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He beat me перевод на французский

682 параллельный перевод
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Il l'a empêchée de me congédier à maintes reprises, quand elle me frappait, il lui disait d'arrêter, comme ce soir.
He knocked me down and dragged me around by my hair, and then he beat me.
D'un coup de poing, il m'a abattue par terre, et puis il m'a traînée par les cheveux, et puis il m'a battue, battue...
He beat me up.
Il m'a battue.
He beat me up.
II m'a rossé.
Afterwards, when he found out I'd met you again... remember when you fished the octopus? Mm-hmm. He beat me like a beast.
Et quand il a su que je vous avais revu... quand vous pêchiez la pieuvre... il m'a battue comme une bête!
'He beat me. He hit my face.'
Il m'a frappée.
Then he beat me up and left
Puis il m'a battu et s'en est allé!
And then he beat me.
Et puis il m'a frappé.
- He beat me up.
- Il m'a battue.
He beat me to the draw.
Il a dégainé plus vite.
It was Pinky, he beat me.
C'était Pinky. Il m'a battue.
Seriously, didn't I tell you that there's no need to worry, Gwang Soo? I mean, I was ok, but he was losing sleep over it because he was worried for me, so my heart beat went beep.
Gwang Soo? alors mon coeur a commencé à s'inquiéter.
- Oh. Yes. And he heard about a fella here in the store who tried to make a date with me... and he's waiting downstairs now to beat him up.
Il a entendu dire qu'un type du magasin m'avait invitée à sortir... et il l'attend en bas pour le corriger.
He's the cop on this beat. - Excuse me.
- A Chinaman beat me? He couldn't do it.
- Un chinetoque ne pourrait me battre.
Oh, I ain't scared he could beat me. It's just that it don't seem reasonable.
Je n'ai pas peur qu'il me batte, mais ça ne me semble pas raisonnable.
Lean over the brink and tell old Satan he's just a plain fool... if he thinks he can beat anybody as big as me.
Tu te penches au bord et tu dis à Satan qu'il est fou. On ne Me bat jamais.
Have you? What? You told me to beat it and he's been chasing me.
Depuis que tu m'as crié de décamper, il me lâche plus.
That's why Dum-Dum beat up a drunk last night when he tried to tell me.
Dum-Dum a tabassé un ivrogne qui voulait me le dire hier soir.
He used to beat me. No.
Il me battait.
I'd go down there now if I wasn't afraid he wouldn't beat me with a stick.
J'irais bien le voir si je n'avais pas peur qu'il me frappe.
'Cause when he sounds off, I'm gonna get up, beat his brains out, then go back to sleep.
- Quand il claironnera... je me lèverai, lui casserai la gueule et retournerai me coucher.
My father used to beat me a lot but I wouldn't see him often, he was always busy.
Mon pere s'est attaché a moi. Mais je le voyais peu, il était occupé.
I'm walking along my beat, casual-like when a guy that I'm following, it turns out he's following me!
Je fais ma ronde... Le type que je suis... c'est lui qui, en réalité, me suit.
He'll beat my teeth out and then kick me in the stomach for mumbling.
II me cassera les dents et me passera à tabac.
Nothing, he wanted to know if they beat me up.
Savoir si on m'avait tabassé.
I beat him off'til he sank and drowned.
J'étais dans l'eau, une écope à la main, quelqu'un a voulu me la prendre.
Feed my ego. Tell me he beat you.
Allons, fais-moi plaisir.
He let me beat him at tennis.
Il m'a laissée gagner au tennis.
I tried to warn her... but he caught me and beat me.
J'ai essayé de la prévenir.
- He wanted to beat me!
- Il a voulu me frapper.
Sometimes at night I think he'll beat or strangle me.
Peur qu'il se lève la nuit pour m'étrangler.
- He told me before that... - What? Well, that if Ken ever hit me again, he'd beat his head off.
Il m'avait déjà dit que que si Ken me frappait encore, il lui règlerait son compte.
Sometime, I wish he'd beat me.
Parfois, je voudrais qu'il me frappe.
- No, he'll not beat me.
- Non. Il ne fera pas cela.
He was like a wild animal. He knocked me down and beat me. He called me names.
Il m'a bourrée de coups et il m'a insultée.
And then he'd beat me and beat me until I'd admit they were true.
Et il me frappait pour me faire avouer.
Of course you heard about him, he's the one who beat me to the draw!
Pour sûr, c'est lui qui a réussi à m'avoir.
Then either he or your other ape sitting over there could beat me to death... and cop a plea of self-defense.
Et lui ou l'un de vous pourra me tuer et plaider la légitime défense.
When I'm done workin'the beat, he takes me to the movies as a treat.
Quand j'ai bien travaillé la semaine Dimanche, au ciné, il m'emmène
If the captain knew how you treat me, he'd turn up with his riding crop and beat you!
Mais si le capitaine savait comment tu traites sa femme, il arriverait pour te cravacher.
But how is he gonna beat me? Chop, chop, chop?
Et en jouant comment?
And beat my husband when he defended me.
Et ont battu mon mari quand il m'a défendu.
Lucas was drunk and brutal. When he tried to beat me, I killed him.
Il était ivre, brutal, a voulu me battre, je l'ai tué.
He fell on top of me and began to beat me with his fists.
Il est tombé sur moi. Il a recommencé á me marteler.
I could beat him up, anything, leave him someplace, and I bet he'd still love me.
Je pourrais le frapper, faire n'importe quoi et je parie qu'il m'aimerait toujours.
He beat it into me.
Il me l'avait apprise de force.
He's going to beat me!
Il va me battre!
He used to beat me at poker..
On jouait régulièrement au poker ensemble.
Sometimes he would beat me to extract a confession... but there was nothing to confess.
Parfois il me battait pour m'arracher un aveu, mais il n'y avait rien à confesser.
I obtained some poison and intended to kill him... but he found out and nearly beat me to death.
Je me suis procuré du poison dans l'intention de le tuer, mais il m'a percée à jour et m'a battue à mort ou peu s'en faut.

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