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Yeah, I feel you, but you're trying too hard, you know I'm sayin'?
Lo sà ©, pero te esfuerzas demasiado,  ¿ me entiendes? Esto no es real.
Feel me?
 ¿ Me entiendes?
But at the same time, that's what I'm up against, you know what I'm sayin', right?
Pero al mismo tiempo, estoy en contra de eso,  ¿ me entiendes?  ¡ Evalúa!
( with Mexican accent ) Are ju okay?
-  ¿ Està ¡ s bien?
Scooch over!
 ¡ A un lado!
This is George Green from up the street looking for my dog.
 ¿ Hola? Soy George Green, del vecindario, y busco a mi perro.
Woman : Who is it?
 ¿ Quià © n es?
This is Randy Lahey from up the street looking for my dog.
 ¿ Hola? Soy Randy Lahey, del vecindario, y busco a mi perro.
Man : Just a minute.
 ¡ Un momento!
Holy fuck, doesn't anybody work anymore?
Carajo, Â ¿ ya nadie trabaja?
What y'all doing?
 ¿ Quà © està ¡ n haciendo?
Aight then.
Muy bien.  ¿ Quià © n es ella?
Ay, what up, Mary?
- Hola,  ¿ quà © pasa?
Hey, Flurry, you want to go to the park, spit 16 right quick?
Flurry, Â ¿ vamos al parque a rapear?
Keep up your rap responsibilities, you know I'm sayin'?
 ¿ me entiendes? Sà © hombre.
Be a man. Yeah, and where would I find an example of one of those motherfuckers?
 ¿ Y dà ³ nde encuentro el modelo de un sujeto de esos?
Flurry. Do your friend want to stay for suppers?
 ¿ Tu amiga se queda a cenar?
Mac Flurries.
 ¿ Cà ³ mo me llamo?
We got about three minutes tops to grab the most expensive shit you can carry, all right?
Tendremos mà ¡ ximo tres minutos, asà que llà © vense lo mà ¡ s costoso,  ¿ sà ?
You guys ready?
 ¿ Està ¡ n listos?
Fuck, cops, boys!
 ¡ Carajo!  ¡ Policà as!
Let's go, everybody out!
 ¡ Và ¡ monos!  ¡ Salgan!
Let's go! Fuck!
 ¡ Carajo!
Let's go!
 ¡ Và ¡ monos!
Bubbles : Oh, my fuck!
 ¡ Carajo!
What are you talking about...?
 ¿ A quà © te refieres?
Are you guys coming with us?
 ¿ Nos acompaà ± an?
You'll be fine. Go, go, go!
-  ¡ Pasen por allà ¡!
Show us your hands!
 ¡ Muestre las manos!
What are you doing here?
 ¿ Quà © hace aquà ?
I got a bunch of people here helping me look.
Muchos me ayudan a buscarlo. Â ¿ Lo hallaron?
Boys, did you find anything?
 ¿ Tuvieron suerte?
Well, what kind of a dog is he?
 ¿ Quà © tipo de perro es?
Policeman : Will you put out an APB on two Bamp ; E suspects running through the woods near Colby Village South.
 ¿ Sacamos un boletà n de dos sospechosos en el bosque cerca de Colby Village al sur?
Oh, you tried to come and fucking find us, Ricky?
 ¿ Intentaste venir a buscarnos?
You know what, Ricky? Even by your standards, this is fucked!
Incluso a tu nivel, Â ¡ esto es una mierda!
For the love of Christ!
 ¡ Por el amor de Dios, basta, Sarah!
( Indistinct ) Sarah! Just get the fuck out of here! Oh, my God!
 ¡ Là ¡ rgate de aquà , carajo!
Just go!
-  ¡ Dios mà o!
What the fuck are you saying?
 ¿ A quà © carajo te refieres?
Are we clear?
 ¿ Està ¡ claro?
 ¿ De $ 5000...?
You're going to be lucky to get 500 bucks for that stuff.
tendrá ¡ s suerte si te dan $ 500 por eso. Â ¿ Ese maldito...?
Any word from those two fucking wood sluts?
 ¿ Hay noticias de las zorras del bosque?
( Glass clattering, shattering ) Can't you fucking just ask me for a glass?
 ¿ No puedes pedirme un vaso, carajo?
( Chuckling ) See?
 ¿ Ves?
khaki clothes, and I think he may have pissed himself, to be honest. Well, who are you?
 ¿ Quià © n es usted?
What are they doing?
 ¿ Quà © hacen ellos?
Oh, yeah, there you go.
 ¿ Ven?
Please, can we try to move past this?
 ¿ Podemos olvidar esto?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
 ¿ Quà © quiere decir eso?
adios 283
all right 154529
angela 1455
alla 16
angel 1665
actually 30667
andale 45
are you okay 10556
agua 21
anyway 21649
all right 154529
angela 1455
alla 16
angel 1665
actually 30667
andale 45
are you okay 10556
agua 21
anyway 21649
adele 237
andre 702
agnes 524
allo 105
apparently 5721
america 556
antonio 540
access 59
area 145
are you all right 6257
andre 702
agnes 524
allo 105
apparently 5721
america 556
antonio 540
access 59
area 145
are you all right 6257