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His word перевод на французский

2,191 параллельный перевод
As a woman of Siyama, if anyone breaks his word given to me,
Comme une femme de Siyama Si quelqu'un brise sa promesse.
That Mick Gatto. Man of his word, huh?
Mick Gatto, un homme d'honneur.
- C'est sa parole contre celle de Kent.
Let's just see if Kachimov keeps his word on the exchange.
Voyons si Kachimov tient parole sur l'échange.
I take his word over strangers.
Sa parole vaut plus que celle d'étrangers.
Look, it's his word against theirs.
Écoutez, c'est sa parole contre la leur.
That was his word,
C'était son mot,
Frankly, I'm surprised he stuck to his word.
Honnêtement, je suis surpris qu'il ait tenu parole.
I have his word.
J'ai sa parole.
- Ah oui?
He said he's not drinking anymore. I'm sure he's true to his word. NATHAN :
'Tu peux pas dire quelque chose qui...
He's given us his word he won't alert authorities.
Il ne préviendra pas les autorités.
I just talked to the pilot and he's slurring his word
Je viens de parler au pilote, il bégayait.
He'll keep his word and the trance-like ecstasy of sexual gratification may make him an easier target for interrogation.
Il tiendra parole. La béatitude suivant la satisfaction sexuelle pourrait même faciliter l'interrogatoire.
That was his word.
Ce sont ses mots.
Mr. Marshall vouches for the account, and I know him to be a man of his word.
M. Marshall se porte garant de ce récit, et c'est un homme de parole.
But if Tully gave you his word on something, pretty much meant it was gonna happen.
Mais si Tully donnait sa parole, on était sûr qu'il la tiendrait.
He backed his word, I'll give him that.
Il a tenu sa parole, il faut lui reconnaître ça.
A man has his honor and his word and that's it.
Il y a l'honneur d'un homme et sa parole et c'est tout.
And you took his word for it?
- Vous l'avez cru sur parole?
He always keeps his word when he's given it.
Il tient toujours les promesses qu'il a faites.
I know ollie better than anyone, and if he said no hospitals then i guess we have to take his word for it.
Je connais Ollie mieux que quiconque, et s'il dit pas d'hôpital... Alors on devra s'en tenir à cela.
He is a man of his word.
C'est un homme de parole. Oui, je le crois.
He broke his word.
Il n'a pas tenu parole.
The poor wretch kept his word.
Le malheureux a donc tenu parole.
Meanwhile, Manoel resumes his word fertilization process.
Pendant ce temps, Manoel résume son processus de fertilisation du mot.
- Pistolero Kept his word.
Pistolero a tenu parole.
And in his throne room no one challenged his word.
' "Dans la salle du trône, personne ne contesta sa parole."
And True to his word Hancock remains incarcerated
Parole tenue Hancockest derrière les barreaux
King Obnoxias being a man of his word, held Irina and Lovesix's wedding in Greece, in the presence of the whole Gaulish village who made the trip for the occasion as did the upper crust of all antiquity,
Le roi Samagas n'ayant qu'une parole, le mariage d'Irina e d'Alafolix est célébré en Grèce en présence du village gaulois qui a fait le voyage pour l'occasion, et de tout le gratin du monde antique.
The king as good as gave me his word.
Le roi me l'a promis.
And who knows if that's true when every other word out of his mouth is a lie.
Si seulement c'est vrai, vu qu'il ment comme il respire.
He hadn't spoken, said even a word since I told him his mother died.
Il n'avait pas parlé, même pas un mot depuis la mort de sa mère.
Word is, the dog disappointed his masters, so they turned him loose.
Il paraît qu'il n'a pas été à la hauteur, alors il a été renié.
Word has it he's solidified his position as "leader" of the alliance.
Apparemment, il a renforcé sa position de chef de l'alliance.
At the word "right," the soldier turns his head to the right briskly but without violence, bringing his left eye in line with the buttons of his waistcoat and his right eye looking along the breasts of the soldiers to his right.
Au mot "droite", le soldat tourne sa tête brusquement vers la droite mais sans violence, en alignant son œil gauche avec les boutons de son veston et en regardant avec son œil droit le long des poitrines des soldats à sa droite.
I left word for your dad at his office.
J'ai laissé un message à ton père à son bureau.
When Alex would talk about his work I couldn't understand a word.
Quand Alex parlait de son travail, je ne comprenais pas un mot.
Maybe he came to have a word with you about screwing his only daughter.
Il est peut-être venu vous dire deux mots concernant sa fille.
Word is he traded in his overalls, moved into distribution.
On dit qu'il dealait en combi et est passé à la distribution.
- Mmm. - Yes. It might have been some uncouth old farmer who'd never read a word of Byron in his life.
C'eût pu être un rustre fermier n'ayant jamais lu une ligne de Byron de sa vie.
We gave him our word, here in this house to spread his message.
Nous lui avons promis, ici même, de répandre son message.
My new boyfriend aaron is on his way here to meet everyone, And I want your word on something.
Mon nouveau petit-ami Aaron est ici pour rencontrer tout le monde, et je veux ton avis sur quelque chose.
Baba's given his word.
Toi et Rana allez retrouver maman.
The way he sat, the way he fussed with his clothes, How he used the word "sensational" Like it was made out of milk chocolate.
Dans sa façon de s'asseoir, de toucher ses vêtements et de dire "sensationnel" comme si c'était du chocolat au lait.
Tell me, has there been any word from Master Plo Koon or his fleet?
Dites-moi, avez-vous des nouvelles de maître Plo Koon ou de sa flotte?
If cooper hears you utter one more word to his son, he'll not only leave the firm, he'll let every present and future client ow he left because his attorneys meddled in his personal life, and this firm will be done before it even started.
Si Cooper apprend que tu as parlé à son fils, il quittera le cabinet, et il fera en sorte que tous les clients sachent qu'il l'a fait parce que ses avocats se sont mêlés de sa vie privée. Et ce cabinet fermera ses portes avant même de les avoir ouvertes.
" requesting with his last breath that the word...
" qui pria de son dernier souffle que le mot...
You say the word, I'll break his neck.
Un mot de ta part, et je lui brise la nuque.
There is only one word to describe his military tactics.
Il n'y a qu'un mot pour décrire sa tactique militaire... Rapidité!
Not a word about his psychic connection.
Pas un mot sur une connexion psychique.

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