Is that so перевод на французский
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Is that so hard to believe?
C'est dur à croire?
You just have to poke it with a fork. Is that so hard?
C'est trop dur de le percer avec une fourchette?
So, what is it that brings you here?
Et que nous vaut votre visite?
This is so unfair that I think I'm gonna pass out.
C'est si injuste, je sens que je vais m'évanouir.
I mean, I think one of the reasons I hate her so much is that she's in my life every day.
Je crois que si je la déteste tant, c'est qu'elle est là tous les jours.
Well, I heard that dying things in dreams really means, like, rebirth or renewal or change, something cool is going to happen, so that's okay for me, huh?
Il paraît que rêver de trucs qui meurent, ça signifie la renaissance, le renouveau, le changement. Un truc sympa va se produire. Pour moi, c'est bien.
So, Dr. Reese, the reason why I'm here, uh, aside from the coffee, of course, is that Med has a residency opening for you.
La raison de ma présence ici, à part le café, bien sûr, c'est que l'hôpital à une place d'interne pour toi.
So that means that we have to drive around Medellín hoping to get lucky and La Quica is using his phone?
On doit donc rouler dans Medellín et espérer que La Quica se serve de son téléphone?
So as I brake there, the car is actually saying, "That energy, I'll have that."
Donc, si je freine, la voiture me dit, "Cette énergie, je la conserve."
The slight problem with that is that we were so busy doing that we didn't think actually of anything to talk about.
Le petit problème avec ça est qu'on était tellement occupé à faire ça qu'on a pensé à aucun sujet à aborder dans "Conversation Street"
However, I should explain that it's possible nobody will be looking at your banner because this is a corner that was designed so a car can do this.
Cependant, je dois vous prévenir il est possible que personne ne voit votre banderole car c'est un virage dessiné pour qu'une voiture puisse le passer comme ça.
So that is a no.
Alors c'est un non.
I hope you know that. So who... who is it?
On adore vos séries, vous le savez.
- you know what that is? - Yeah, so my buddy and I...
Tu sais ce que c'est?
[Foreign word], it is so sweet that you have three girls.
Quelle chance vous avez d'avoir trois filles.
I will help you. And That is.. - So.. set!
Je vais vous aider. mais vous devez le faire ensemble.
Think about this, I'm like, you know, it's actually not the writer's fault that this show is so awful.
Le scénariste y peut rien si la série est nulle.
Is there a way to do it so that the boss thing isn't a thing?
Y a-t-il un moyen de le faire pour que ce truc de chef n'en soit pas un?
Oh, yeah, but it is so much more than that.
Oui, mais c'est bien plus que ça.
You know, it's nice to get to know someone that Jules is gonna be spending so much time with.
Tu sais, c'est bien d'apprendre à connaître quelqu'un avec qui Jules va passer beaucoup de temps.
Ugh, that word is so masculine.
Ce mot fait tellement mec.
It's crazy that in a school as prestigious as this, racism is still so prevalent.
C'est incroyable que dans une école aussi prestigieuse, le racisme soit aussi présent.
What's done is done, and that's that, so great job, I think!
Non, ce qui est fait est fait. Super boulot!
On May 22, the U.S. military is conducting a massive so-called "training exercise," code name "Jade Helm," that involves ferrying all the government elite into deep, underground bunkers as "a drill."
Le 22 mai, les militaires US vont diriger un gigantesque "exercice d'entraînement", nom de code : "Jane Helm", impliquant le convoi de toute l'élite gouvernementale dans de profonds bunkers souterrains comme "une perceuse".
Then we trick you into thinking the fire is there so that you can take the pine branches off with the unagi and the plum and warm it up.
Puis on vous piège en pensant que le feu est là pour que vous puissiez prendre une branche de pin avec l'unagi et la prune et le faire chauffer.
So, for example, the chicken dish that's on the menu, it's too high on carbs, so I want to do something that is lighter for the menu.
Donc, par exemple, le plat de poulet qui est au menu, il est trop haut en glucides, donc je veux faire quelque chose qui est plus léger pour le menu.
So after that, what happened is I kind of had to invent a whole story to bring the people here and, you know, make them fall in love as well.
Donc après ça, ce qui s'est passé c'est j'ai eu à inventer en quelque sorte toute une histoire pour amener les gens ici et, vous savez, les faire tomber amoureux aussi.
So what we have done is taken any invasion that has happened... the British, before the British was the Mughals... they have actually changed the cuisine of the country.
Donc ce qu'on a fait c'est prendre chaque invasion qui s'est produite... les anglais, avant les anglais c'était les moghols... ils ont en fait changés la cuisine du pays.
