntado si puede ajustar su agenda a la de Ud.,... le invita a cenar la semana que viene.
I suppose you regret having got me invited here.
Supongo que te arrepientes de haberme invitado.
When I saw you, I figured she'd invited you over without telling me.
Viéndote pensé que te habría invitado, sin decirme a mí.
- Thats why you bloody invited me. - Well, things are different now.
- ¿ Para qué me invitas?
Topanga didn't tell me she invited Angela, and I didn't tell you I invited Shawn.
Topanga no me dijo que invitó a Angela, y yo no le dije que invité a Shawn.
Jack invited me, but more importantly, what are you doing here?
Jack me invitó, pero ¿ qué haces tú aquí?
You obviously wanted me to witness your little adventure or else you wouldn't have invited me in.
Obviamente querías que viera tu aventura o no me habrías invitado a pasar.
Oh, you should've invited me to your room, and we'd have an alibi.
Si me hubieras invitado a tu cuarto, los dos tendríamos coartadas.
You know, Mark invited me to his party on Friday.
Mark me invitó a su fiesta del viernes.
You know, Geazy, how often Horeszko invited me to his table.
No tengo derecho a juzgarle, yo soy su asesino. No le juzgaré, le perdono de corazón.
Well, you know, I was invited by such nice people.
Bueno, ya sabes, me invitó una gente tan amable.
You have invited me as the Chief Guest for the Parents'Day function I am grateful to you for doing that
Y mientras exista el mundo, este lazo continuara. Sólo rezo para que todos los padres experimenten la alegría de tener niños.
You said when you got a place, I was invited over.
Dijiste que me invitarías cuando tuvieras piso.
You never invited me into your home.
Nunca me invitaste a tu hogar.
You never invited me for a cup of coffee.
Nunca me invitaste una taza de café.
Can you tell me what the hell you were thinking when you invited him?
Dime por qué lo invitaste.
Frasier told me you invited her here for me.
Frasier dice que la invitaste para mí.
I invited you into my home, and all the time you were spying on me.
Te invité a mi casa y todo el tiempo me estabas espiando.
- Why wasn't I notified? - You're not invited.
- ¿ Por qué no me notificaron?
- Carrie invited me. You got invited with a guest?
- ¿ Te dejaron llevar un invitado?
Hey! Me and my housemates are having a big bonfire tonight at the beach and I just wanted to tell you that you're all invited.
Mis compañeros y yo haremos una fogata en la playa esta noche.
I invited you to share my home. If you want me to beg, that's different.
Sólo la invito a mi casa, no ando rogando.
Well. Karen. if you had invited me to dinner- - which you didn't. thank you very much. busy anyway- -
Karen, si me hubieras invitado a cenar lo que no hiciste, gracias, igual estaba ocupado podría haber salvado la vida de Stan.
Karen. if you had invited me to dinner- - which you didn't. thank you very much. Well. busy anyway- -
Karen, si me hubieras invitado a cenar lo que no hiciste, gracias, igual estaba ocupado podría haber salvado la vida de Stan.
Go to the breakfast as you've been invited as part of the family.
Me ocuparé de ello personalmente. ¿ Me entienden?
I was invited out tonight, but I said no. But with what you've told me, I feel a need to celebrate.
Me habían invitado esta noche y respondí que no, pero después de lo que me ha dicho, tengo ganas de... celebrarlo.
In me final bid to sort out this evil, me's invited on a man who'as got it worse than most. Take one look at'im and see how bad the effects can be. You will be scared cos it's Jarvis Cocker.
en mi puja final con este diablo, he invitado a un hombre que lo tiene peor que la mayoría echadle un vistazo y veréis qué de malos son sus efectos os asustaréis porque es Jarvis Cocker
It was you who invited me to have coffee.
Tú me invitaste a un café. Lo siento.
See, when you guys invited me last summer to stay with you I didn't have anything or anyone.
Cuando ustedes me invitaron a vivir en su casa yo no tenía nada ni a nadie.
Remind me again why you invited her to stay with you.
¿ Podrías recordarme por qué la invitaste a quedarse en casa?

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