Ignore them перевод на французский
846 параллельный перевод
- They're warnings. Ignore them at your own risk.
- Tu finiras par faire entrer le malheur dans la maison.
Well those are facts Mr. Holmes. Ignore them if you can.
Libre à vous d'ignorer ces faits, M. Holmes.
Just ignore them.
Ne relevez pas leurs défis.
I'll cancel all my engagements. In fact, I'll ignore them.
J'annulerai tous mes rendez-vous.
Romance them or ignore them.
Les faire rêver, les ignorer.
Ignore them.
Ce n'est rien.
Ignore them and they stop.
N'y faites pas attention, elle s'arrêtera.
You ignore them.
Tu n'as pas pensé à eux.
Uh. Let's ignore them.
Just ignore them.
Ignore them.
Tell us. Just ignore them.
Laisse ces vauriens.
First they entice people over then, when the poor workers arrive, they ignore them!
Et après, va voir! Quoi faire?
Just ignore them.
Vous n'avez qu'à les ignorer.
Papa told us to ignore them.
Papa a beau dire qu'on doit les ignorer...
Everyone seems to have ignored them.
Tout le monde l'a ignoré.
I don't see why most businessmen can't leave most of the details to their employees, but then I suppose some of them are like that.
J'ignore pourquoi la plupart des hommes ne laisse pas les détails à leurs employés, mais je suppose que certains sont ainsi.
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
J'ai ignoré et ri de toute gaieté
Oh, I'm sure Godfrey didn't take them, though we don't know much about him.
Je suis sûre que ce n'est pas lui, bien qu'on ignore tout de lui.
( sobbing ) I can find nothing physically wrong with them.
J'ignore de quelle maladie il s'agit.
Now, wait a minute. She wouldn't have left them there if she'd known.
Elle ignore sans doute tout de leur présence.
I don't know what there is about them but there's just something in the air.
J'ignore ce que c'est mais il y a quelque chose dans l'air.
I was sad for them, I don't know why.
J'étais triste pour eux, j'ignore pourquoi.
I don't know how these clothes got out here... but I do know Phyllis Brighton was wearing them when I was with her at 7 : 30 tonight.
J'ignore comment ces vêtements se sont retrouvés ici... mais Phyllis Brighton les portait quand je l'ai vu à 19 h 30 ce soir.
I mean that one of our members, or perhaps two, as is the case tonight have distinguished themselves so it is impossible for us to ignore the fact that a proper tribute is due to them and should be paid. [AUDIENCE APPLAUDING]
Il arrive en effet qu'un d'entre nous, voire deux, comme ce soir, se distinguent au point que nous ne puissions ignorer qu'un véritable hommage leur soit dû.
I've come across barriers. If I tear them down, I don't know what might happen.
Si j'abats les barrières j'ignore ce qui peut arriver.
The authorities gave me permission to take them for scientific research... but how they could preserve life indefinitely is still a mystery.
On m'autorisa à les soumettre à une recherche scientifique, mais... on ignore encore comment elles peuvent maintenir un corps en vie à l'infini.
They were diving when I saw them.
- Je l'ignore. Ils plongeaient.
I don't know how I know them, but there's nothing supernatural about it, I'm sure.
J'ignore comment, mais il n'y a sûrement rien de surnaturel à ça.
We're looking for them.
Que s'est-il passé? Je l'ignore.
Mary, you won't believe this, but I don't know how those glasses got in here, but I'm glad you found them.
J'ignore comment ces lunettes sont arrivées là, mais c'est bien que tu les aies trouvées.
We know his source, but not who he passes them on to. We've got his hands tied all right, though.
On ignore à qui il les fournit, mais on le tient.
- But, what I have done? The Germans came to the coffee, he could not ignore to them.
Les frisés venaient tous les soirs au café.
His daughter might like them, if I can find her.
Sa fille aimerait peut-être les avoir, mais j'ignore où elle est.
What could I tell them about Cooper? I know nothing about him.
J'ignore tout de Cooper.
Not knowing where you are, I cannot send these last words to you but I pray you will come back to read them.
J'ignore où vous êtes et ne puis vous envoyer ces derniers mots, mais je prie pour que vous les lisiez un jour.
I don't know why, but nature's provided too many of these and for reasons of her own has decided that most of them must die.
J'ignore pourquoi, mais la nature en fait naître trop, et pour des raisons qui sont siennes, elle a décidé que la plupart doivent mourir.
I don't know who's going to win this war, the North or the South. But we're here to hold this country for one of them...
Mon colonel, j'ignore qui gagnera la guerre, mais il faut bien maintenir l'ordre.
What private griefs they have, alas, I know not that made them do it.
Leurs griefs personnels, hélas, je les ignore.
I don't know where you got those pyjamas, or these cigarettes... your pharyngitis is bad enough without them.
J'ignore d'où viennent ce pyjama et ces cigarettes, mais ça n'arrange pas votre pharyngite.
I don't know how any of them ever got through alive.
J'ignore comment ils ont fait pour survivre.
Vic's holding them down. How long he can, I don't know.
Vic les retient, mais j'ignore pour combien de temps.
Men never know what's best for them.
Un homme ignore où sont ses intérêts.
They had no money. And we haven't seen any of them since you took them off yesterday.
Ils n'avaient pas d'argent et j'ignore où ils sont.
I don't know what happened to them.
J'ignore où ils sont passés.
And I'm not sure of them.
Et j'ignore si nous pouvons nous y fier.
- Some of them just ignore you.
- Ils refusent.
I don't have to know when I dropped them.
J'ignore quand je les ai perdues.
I don't know why I've kept them as long as I have, except -
J'ignore pourquoi je les ai gardés...
I'd introduce you to them, but I don't know one name.
Je te les présenterais bien, mais j'ignore leur nom.
You will instruct them that they are to completely ignore the fact that our passengers are women.
Dites-leur d'oublier que nos passagers sont des femmes.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
ignore 38
ignorant 53
ignorance 22
ignored 16
ignorance is bliss 30
ignore me 55
ignore her 79
ignore it 135
ignore that 28
ignore him 226
ignorant 53
ignorance 22
ignored 16
ignorance is bliss 30
ignore me 55
ignore her 79
ignore it 135
ignore that 28
ignore him 226