As for the rest перевод на французский
546 параллельный перевод
The sins of his father are upon his head, and only death waits for him, as it has for the rest of his family.
Les péchés de son père pèsent sur lui... et la mort est la seule destinée qu'il puisse connaître... tout comme le reste de sa famille.
I could squeeze about half of them in, sir, but as for the rest...
- Je peux en caser 30.
As for the rest, no one knew what this was.
- Et le reste, personne n'a su ce que c'était.
As for the rest of it, I'm handling it.
Je me charge du reste.
As for the rest of you, you'll stick to your bargains.
Quant à vous, tenez-vous en à ce que vous avez.
As for the rest, I - I thought perhaps... the direction-finding needle might prove useful on the sea that surrounds us.
Et pour le reste, je... J'ai pensé que l'aiguille d'orientation pourrait s'avérer utile sur les mers qui nous entourent.
As for the rest of it, may I remind you, that this is not the jungle! Good day.
C'est une nursery.
As for the rest of the proposition is not an impossibility.
Quant au reste de la proposition ce n'est pas impossible.
As for the rest of us... perhaps some vessel can get to us in time.
Quant à nous autres... espérons qu'un navire arrivera à temps.
As for the rest of what I have to say you will find it neatly typed, at some length, on this piece of paper
Quant au reste de ce que j'ai à dire, tu le trouveras décrit sur ce morceau de papier.
As for the rest, you'll have to decide for yourself.
Pour le reste, c'est à vous de décider. Excusez-moi, s'il vous plaît.
I vouch for him as a the lawyer, but as for the rest... You can treat him really badly.
Je réponds de lui comme avocat, pour le reste je ne garantis rien.
As for the rest, we will find a way.
Pour le reste, on s'arrangera.
As for the rest of you, use your imaginations.
Quant au reste d'entre vous, servez-vous de votre imagination.
As for the rest of it, the readings will show.
Le reste, la machine nous le dira.
And even if you received some, we will pay the penalty for breach of the contract for you and give you the best condition you can get as a rookie writer. Ten million won ( $ 10,000 ) per episode, the advance payment 100 million won for contract, and the rest of the payment 100 million won, so total 200 million won ( $ 200,000 ).
nous rembourserons les pénalités et nous vous donnerons les meilleures conditions en tant qu'écrivain débutant. donc un total de 155 000 €.
It's not that. Unless you want to be branded as a plagirizer for the rest of your career, change them.
Ce n'est pas ça. Changez-les.
Just think about it. As soon as you cross that finish line, it's unprotected sex for the rest of your life.
Une fois la ligne franchie, c'est sexe non protégé pour le reste de tes jours.
Anna, ifI could only be believing I was the only man in the world ever you had love for, I could be forgetting the rest, maybe.
Anna, si je pouvais croire que je suis le seul que tu as aimé, j'arriverais â oublier les autres.
If you're in this, you're in for the coins, same as the rest of us.
Si vous marchez, on marche tous avec.
All you gotta do is fix a few things for us and we'll do the rest, see?
Tu n'as qu'à arranger un truc ou deux pour nous, et on se charge du reste, pigé?
You might as well get used to me... because I'm gonna be your companion for the rest of the night.
Autant vous habituer à moi... parce que je vais être votre compagne pour le restant de la soirée.
I just as well go on up there and stay there, you understand, for the rest of my life.
Si le spectacle échoue, j'irai et j'y resterai jusqu'à la fin de mes jours.
He doesn't know it yet, but he's got a couple of star boarders for the rest of his life, the old buzzard.
II l'ignore, mais il vient de dégoter deux as qu'il n'oubliera jamais.
He said it was alright for me to move in. As long as you give him the rest by next week.
Ils m'ont autorisée à emménager du moment que tu complèterais l'acompte en fin de semaine.
And it serves as a warnin for the rest of'em to keep away.
Et ça servira d'avertissement a tous les autres.
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
Je n'ai pas tout saisi. Il voulait que vous viviez la vie qu'il aurait menée si on lui avait donné sa chance.
