Is that him перевод на французский
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Is that him?
C'est lui?
Is that him?
Il est lé?
Oh. Is that him?
C'est lui?
And as arrogant as alinejad is, I agree with him that he's the only one
Et aussi arrogant que Alinejad est, je suis d'accord avec lui qu'il est le seul qui peut tenir ce pays ensemble.
This is your clever way of saying that I'll be the one heading him off on foot?
C'est ta façon de dire que je serai le seul à aller vers lui à pieds?
Is that what you're gonna tell Walter when we call him?
C'est ce que tu vas dire à Walter quand tu l'appelleras?
Right, I mean, the dilemma here is, if that thing inside him knows he's not really dying, then he's probably not gonna cross back over.
D'accord, mais le dilemme c'est, si la chose en lui sait qu'il n'est pas mourant, alors il ne voudra pas s'échapper.
And I am sure that no one here is more familiar with him than Castle.
Et je suis sûr que personne ici ne le connait plus que Castle.
He gets a few drinks in him, and that's all he ever talks about. How long is the absolute refractory period?
Combien de temps dure cette période?
It sucks that Nighthorse is getting away with this, and it's actually kind of brilliant because you shoot at him, and now his house is a crime scene and you don't need a search warrant anymore, but, Jesus, Walt!
C'est brillant. Sa maison est maintenant une scène de crime. Plus besoin de mandat.
And the only thing that kept him from being a cold-blooded murderer is that the clerk somehow survived.
Et ce qui l'a empêché de devenir un meurtrier, c'est que le gars a survécu.
No, when you asked, is that Vijay I thought, it was probably him.
Non, quand vous avez demandé est-ce que c'est Vijay... j'ai dit, on dirait que c'est lui.
Besides that if Vijay is lying about the trip to Panaji then, there is someone who saw him here.
En plus de ça... si Vijay a menti à propos du voyage à Panaji... il y a certainement quelqu'un qui l'a vu dans le coin.
If I can get him down here to oversee the investigation, make sure the evidence stays intact, make sure everything's handled properly, is that something you would be interested in?
Si je peux le faire venir pour superviser les investigations, s'assurer que les preuves restent intactes, faire en sorte que tout soit fait correctement, serait-ce quelque chose qui pourrait vous intéresser?
Who appreciate him for all that he is.
Qui l'apprécie pour ce qu'il est.
What I know, you impudent toad, is that if a servant dared speak to me in my palace, I would have him sewn into a burlap sack filled with rats, and the sack thrown into the river.
Ce que je sais, crapaud effronté, c'est que si un servant osait me parler dans mon palais, je l'aurais mis dans un sac plein de rats, puis jeter ce sac dans la rivière.
All that I ask is that our son should live the life that is for him.
Notre fils doit vivre la vie qui lui convient.
All I know is that I love him.
Tout ce que je sais c'est que je l'aime.
The boy is my son, and the only thing that distracts me is the nagging thought of what horrors may have been inflicted upon him in the years before I knew of his existence.
Le garçon est mon fils, et la seule chose qui me distraie est la pensée persistante des horreurs qui ont pu lui être infligées avant que son existence me soit révélée.
And do you agree with him, that there is no way to save a witch but kill them?
Et êtes-vous d'accord avec lui, qu'il n'y a pas d'autre moyen de sauver une sorcière qu'en la tuant?
Like, how Nathan Fillion is 6'2 ". Takes him 43 steps to walk across the Serenity, so you know that the spaceship is 204 feet across.
Par exemple, Nathan Fillion mesure 1 m 87 et doit faire 43 pas pour parcourir le Serenity.
As we do not have him, I must conclude that he is in danger from... a third party?
Puisqu'il n'est pas là, je dois en conclure qu'il est en danger à cause... d'une tierce personne?
I think the point is, is that we need you to find him becau...
Je crois que le fait est, qu'il faut que vous le trouviez parce...
That's probably why Glassman approached him at the Jade Temple... the FBI is building a case against Hicks.
C'est probablement pourquoi Glassman l'a approché au Jade Temple... le FBI est en train de monter un dossier contre Hicks.
A jury is gonna look at that along with the money you were taking from him and they will draw their own conclusion.
Un jury va regarder à qui appartient l'argent que nous lui avons pris et ils pourront tirer leurs conclusions.
Like with my dad, he doesn't need me to prove to him that Jake Peralta is the best cop in the precinct.
Comme avec mon père, il n'a pas besoin que je lui prouve que Jake Peralta est le meilleur flic du commissariat.