To our friendship, that is so precious to me.
A notre amitie, qui m'est si precieuse.
So that, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you recognize the person... uh, but you won't... but, the person inside the skin is a different person.
De personne oonnue, on devienl une personne inconnue. Quand on se regarde dans le miroir, on reoonnaTt la personne qu'on étail, mais é l'intérieur, il s'agil d'une personne différenle.
So that when you go outside... the world is the same.
Et quand on sort...
And so, if you wanna, um, take any photos today, just gotta pop up the flash, which is that.
- Super. - Gest bien.
So, its the idea that takes something that is supposed to be deeply conservative, and sexualize it. MAN : Yeah, I guess so.
On choisit un objet qui est censé étre profondément oonservateur et on le sexualise'.7.
Not'cause I'm depressed, but just the grief process and, you know, and everything like that is very... physical but, very you know, my work is so diverting, and, I'm so grateful for that.
C'est oomme une dépression physique. Pas pause que 1e suis déprimée, - mais le processus de deuil...
If a girl is that you can i be so bad.
Avec une fille comme toi, je peux être très vilain. Mais on a du travail.
It is not a pleasure walk in the park... talking earlier so we know that you will.
Je marche pas comme si je faisais une promenade. Parle avant, que je voie quand tu arrives.
Actually, the Doctor is part of an ongoing investigation that the Bureau has had underway for months, so you can imagine our surprise when you show up out of nowhere and take her to wherever the hell this is.
En fait, le Docteur fait partie d'une enquête que le Bureau a en cours depuis des mois, alors vous pouvez imaginer notre surprise quand vous vous montrez sortant de nulle part et l'emmenez où que ce soit cette merde.
And this is a journey, to tell you the truth, which I always knew that I would have to make, but had hoped, perhaps, certainly had hoped, not to have to make so soon.
Et c'est un voyage, pour vous dire la vérité, que j'ai toujours su que j'avais à faire, mais que j'avais espéré, peut-être, que j'avais certainement espéré, ne pas avoir à faire si tôt.
It is certainly because of Bill Miller, who arrived in my terrifying life so soon, that I never really managed to hate white people.
C'est certainement grâce à Bill Miller, qui est arrivé si tôt dans ma vie terrifiante, que j'ai jamais vraiment réussi à haïr les Blancs.
The root of the black man's hatred is rage, and he does not so much hate white men as simply wants them out of his way, and more than that, out of his children's way.
La racine de la haine de l'homme noir est la rage, et il ne hait pas tant les hommes blancs mais veut plutôt s'en écarter, et plus que cela, l'écarter de ses enfants.
To be a pessimist means you have agreed that human life is an academic matter, so I'm forced to be an optimist.
Être pessimiste signifie que vous avez accepté que la vie humaine est un sujet académique, donc je suis obligé d'être optimiste.
That box is the last piece you have of him. Once it's gone, so is he.
Il ne vous reste que ça, les jeter, c'est vous débarrasser de votre père.
There was a construction worker that gets electrocuted earlier this morning... prime host, actually... but the accident is impossible for the incoming traveler to avoid, so...
Il y a eu un constructeur qui s'est fait électrocuté ce matin... c'était en fait l'hôte principal... mais l'accident est impossible à éviter pour les voyageurs, donc...
Your actions indicate that you trust him as a caregiver, so I have acted accordingly and filed a recommendation for his father to take custody until the hearing is settled.
Votre comportement indique que vous lui faites confiance en tant que père. J'ai donc agi en conséquence et rempli un dossier pour qu'il ait sa garde jusqu'à la prochaine audience.
That is so a name my brother would have.
Clairement le nom de mon frère.
So that must mean something is about to go down.
Ça montre donc que quelque chose va arriver.
What is it that you care so much about?
Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe comme ça?
That we like breakfast? It just so happens that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.
D'ailleurs, le petit-déjeuner est le repas le plus important de la journée.
Miranda, that is so inappropriate.
Miranda, ça se fait pas.
So we should follow the director, no matter what mission we're given. - Is that right?
Alors il faut obéir au Directeur, quelle que soit la mission, c'est ça?
That is so disappointing.
C'est tellement décevant.
is that so bad 44
is that so hard 22
is that so terrible 16
is that so wrong 39
is that so hard to believe 19
is that so much to ask 19
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that so hard 22
is that so terrible 16
is that so wrong 39
is that so hard to believe 19
is that so much to ask 19
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that bad 219
is that possible 215
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that possible 215
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
is that all of it 17