Is that перевод на французский
465,046 параллельный перевод
When he stops all the Muslims from entering this country, how is that helping you or your sister?
Quand il empêche les musulmans d'entrer dans ce pays, comment il t'aide toi ou ta soeur?
And selling yourself out by framing an innocent man to take out a guilty one, how is that a greater good?
Et te vendre en piégeant un homme innocent pour enlever un coupable, c'est une bonne cause?
Is that ironic?
Est-ce ironique?
Where is that?
- Là. Où est-ce?
- Is that necessary?
- Est-ce nécessaire?
All I ask is that you don't do it in anger.
Tout ce que je demande, c'est que tu ne le fais pas avec colère.
Is that what you wanted to hear?
C'est ça que tu voulais entendre?
Oh, is that what I just did?
Oh, c'est ça que j'ai fait?
- Is that what you wanted to hear?
- C'est ce que tu voulais entendre?
So, you know the best part about that, Danny, is that only a child would throw away the instructions.
Tu sais le meilleur dans tout ça, Danny, C'est que seul un enfant jetterait les instructions.
Is that...?
What is that?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Anyway, the-the point is that, um, these are the people that, uh... that helped save your life today.
le fait est que, hm, ce sont les gens qui, euh... Ça a permis de sauver ta vie aujourd'hui.
How is that supposed to clarify?
Comment c'est supposé clarifier?
- Is that true? - Pfft!
C'est vrai?
Is that him?
C'est lui?
Is this just a motto that you cling to, to justify what you do?
Est-ce juste une devise à laquelle tu t'accroches, pour justifier ce que tu fais?
This man, is he the one who erased my memory of that night?
Cet homme, est-il l'un Qui a effacé mon souvenir de cette nuit-là?
And that letter is private property.
Et cette lettre est une propriété privée.
So you're gonna walk back to wherever it is you walk to and get the manifests, or I'm gonna stop this train, take your money, and give this rail line the most ridiculous PR disaster since the Newton Boys robbed that mail train in Rondout.
Alors, vous reviendrez vers l'endroit où vous vous promenez Et obtenir les manifestes, Ou je vais arrêter ce train, prendre votre argent,
Is this about that night?
Est-ce que c'est cette nuit-là?
He has accepted the fiction that he is in her car talking with Hitchin.
Il a accepté la fiction qu'il est dans sa voiture Parler avec Hitchin.
The memories you took from me when I was a girl and trust me, we're gonna talk about that, but first, your patient- - where is he?
Les souvenirs que vous avez pris de moi quand j'étais une fille Et croyez-moi, nous allons en parler, mais d'abord, Votre patient...
He's loyal and honest, and he believes that no one- - no one is above the law.
Il est loyal et honnête, et il croit que personne... Personne n'est au-dessus des lois.
That is a shame for all of us.
C'est dommage pour nous tous.
- The compressive strength... of that pipe is 500 megapascals.
- La force de compression... de ce tuyau est de 500 mégapascals.
Yeah, whose fault is it that the two of you jumped into the jaws of death?
C'est la faute de qui si vous avez tous les deux sauté dans les mâchoires de la mort?
I was fortunate to have been the principal sponsor for Frankie's recent work, work that I hope will continue someday, somehow, which is why I'm establishing a scholarship...
J'ai eu la chance d'être le principal sponsor des récents travaux de Frankie, travaux qui, je l'espère, continueront en d'autres temps et en d'autres lieux, et c'est pourqoi je crée une bourse d'études...
But unless the Ebola virus is going around starting fires, that's another dead end.
Mais à moins que le virus Ebola ne sache allumer des feux, c'est un autre cul-de-sac.
Yeah, the Tombs is what MIT kids called a cluster of old buildings that no one uses anymore.
Les Tombes, c'est comme ça que les gamins du MIT appelent un groupe de vieux bâtiments que plus personne n'utilise.
Well, the person using that e-mail is hanging out in these Tombs.
Eh bien, la personne qui utilise cet email traîne dans les Tombes.
Our only hope of finding the killer is sequencing that DNA, and that's impossible.
Notre unique espoir de trouver le tueur est de séquencer cet ADN, et c'est impossible.
I think that that, uh, glue you're using is making your head dopey.
Je pense que cette, cette, euh, colle que tu utilises te rends stupide.
If it is and he comes out of that coma, you might just close this case after all.
Si c'est ça et qu'il sort de ce coma, Tu pourras classé cette affaire après tout.
Unlikely, since I have no idea who that is.
Peu probable, puisque je n'ai aucune idée de qui c'est.
You know exactly who that is.
Vous savez exactement qui est-ce?
Oddly enough, his-his son is dating my daughter, who is the reason that I moved out here in the first place, which is strange.
Curieusement, son... son fils sort avec ma fille, qui est la raison pour laquelle j'ai déménagé ici, ce qui est étrange.
- That body structure is a result of what?
- Cette structure corporelle est le résultat de quoi?
That statute is intended for a situation in which someone drugs another person's drink.
Cette loi est destinée à une situation dans laquelle quelqu'un drogue la boisson d'une autre personne.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Jurez-vous solennellement que le témoignage que vous allez donner est la vérité, toute la vérité et rien que la vérité?
What is the title of that chapter?
Quel est le titre du chapitre?
The petitioner is offering newly discovered evidence that warrants the conviction in his murder case be overturned.
Le requérant propose de nouveaux éléments de preuve, qui justifient la révocation de la déclaration de culpabilité dans son affaire de meurtre.
That is, Dawn Osborn... Swore under oath that it was in fact she... her.
Dawn Osborn... ait juré sous serment que c'était elle.
I know it's hard for you to accept that it's over, but it is over.
C'est dur pour toi d'accepter que ce soit fini, mais c'est le cas.
It's about blood, and if fate sees fit that my blood spills here today and that all hope is lost for my people, then I don't give a damn who ends up inside that bunker or if anyone does.
C'est une question de sang. Et si le destin décide que mon sang se répand aujourd'hui et que tout espoir est perdu pour mon peuple, alors je me fous de qui finira dans ce bunker ou même si quelqu'un y sera.
We've known that he was connected to this tattoo for a while now, but the guy is a ghost.
On sait qu'il est connecté à ce tatouage depuis un moment, mais ce mec est un fantôme.
Two dead hackers, one that won't talk, and all we've got to show for it is this child's toy.
Deux hackers morts, un qui ne veut pas parler, et tou ce que nous avons c'est ce jouet pour enfant.
And that is something... that I would never want to undo.
Et c'est quelque chose... Que je ne voudrais jamais enlever.
Kurt, that is not what...
C'est pas ce que...
Jane, your brother has killed someone that is very close to me.
Ton frère a tué quelqu'un qui m'était très proche.
That is a total breach of our trust as friends.
C'est une violation totale de notre confiance en tant qu'amis.
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that your car 43
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what you want 740
is that your car 43
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that all of it 17
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that all of it 17