Going to work перевод на французский
5,335 параллельный перевод
Do you really believe that's going to work?
Vous croyez vraiment que ça va marcher?
Mr. Pendrick, this latest venture of yours, are you sure it's going to work?
M. Pendrick, votre dernière entreprise, êtes-vous certain que cela va fonctionner?
This isn't going to work.
Ca ne va pas le faire.
The only way this is going to work is if we test it out on another beast first, and that's where you come in.
La seule façon que ça marche est de le tester avant sur une autre bête, et c'est là que tu interviens.
You going to work the streets like this?
Tu veux faire ça dans ton état?
Well, it's not going to work, not this time.
Ça ne va pas marcher, pas cette fois-ci.
I'm not even sure this is going to work, but I just don't know what else...
Je ne suis même pas sûre que ça va marcher, mais je ne sais pas quoi...
You're going to work at his office.
Tu vas travailler avec lui.
even one of those scenarios isn't going to work for me.
même un de ces scénarios ne va pas fonctionner avec moi.
Are you guys sure this is going to work?
Vous êtes sûrs que ça va marcher?
It's not going to work.
Ça ne fonctionnera pas.
Your empty threats, your attempts at intimidation, none of it is going to work this time.
Vos vaines menaces, vos tentatives d'intimidation, rien ne marchera ce coup-ci.
This isn't going to work!
Je pourrai jamais!
We're going to work together with me right?
Quelqu'un va travailler avec moi?
I'm sorry, it's not going to work.
Désolée, ça ne va pas être possible.
I assume you're not going to work today. No. Not feeling well.
- Vous n'allez pas travailler?
I need to know, if I ask her to do this, it's going to work.
Si je lui demande de coopérer, je dois savoir que ça va marcher.
Aren't you going to work?
Ne devrais-tu pas retourner au travail?
My man-catching plan is not going to work without some booze, Danny.
Mon plan ne marchera pas sans alcool, Danny.
- It didn't work because it was never going to work.
- Ça a pas marché car ça pouvait pas marcher.
Mom, I'm going to work.
Maman, je dois partir au travail maintenant.
I'm stopping you from going to work.
Je t'empêche d'aller travailler.
You still think your bluff with your life is going to work?
Crois-tu toujours que ces menaces vont marcher avec moi?
We are going to work on this together.
On va y travailler ensemble.
That's not going to work.
- Ça ne marchera pas.
It's not going to work.
ça va pas marcher.
And we're going to work really hard to make sure that this new campaign of yours doesn't turn into a total disaster that consumes both of your careers. Understand?
Pete est le résultat de cette campagnie, et nous allons travailler très dur pour être sûr que votre campagne ne se transforme pas en un désastre total, qui ravage vos deux carrières.
We have no idea which one's going to work.
On ignore lequel va fonctionner.
Going to work.
Je vais travailler.
- This is never going to work.
Ça marchera jamais.
We're going to work it out.
On va s'arranger.
( Clicks and whirs ) ( Sets down remote control ) ( Rue McClanahan as Blanche ) But they've decided to try and work things out, so they're going to Hawaii...
( Pose la télécommande ) ( Rue McClanahan en Blanche ) Mais ils ont décidé d'essayer d'arranger les choses, alors ils vont à Hawaï...
We are going to have to work on your excuses.
Nous allons devoir travailler tes excuses.
So unless you clean up that room, I'm going to look for work.
Donc à moins que tu nettoie cette chambre, je vais chercher du travail.
You're not going to say where you work?
Tu ne vas pas me dire où tu travailles?
I'm not going to grow up and work for Daddy, or sell pot to undergrads all my life.
Je ne vais pas grandir et travailler pour Papa, ou vendre de l'herbe aux étudiants toute ma vie.
You spend all day together at work, and then you all hang out at night playing games, going to the comic book store.
Tu passes toute la journée au travail, et tu passes tes nuits à jouer à des jeux, aller au magasin de BD.
If I see him at work, I'm just going to ignore him.
Si je le vois au boulot, je vais l'ignorer.
Okay, I'm going back to work.
D'accord, je retourne travailler.
Where you going? To work.
We decided if we were going to escape we needed to work together.
On avait décidé que si on voulait s'enfuir on devait travailler ensemble.
I am going back to work so I can do some good for this town, and my friend Donna is coming with me.
Ça suffit. Je repars travailler, pour aider la ville, et mon amie Donna vient avec moi.
If he is going to be governor, if he is going to be a serious politician, if he's going to walk the corridors of power, he is your charity work.
Si il devient gouverneur, si il devient un politicien sérieux, si il marche dans les couloirs du pouvoir, il est votre oeuvre de charité.
i'm going home to work in peace.
Travailler chez moi.
My name is Arthur, and together we're going to dance and work out zumba!
Mon nom est Arthur, ensemble nous allons travailler la zumba!
I'm going to close my eyes for a little and then go to work.
Je vais dormir un peu plus longtemps, ensuite j'irai travailler.
Now since Lisa thinks every opportunity to reject me is a clear win, for this to work, we're going to have to completely convince her that I hate you.
Bon, comme Lisa pense que chaque opportunité de me rejeter est une victoire, pour que ça marche, nous devons vraiment la convaincre que je vous déteste.
I'm going to do whatever it takes to make this work.
Je ferais tout ce qu'il faut pour que ça fonctionne.
I'm going to have my team work through the night to make it great.
Mon équipe travaillera toute la nuit pour que l'idée soit bonne.
I know you had a hard night last night but I need to warn you... before you come into work tomorrow that the next week or so is going to be rough.
Je sais que la nuit a été dure, mais je dois t'avertir avant que tu rentres demain matin. La prochaine semaine sera difficile.
I'm going to the sports bar after work, tonight.
Je vais au bar après le boulot
going to school 16
going to 34
to work 179
work 1509
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
going to 34
to work 179
work 1509
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
work your magic 26
work it 115
work for you 20
work stuff 34
working hard 48
working together 81
working late 62
works for me 181
work it out 99
work your magic 26
work it 115
work for you 20
work stuff 34
working hard 48
working together 81
working late 62
works for me 181
work it out 99
work here 19
working on it 161
work hard 130
working out 31
working girl 21
work with me 70
work with me here 27
working people 18
work faster 33
work is work 17
working on it 161
work hard 130
working out 31
working girl 21
work with me 70
work with me here 27
working people 18
work faster 33
work is work 17