As for that silly letter and all the rest of it I am sure it can all quite easily be explained.
Et cette histoire de lettre doit pouvoir s'expliquer.
You can live on for years, maybe the rest of your life, as somebody else, unless... Unless a shock or another blow brings you back to your right self!
On peut vivre des années, toute sa vie, sous une autre identité sauf si... un choc ou un autre coup te fait recouvrer ta vraie personnalité!
The deal he made with Hank. He used it as bait for the rest ofhis neighbor folk to make them slave for him, too.
Le marché qu'il a conclu avec Hank lui a servi à appâter les autres camarades et à mieux les asservir.
You go on up there and look for the rest of the children.
Tu n'as qu'à aller à Augusta retrouver le reste des enfants.
It was just as though all the rest he had was, well, too much for him, and he had to get into mischief to blow off steam.
C'était comme si il avait eu trop de repos... et qu'il devait faire des bêtises pour se défouler.
As for women and the rest...
Pour ce qui est des femmes et du reste...
You'd be fixed for the rest of your life as Charlie Haskell.
- Abruti! Tu deviens Charles Haskell à vie.
Yeah. Then thank your lucky stars for what you got, Katie Nlolan, and take the rest along with it.
Tu devrais te contenter de ce que tu as.
As a reward, you'll have no radio for the rest of the week.
Tu seras privé de radio pour le reste de la semaine.
As soon as we get the money for the rice, we'll go and rest up in a big hotel.
Avec l'argent du riz, nous irons dans un grand hôtel.
The last rites for that hairy old chimp... performed with the utmost seriousness... as if she were laying to rest an only child.
l'hommage funèbre au vieux singe se déroulait dans le plus grand sérieux, comme si elle enterrait son unique enfant.
As for Leopoldo, Alberto, Riccardo and the rest of us, you can imagine what happened.
Celle de Leopoldo, d'Alberto, de Riccardo, notre histoire à tous... Il ne vous reste qu'à l'imaginer.
I wish I could stay in your arms, just as I did tonight, for the rest of my life.
Je voudrais rester comme cette nuit, enlacée à toi pour la vie.
The suite's been paid for for the rest of the week, so... you might just as well stay on till then.
La suite a été payée pour le reste de la semaine... alors autant que vous restiez jusque là.
As for the rest...
Le reste...
Well, I'll go for a walk on the beach, as the doctor prescribed. And I'll rest a lot, and I'll sunbathe a little, as the doctor prescribed.
J'irai me promener le long de la plage comme le médecin me l'a prescrit.
That moment's sleep was death to Becky's soul... just as it had been for Jack and Teddy... and Dan Kauffman and all the rest.
Ce petit somme avait été la mort de l'âme de Becky, comme ça l'avait été pour Jack et Teddy... et Dan Kauffman et tous les autres.
As penance for his sins... he asked to be allowed to devote the rest of his life to the lepers.
Comme acte de pénitence, il a demandé à pouvoir vouer sa vie aux lépreux,
I'll miss the rest of you guys, but as for Rickson, good riddance.
Vous allez me manquer mais, quant à Rickson, bon débarras.
And the Wart's just as hot for it as the rest of them.
Le Moustique est aussi excité par la joute que les autres. C'est naturel.
"The Germans are using a large chateau near Rennes in Brittany as a rest center and a conference place for General Staff Officers."
" Les Allemands utilisent un château, en Bretagne, pour leurs conférences d'État-major.
What did you do for the rest of the afternoon?
Qu'as-tu fait le reste de l'après-midi?
How can one so full of joy and the love of life as you, doctor, condemn yourself to look upon disease and suffering for the rest of your life?
Une personne si pleine de joie peut-elle se condamner à confronter la maladie et la souffrance à vie?
Sit down if you want to hear the rest of the story, and if you don't want me to call for help as my brother suddenly became crazy.
Assois-toi si tu veux entendre la fin de l'histoire, et si tu ne veux pas que j'appelle à l'aide parce que mon frère est devenu fou tout-à-coup.