Your time's up перевод на испанский
611 параллельный перевод
'Cause there's a time in your life when you know you've got to man up
Porque hay un momento en tu vida cuando sabes que tienes que ser el hombre
Now's your time to pick it up.
Ahora es tu momento a recogerlo.
Time's up, Your Honor.
Se ha acabado el tiempo, señoría.
You ain't got time. Effie's in a hurry. You'd better check in first and then pick up your duds later, see?
Preséntate primero y luego vienes a recoger el equipaje.
He's taken up too much of your time already.
Ya le han robado mucho tiempo.
Mr. O'Leary, you distinctly told me... that you had had time to familiarize yourself with all the facts in the case... and, yet, you take up this court's time allowing your only witness... to testify, although she's clearly unqualified.
Sr. O'Leary, me dijo claramente... que tuvo tiempo para estudiar todos los hechos del caso... pero le hizo perder el tiempo a este tribunal permitiendo declarar... a su único testigo a pesar de que no reúne los requisitos.
- Time's up, back to your seat.
- Caricati, vuelva a su sitio.
Thirty's about time to make up your mind, and I'm nothing of the sort, not Connor.
A los 30 es mejor que lo tenga claro. Y no soy nada de eso, ni hablar.
Come on, your time's up.
Se acabó el tiempo.
"The doc says my time's just about up... " but as long as I know the baby's in your hands... I don't mind joining Flossie.
El médico dice que voy a morir... pero mientras sepa que el bebé está en sus manos... no me importa unirme a Flossie.
I haven't got the right to take up your time, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Lo que trato de decir es que no tengo derecho a que pierdas el tiempo conmigo.
Look, Your Honor, she's not like an automobile, or an icebox or a piece of furniture or something you buy on time... and then when you can't keep up the payments they take it away from you.
No es un automóvil, una nevera... o algo que compras a plazos... y cuando no puedes pagarlo te Io quitan.
You know, kid, if you're gonna keep your nose buried in those books all the time, it's up to me to look you up.
Sabes, si metes la nariz... en los libros todo el tiempo, debo venir a buscarte.
Never mind. The war's taken up quite enough of your time this evening, Lundy.
La guerra ya le robó tiempo suficiente esta noche.
Put your hair up like the last time you went to the hairdresser's.
Este es demasiado claro. Péinate como la última vez que fuiste a la peluquería.
Now it's you who cries it's you who begs me that time that passed don't give up, don't despair your sorrow is the same as the one I had.
Y ahora tú eres la que llora eres tú la que me implora ese tiempo que pasó. No te aflojes ni te aflijas son las penas que tú tienes Ias mismas que tuve yo.
You said when your time's up, you were ready.
Dijiste que, cuando llegara tu hora, estarías preparado.
By the time you get to the finish line, you got to hurry up and die so you'll have enough money left to pay for your own funeral expenses. That's a bad deal.
Al llegar a la línea de meta, tiene que morir pronto no se gasta y lo que te queda para el funeral.
It's time your waking up to some of your responsibilities.
A ver si te mentalizas de tus responsabilidades.
But you don't have to make up your mind right away. Why don't you come and see me again in a week's time?
No es preciso que me conteste ya, venga a verme la semana próxima.
Well, I'll pick you up at your hotel, and maybe we'll have time for a small toast before we start off on the night's perilous journey.
Bien, le recogeré en su hotel, y puede que tengamos tiempo para un brindis antes de empezar con el peligroso viaje nocturno.
Joe, don't waste your time. Susan's out of your reach. Way up in the top drawer.
No pierdas el tiempo, Susan es inalcanzable.
Muchas gracias... por la flores y el champán.
PuzziIIi, your time's up!
¡ Puzzilli, ya te queda poco de estar encerrado!
Your time's not up yet.
Aún no has terminado.
Well, I really shouldn't be taking up your time but I have a very dear friend who's in trouble.
Bueno, no querría hacerle perder el tiempo pero tengo una buena amiga que está en apuros.
Young man, it's time to make up your mind.
Jovencito, es hora de que te decidas.
It's time you faced up to your responsibilities.
Es hora de que te enfrentes a tus responsabilidades.
- Muraki, your time's up.
- Muraki, se te acabó el tiempo.
Your time's up.
Se le acabó el tiempo.
I mean, at your age, it's high time you took up dancing.
A tu edad, ya es hora de que empieces a bailar.
I'll do it by the time your leave's up.
Lo haré cuando vuelvas.
Your time's up this minute!
Su tiempo se acaba ahora mismo!
Your time's up Sawbones, so speak.
Su tiempo pasa matasanos, por lo que hablar.
Doctor, I don't want to take up your time, but mine's still bleeding.
Doctor, no quiero robarle el tiempo, pero sigo sangrando.
Young man. It's time you woke up to your responsibilities.
Joven, es hora de que asumas tus responsab ¡ I ¡ dades.
Your time's up, buddy.
llegó la hora, Mark.
The thing is, I'm sorry to take up your time, but something's come up and I shall just have to go away for a while.
Pidole disculpas por tomarte el tiempo... es que ocurrió algo, y creo que tendré que salir por un tiempo.
Don't you think it's time you made up your mind?
¿ No crees que es tiempo de decidirte?
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
30 minutos para las 9, 9, 9, aquí en Radio 1-1-1. Si todavía estáis en la cama, cama, es el momento de levantarse.
If it's no, I won't take up your time... nor lose more of mine.
Si no, no quiero robarles su tiempo... ni perder más el mío.
If the killer had the composure to gather up his spent cartridges, he had time enough to snatch your father's wallet.
Si el asesino tuvo la frialdad de recoger los casquillos, tuvo tiempo suficiente para robarle la cartera.
Sorry, your time's up, mr. spewm.
Se acabó el tiempo.
Every time you plow up and down a hill, the way you're doing there. whenever it rains, it's gonna wash off more of your topsoil... and gullies are gonna start to form, and they'll get deeper and deeper.
Cada vez que aras de arriba abajo, como lo haces allí... siempre que llueva... arrastrará más tierra de la capa superior.
- Your time's up, Geechie.
- ¡ Llegó el momento, Geechie!
Your time's up.
Tu tiempo se acabó
- No. Now's not the time to sit down, but to stand up for your rights.
- Es hora de ponerse en pie y reivindicar.
But if at some point in time you and your superior, and I know he's a tough man, insist that I come up with an alibi, I promise you I'll produce one. But until that time, at least allow me the privacy of my professional secret.
Si Ud. y su superior, y sé que es un tipo duro, insisten en que presente una coartada, lo haré, pero hasta entonces dejemos en privado... mi secreto profesional.
Hey, your time's up.
Eh, tu tiempo se ha agotado.
Your time's up, girl.
Se te ha acabado el tiempo, chica.
Absolutely. I'll come get you when your time's up. She's ready to see a familiar face.
Absolutamente, si Ud. no hubiera venido, yo le habría llamado
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
up to you 126
up guy 119
up against the wall 84
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up we go 50
up now 50
up to you 126
up guy 119
up against the wall 84
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up we go 50
up now 50