Have a look перевод на французский
12,331 параллельный перевод
- Let's have a look.
- Regardons ça alors.
Have a look.
Jette un œil.
Have a look. You'll see.
Regarde, tu vas comprendre.
Then you stay here and Google that, and I'll go have a look around.
Reste ici et cherche sur Google, je vais aller voir.
So I was wondering if I could have a look around.
Je me demandais si je pouvais jeter un œil.
I've asked our friends at Everyone to have a look behind Stern Investments'firewalls and perhaps shed some light on the matter.
J'ai demandé à nos amis de Tout-le-monde de hacker le pare-feu de Stern Investments et nous trouver quelque chose d'utile.
[Heartbeat] Have a look.
Regardez cela. La tumeur a grossi.
- All right, I'll have a look at it. - Thanks.
Donne, je vais voir ça.
And, when you wake up, maybe you can have a look.
Et quand tu te réveilleras, peut-être que tu pourras regarder.
Look, we have two options :
Écoute, on a deux options :
Now we have to look at all the wood back here to see if we can find the piece he used to kill Dover.
Maintenant on doit vérifier tous le bois ici pour voir si on peut trouver la pièce qu'il a utilisé pour tuer Dover.
I just have to go over there and try not to look at his eyebrows and just tell him my "yes, sure" was really more of a "no, sure."
C'était marrant. Quand ils sont partis, j'ai dit, "Amusez-vous et soyez prudents."
Look, Mrs. Ellingsworth, according to your... your blood tests, you have a curiously toxic amount of thallium in your system.
Écoutez, Mme Ellingsworth, selon vos... tests sanguins, vous avez un taux anormalement toxique de thallium dans votre système.
Okay, look, y-you have a point, kind of, but, dude - -
Admettons Mais Dean...
You have to take a look at this.
Vous devez jeter un coup d'œil à ça.
Look, does Julian know you have a boyfriend?
Julian sait que tu as un copain?
Look, have a good night, okay?
Écoute, bonne nuit, okay?
Glen, look, you and I... We've had our differences but I have enormous respect for your abilities.
Glen, écoutes, toi et moi... on a nos différences, mais j'ai un énorme respect pour tes capacités.
Look, they have a wonderful lunch buffet.
Regarde, ils ont un magnifique buffet.
Look, I think you have backed yourself into a corner.
Je crois que vous vous êtes coincée vous-même.
Okay, well, look, we think we may have a solution to the problem, but we're gonna need your cooperation.
On pense avoir une solution au problème, mais on aura besoin de votre coopération.
No, but since George's alibi checked out, we're gonna have to look at all of our options, including the unlikely ones.
Non, mais puisque George a un alibi, on doit vérifier toutes les options, y compris les plus improbables.
So, I have decided... and I don't want to upset either one of you... that I am going to look for a place of my own.
J'ai décidé que... surtout ne le prenez pas mal... je vais me chercher un endroit rien qu'à moi.
Look, DHS don't have enough to charge me with yet, but they will, okay?
Le DHS n'a pas encore assez pour m'inculper, mais ça arrivera, OK?
Look, if the one thing you keep telling me is that... if we just have faith in us, if we stick together, then everything will be okay. No matter what.
Tu me répètes sans arrêt que si on a foi en nous, si on reste ensemble, alors tout ira bien.
- Don, I'm-a take care of you, but I have to look
Don, je suis ton garde du corps mais je dois m'occuper
Look, we may have lost our memories, but I think it's pretty safe to say that we didn't lose our personalities.
Écoute, on a peut-être perdu nos souvenirs, mais je pense qu'on peut dire sans problème qu'on a pas perdu nos personnalités.
No! Look, you just don't get it, because you have a super Cooper bear.
Tu comprends pas, parce que tu as ton Super Cooper Nounours.
Look at Max... when I needed a place to stay, she let me have my horse.
Regarde Max... quand j'avais besoin d'un endroit, elle m'a laissé prendre mon cheval.
Look, you're a smart girl, but you have an undisciplined mind.
Écoute, tu es une fille intelligente, mais tu as un esprit indiscipliné.
Look, you seem pretty cool, and you have this whole Samantha Ronson thing going on that's pretty dope, but don't ask a lot of questions about me, okay?
Tu as l'air plutôt cool et tu as tout ce truc sur Samantha Ronson et c'est de la bombe, mais ne pose pas trop de questions sur moi.
