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You see something перевод на испанский

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You see something out there?
¿ Ves algo allá?
Do you see something? I don't know.
¿ Viste algo?
Did you see something suspicious about that baby?
¿ Viste algo sospechoso en ese bebé?
Did you see something you wanted to talk about?
¿ Has visto algo que lo que quieras hablar?
Well, a surface find is something... you know, you're walking around, you're looking down on the ground, you see something interesting and you pick it up.
Un hallazgo en superficie es que, vas por ahí, y ves algo interesante y lo recoges.
Then climb as high as you can and give us a shout when you see something.
Entonces trepa tan alto como puedas y nos avisas cuando veas algo.
You see something?
Ves algo?
Maebh, can you see something that we can't see?
Maebh, ¿ puedes ver algo que nosotros no vemos?
You see something suspicious, you report it.
Si ven algo sospechoso infórmenlo.
Why would you see something like that?
¿ Por qué verías algo como eso?
You see something, you call.
Si ves algo, llamas.
You know, you must've been really something to see... - when you were at full capacity.
Tú debiste ser algo espectacular cuando tenías toda tu capacidad.
I think I found something that you might want to see.
Creo que he encontrado algo que podrías querer ver.
Sophie, it's nice to see you so giddy about something.
Sophie, me encanta ver que sientes maripositas por algo.
But you see I can't just go into a shop and buy something.
Pero no es que pueda entrar en una tienda y comprar algo.
Yo... your friend at Quantico's got something you should see.
Tu... tu amigo de Quantico consiguió algo que deberías ver.
Here, if you want to see something...
Aquí, si quiere ver algo...
But the next time you see me, I'm gonna bring something to the party.
Pero la próxima vez que me veas, voy a traer algo a la fiesta.
You see, living in the wild, I-I've realized that all the pain I've ever had in my life has-has come from me always trying to be something I'm not.
Verás, viviendo en lo salvaje, me he dado cuenta de que todo el dolor que he tenido en mi vida ha sido porque siempre he tratado de ser algo que no soy.
We don't worry until we're sure we have something to worry about, but if you see her, you let me know, okay?
No nos preocupemos hasta que estemos seguros de que hay algo para preocuparse pero si la ves, dímelo, ¿ vale?
- You see, that - saying something like that - just makes me even more worried that you're not...
Ves, que... diciendo eso... solo haces que... esté aún más preocupada de que tú no...
You teach your kid something wrong like wood comes from birds and you see how long you can keep it going.
Enseñarle algo mal a tu hijo, como que la madera sale de los parajos Y a ver cuánto dura la cosa.
We've done all right for ourselves doing something real, and one day, when you're running this place, you'll see that I'm right.
El emisor es una mujer.
You see, lately, I may have been dabbling in something that... strong, virile men like me aren't suppose to be dabbling in.
Veréis, últimamente he estado interesándome en una cosa en que... una persona fuerte y viril como yo se supone que no se debe interesar.
There's something I need you to see.
Hay algo que necesito que veas
To look at me every day and see something you felt so much guilt and responsibility for.
Mirarme cada día y ver algo que te hacía sentir muy culpable y responsable por ello.
It's crowded but see if you can find something you like.
Vean si encuentran algo.
Yeah, but you know what I love about this one is that it's so modern, and I'd love to see you in something modern for a change.
Sí, pero ¿ sabes? lo que me gusta de este es que es tan moderno, que me encantaría verte en algo actual para variar.
You'll come through doorways that you didn't even know were there, and see something unbelievable.
Pasaran a través de puertas que ni siquiera sabían que estaban allí, y verán algo increíble.
Well, maybe you should see a doctor or something.
Bueno, quizá deberías ir al médico o algo.
You see something? I don't know.
¿ Ves algo?
There's something you should see. Yeah?
Hay algo que deberías ver.
Actually, there is something I wanted you to see.
De hecho, hay algo que querías que vieras.
You know what, I got to go see a man about a... something's burning, so...
¿ Sabes qué, yo tengo que ir a ver un hombre sobre la quema de una... de algo, así que...
He's almost ready to see you, but... we need to get something first.
Casi está listo para verte, pero... primero necesitamos conseguir algo.
That you are standing here today means that we see something in you.
Es por eso que están aquí hoy. Significa que vimos algo en ustedes.
You see, you had something good in front of you, but you were too dumb to realize what it was.
Ya ves, tenías algo bueno delante de ti, pero fuiste demasiado idiota para darte cuenta.
You see, something happened that night.
Mirad, algo pasó esa noche.
You see, the reality is, if you want to change the world and save it, you actually need something quite large.
Verán, la realidad es que... Si quieren cambiar el mundo y salvarlo... De hecho necesitan algo bastante grande
We see more blue dots in the direction of the court. And so you conclude that something is off about the basketball court.
La distribución uniforme de aciertos y desaciertos de toda la cancha se modifica notablemente.
Uh, you need to see something.
Tiene que ver algo.
Now, you needed to see me about something?
¿ Necesitaba verme por algo?
But you really did see something that night your mom died And your dad is innocent.
Pero tu realmente viste algo esa noche que tu madre murió y tu padre es inocente.
- Hey, mike, you need to see something.
Oye, Mike, tienes que ver algo.
Yes, there's something for you, see?
Sí, hay algo para ti, ¿ ves?
Oh, see, now I think you've got us confused, because that sounds like something that you might do.
Mira, creo que nos has confundido, porque eso suena a algo que harías tú.
Plus, I knew you needed something to take your mind off her, but I can see this dinner with me isn't working, so...
Además, sabía que necesitabas algo para sacártela de la cabeza, pero veo que esta cena conmigo no funciona, así que...
Listen, if you see my mom again, will you tell her something for me?
Escucha, si ves a mi madre de nuevo, ¿ podrías decirle algo por mí?
Uh... you need to see something.
Tiene que ver algo.
See, what you really should've done... you should've found yourself an agent who could've sent this out to a few of us at once and create something of a bidding war.
Mira, lo que realmente tenías que haber hecho... deberías haberte buscado un agente que pudiera enviara esto a varios de nosotros a la vez y crear una especie de guerra de cifras.
I mean, it's good to see you, but do you and Oliver need something, or...
I mean, it's good to see you, Bueno, me alegro de verte, but do you and Oliver need something, or... pero tú y Oliver necesitáis algo, o...

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