Between that and Eddie Bynum, who I'm confident is going to tell us his boss put him up to giving a false statement last night, you might want to tell your attorney he's got his work cut out for him.
Entre ça et Eddie Bynum qui nous dira sans doute que son patron l'a incité à faire un faux témoignage hier, dites à votre avocat que son travail est tout cuit.
You chose him for your agency training program, is that correct?
Vous l'avez choisi pour le programme d'entrainement de l'agence, c'est correct?
That Kamal was a little too eager to get to the United States, and now that he's here, maybe the reason no one can find him is because he doesn't want to be found.
Ce Kamal était un peu trop passionné pour venir jusqu'aux États-Unis, et maintenant qu'il est là, peut-être que si personne ne le trouve c'est parce qu'il ne veut pas être trouvé.
Right, but... the takeaway is that I found him.
D'accord, mais... le fait est que je l'ai trouvé.
What I understand is that you only came here to convince Ted you were a good mom so you could trick him into marrying you.
Ce que je comprends, c'est que tu es revenue pour convaincre Ted que tu es une bonne mère, pour pouvoir te marier.
Because all Rosenthal knows about you is that you're the prosecutor who put him away.
Parce que tout ce que Rosenthal sait de toi c'est que tu es le procureur qui l'a mis hors d'état de nuire.
Truth is, Daniel believes that she belongs with him... not you.
La vérité c'est que Daniel pensai qu'elle lui appartenait... Pas à vous.
- Is that when you murdered him?
Est-ce là que vous l'avez assassiné?
All that matters to him is how much money you make.
Tout ce qui compte pour lui c'est l'argent que tu te fais.
What I need to say to you is that I believe Bob, and I believed him from the very beginning.
Depuis le début.
and I think that is what got him killed.
Selon moi, c'est ce qui lui a coûté la vie.
If Arastoo is actually unharmed, that means you need him alive.
Si Arastoo est sain et sauf, cela veut dire que vous avez besoin qu'il reste en vie.
Samuels said that Booth called him and tried to place a bet, but Samuels refused to take it, which is probably why Booth turned to Jimmy.
Samuels a dit que Booth l'a appelé et a essayé de parier, mais Samuels a refusé, c'est sans doute pour ça que Booth s'est tourné vers Jimmy.
Harold is so proud, the idea that you and the others feeling sorry for him- -
Harold est si fier, l'idée que vous et les autres ayez pitié de lui...
So I called my dad to let him know that Kai's gone, but all he wants to know is where the ascendant is.
Donc j'ai appelé mon père pour lui faire savoir que Kai est parti, mais tout ce qu'il veut savoir est où se trouve l'ascendant.
And I spoke to both him and your wife.. .. and she confirmed what she had told your son, which is that she believes... you buried a body in Woodland at the bottom of your garden sometime in the late part of 1978.
Et j'ai parlé à lui et à votre femme... elle a confirmé ce qu'elle avait dit à votre fils, qui est qu'elle croit... que vous avez enterré un corps dans un bois au fond de votre jardin, vers la fin de 1978.
If it is him, I do want you to prepare yourself for the fact that he he might not want to help us.
Si c'est lui, je veux absolument que vous vous prépariez au fait qu'il ne veuille peut-être pas collaborer.
To admit what he did, my feeling is that, that was actually harder for him than saying he killed them.
Admettre ce qu'il a fait, il me semble que ça a été en fait plus dur pour lui que de dire qu'il les avait tués.
- What is it that she can give him?
- Qu'est-ce qu'elle va lui donner? - Un fils.
If it means so much to him, that could be where he is.
Si ça a tant d'importance pour lui, il pourrait s'y trouver.
- I have to see That this is not Audrey, she not like him.
- Je dois voir que c'est pas Audrey, qu'elle lui ressemble pas.
That is him.
C'est lui.
I was the one who hold onto him to stay in this world. Is there anything else you can assert aside from that history?
Y a t-il autre chose que tu puisses faire valoir en dehors de cette histoire?
I have concluded that he still is lacking in experience based on his management work. I hastily asked him to come back when he needed to study more, I was thinking that maybe I asked him to come back too soon- -
J'en ai conclu que l'expérience en management du travail lui fait encore défaut. je pensais que peut-être que je lui ai demandé de revenir trop tôt -
Hey, just keep in mind that cutting him some slack is one thing.
Souviens-toi juste qu'être un peu plus sympa est une chose.
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is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that what this is 151
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that bad 219
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is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that bad 219
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is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17