Oh, look, we have an eager student.
Regardez, on a un étudiant enthousiaste.
Look, I can't stand the guy, but do you have any proof of him being anywhere near the crime scenes, any motive?
Je ne peux pas supporter ce gars mais n'y a-t-il aucune preuve pouvant le relier aux scènes de crime, ni aucun mobile?
Look, Zayday's throwing a haunted house for charity, so... we'll just have to throw another party, like like, um...
Zayday organise une œuvre de charité à la maison hantée, on a juste à... organiser une autre fête... comme...
Look, all of these murders on campus have caused me to do a lot of soul searching, and I think I've arrived at a place of deep personal awareness.
Tout ces meurtres sur le campus ont provoqué chez moi de faire énormément de recherche d'âme, et je suis arrivé à un endroit de profonde connaissance personnelle.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body. What? No!
Plus le cadeau aura une qualité basse plus il les fera remettre en question votre amitié et rendra plus facile le moyen de les manipuler pour qu'ils essaient désespérément de revenir à vos côtés.
Look, um... when we first met, you came on really strong, and I-I was a little turned off, I have to admit.
Ecoute, Quand on s'est rencontré pour la 1ère fois, tu as fais du rentre dedans et je dois admettre que ça m'a un peu refroidi.
Don't look at the world one-sided, you have to be more open. More importantly, his work doesn't exist solely of the Daroon Suksa.
Il ne faut pas voir les choses d'un seul point de vue, ouvre ton esprit, et par-dessus tout, le travail de ce personnage n'a pas été que d'écrire des livres enfin!
All it means is you'll come here a little more frequently than you would have otherwise, so we can take a look-see at your cervix and make sure it remains in the cancer-free state it's currently in.
Tout ce que ça veut dire, c'est que vous allez venir plus souvent que que vous auriez dû autrement, afin que nous jetions un oeil sur votre col de l'utérus et s'assurer qu'il reste à un état sans cancer tel qu'il l'est.
I have at my disposal a little room where we can look over the boarding lists
Il y a une petite pièce où l'on pourra consulter les listes d'embarquement.
Yes, when they recruited me in 1960, but by'81 I would be a widow, so in that year I don't have any commitments, any way you look at it.
Si, quand ils m'ont recrutée dans les années 60, mais en 81 je suis déjà veuve, alors cette années-là je n'ai aucun engagement, où que ce soit.
Look, Irene, for the first time since the Ministry came into existence we have found a time traveler who travels is a manner that... that we don't control.
Ecoutez, Irene, pour la première fois depuis que ce Ministère existe, nous avons localisé un voyageur du temps qui voyage d'une façon que... que nous ne contrôlons pas.
Wouldn't it be better to have a doctor look at you?
- Tu ne devrais plutôt voir un médecin?
Look... we have a lot to talk about.
Ecoute... Il ya beaucoup de choses dont nous devons discuter.
Uh, be-because in America you have to wait three days before calling a woman. Otherwise you look needy.
Parce qu'en Amérique on doit attendre 3 jours avant d'appeler, sinon on a l'air désespéré.
Look, you're the one who said that you're gonna have to pay your dues as a P.I.
C'est toi qui disais devoir faire tes preuves en tant que privé.
Okay, look, I know that you have been through a lot, and that you don't want to talk about it.
Ok, écoute, je sais que tu as vécu beaucoup de choses, et que tu ne veux pas en parler.
Course, when they look back at the Amazon and what we did to it, they'll think we must have hated them.
Bien sûr, quand ils verront l'Amazonie et ce qu'on lui a fait, ils vont penser qu'on les haïssait.
Look, Carter, you don't have to answer that, okay?
Ecoute, Carter, tu n'a pas à répondre, ok?
Take a look at this dot matrix printout that we have.
Regardez cette matrice.
Look, I have a terrible voice.
Bon, j'ai une voix horrible.
have a look at this 93
have a look around 35
have a look at that 18
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a look around 35
have a look at that 18
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have a nice evening 85
have a good time 307
have a seat 2672
have a nice night 84
have a good evening 130
have a nice trip 114
have a good one 237
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have a nice evening 85
have a good time 307
have a seat 2672
have a nice night 84
have a good evening 130
have a nice trip 114
have a good one 237